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Protection of Economic Iinformation in the Enterprise

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.M.97
Credits: 6
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Ph.D. in Economics, assistant Oleh Hlushko
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
This course aims to increase skills and confidence of the student in the understanding and using enterprise data protection. At the end of my course, students should know: the theoretical basics of enterprise data protection, domestic and international legislation of data protection, up-to-day methods, principles and trends of enterprise data protection, documentation and management of the system of enterprise data protection.
At the end of my course, students should be able to make the effective system of enterprise data protection on the definite company according to transformation digital economy.
Required prior and related subjects:
Accounting (the general theory) or the equivalent
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical basics of enterprise data protection. Enterprise data protection regulations and legislation of data protection. Levels, components and the principles of data protection. Backup data and archive solutions. Documentation of enterprise data protection. Data protection management. The system of enterprise data protection. Protection of trade secrets and other sensitive data. Next-generation data protection: benefits & challenges (big data, social networks etc.).
Recommended Books:
1. Кавун С. В., Пилипенко А. А., Ріпка Д. О. Економічна та інформаційна безпека підприємств у системі консолідованої інформації: навч. посіб. Харків, 2013. 364 с. URL: http://repository.hneu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/6818
2. Transatlantic Digital Economy and Data Protection: State-of-Play and Future Implications for the EU's External Policies. European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs. Belgium. 2016. 56 p. DOI:10.2861/173823 (pdf). DOI:10.2861/771804 (paper).
3. Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. New York and Geneva, 2016. 139 p. URL: http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/dtlstict2016d1_en.pdf
4. Amvrosiadis G., Bhadkamkar M. Identifying Trends in Enterprise Data Protection Systems. USENIX Annual Technical Conference. USA. 2015. P. 151-164. URL: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/atc15/atc15-paper-amvrosladis.pdf
5. Khaled M. Enterprise Data Protection: Meeting Requirements with Efficient and Costeffective Methods. EXPEC Computer Center, Saudi Arabia. 2015. P. 101-110. DOI: 10.5121/csit.2015.50209.
6. Kister L., Mendyk B. Ochrona danych osobowych w przedsiebiorstwie – poradnik dla MSP. Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiebiorczosci. Warszawa. 2015. 91 s. URL: https://www.parp.gov.pl/attachments/article/48632/Ochrona_danych_osobowych_.pdf
Assessment methods and criteria:
class participation and discussion (15%), take-home project (25%), final test (60%).