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Money and Credit

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.55
Credits: 5
Department: Finance
Lecturer: PhD., Docent Politylo M.P.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know: the essence and functions of money, the essence of cash flows and monetary turnover, structure and elements of the money market and monetary system, the essence and theories of inflation, monetary system elements, the essence, principles, types and instruments of monetary policy, : basic thesises of the money theories, the essence, functions, forms, types and the role of credit in the economy, the theoretical foundations of credit rate, the essence and types of financial intermediary, organizing bases of the central bank and banks activities, bases of Ukraine's cooperation with international financial organizations
- to be able to: organize practical activities in the money supply and in the exchange relations, analyze and predict the performance of the monetary system, organize practical activities in the field of credit, analyze and predict the performance of the banking system and financial intermediaries
- to be aware of: the functioning mechanism of the money market, monetary system, currency system, the organizing mechanism of the monetary policy, credit mechanisms, organizing financial intermediation, banking system functioning
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
The appearance, the essence and functions of money. Monetary turnover and cash flows. Money market. Monetary system. Inflation. Exchange market and currency systems. The money supply formaing mechanism and monetary policy. Money Theories: history of development and current status. Credit in market economy. Financial intermediaries at the money market. Theoretical bases of banks activities. Central banks in the system of monetary and banking management. International financial organizations and their cooperation with Ukraine
Recommended Books:
Гроші та кредит : підручник / П. Г. Ільчук, О. О. Коць, І. Ю. Кондрат, Н. Б. Ярошевич. – Львів: Видавець ПП Сорока Т. Б., 2016. – 412 с.
Стельмах В.С. Монетарна політика Національного банку України: сучасний стан та перспективи змін : монографія / Стельмах В.С. – К. : Центр наукових досліджень НБУ, УБС НБУ, 2009. – 404 с.
Крупка М. І. Гроші та кредит: навч. посіб. / М. І. Крупка, М. С. Мрочко, Б. М. Вишивана, І. М. Крупка, О. В. Остафіль, С. М. Тесля, К. О. Ільїна, М. І. Петик; Ред.: М. І Крупка; Львів. нац. ун-т ім.І.Франка. — Л., 2010. — 406 с.
Футало Т. В. Гроші і кредит : навч. посіб. / Т. В. Футало, В. В. Оліярник, Х. Л. Черевко; Укоопспілка, Львів. комерц. акад. - Л., 2013. - 431 c.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (oral questioning, independent work, control work (30 %)
- final control (control measure – test): written-oral form (70%)