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Commercial Law

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.81
Credits: 3
Department: Civil Law and Procedure
Lecturer: Z. Dobosh.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know: system of economic law and economic legislation, their structural units; formation tendencies and problems of improvement of economic legislation; main institutes of economic law and their legal regulation;
Be able to: independently analyze legislative and subordinate normative legal acts in the field of commercial law; apply the norms of economic law in the chosen area of activity; to solve specific legal situations that arise in the course of business and other economic activities; correctly compile and execute documents of a legal nature, contracts, in the field of management, due to the specifics of the chosen practical work; carry out analytical work, independently work with educational and special literature.
Required prior and related subjects:
Civil law.
Summary of the subject:
Aim: to form a system of legal knowledge in the field of economic law and economic legislation; providing knowledge of economic legal relations, legal status of economic entities, the procedure for the execution of economic agreements, legal basis of foreign economic activity and protection of rights and legitimate interests of subjects of economic legal relations; acquisition of students experience in work with economic documents; to give practical skills in the application of economic legislation in the conduct of economic activity. Objective: studying the system of economic law of Ukraine and current economic legislation; to form students' ability to navigate the system of normative legal acts - sources of economic law; acquiring skills of practical application of the norms of commercial law of Ukraine in solving concrete situations in practice; Instill students' skills in analyzing and generalizing the study material, the awareness of the need for constant updating of knowledge in the field of economic law.
Recommended Books:
1. Aktualni problemy hospodarskoho prava: Zb. nauk, prats (za mater, «kruhloho stolu», m. Kyiv, 16 hrudnia 2004 r.) / Red. kol.: O. D. Krupchan(hol.), V. V. Luts, M. K. Haliantych ta in. – K.: NDI pryvatnoho prava i pidpryiemnytstva APrN Ukrainy, 2005. – 140 s.
2. Belianevych O. A. Hospodarske dohovirne pravo Ukrainy (teoretychni aspekty). – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2006. – 592 s.
3. Boiko M.D. Pravove rehuliuvannia pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini: Navchalno-praktychnyi posibnyk. – K.: Atika, 2007. – 712 s.
4. Vyrishennia hospodarskykh sporiv. Zastosuvannia norm materialnoho prava v roziasnenniakh i lystakh Vyshchoho hospodarskoho sudu Ukrainy. – K.: Yustynian, 2002. – 640 s.
5. Vinnyk O. M. Hospodarske pravo: Navch. posibnyk. – K.: Atika, 2009. – 768 s.
6. Vinnyk O. M. Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Zakonu Ukrainy «Pro aktsionerni tovarystva». – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2009. – 312 s.
7. Vikhrov O. P. Hospodarske pravo. Spetsialna chastyna: Navch. posibnyk. – K.: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2004. – 344 s.
8. Hospodarske pravo Ukrainy: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Za zah. red. prof. N.O.Saniakhmetovoi. – Kh.: «Odissei»,2005. – 608s.
9. Hospodarske pravo Ukrainy: Pidruch. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. /M.K. Haliantych, S.M. Hrudnytska, O.M. Mikhatulina ta in. – K.: MAUP, 2005. – 424s.
10. Hospodarske pravo Ukrainy: Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv yurydychnykh spetsialnostei vyshchykh zakladiv osvity / V.M. Haivoronskyi, V.P. Zhushman, N.V. Pohoretska ta in.; za red. V.M. Haivoronskoho ta V.P. Zhushmana. – Kh: Pravo,2005. – 384s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Validated oral interviews at practical (seminar) classes; Speech on practical (seminar) classes (with essay, report, discussion, etc., written control work (answers to questions of a lecture course, solving practical tasks, exercises, etc.), protection of individual tasks, homework assignment, examination.