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History of Economics and Economic Thought

Major: Accounting and taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.19
Credits: 3
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, prof. Zh.V. Poplavska
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of studying the module the student must:
- to be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of the fundamental natural sciences, the development regularities of history, economics, management and law, have basic philosophical categories and general scientific methods;
- to work effectively both individually and in the team;
- to be critical and self-critical for understanding the factors that have a positive or negative impact on communication, and to be able to identify and consider these factors in specific communication situations.
Required prior and related subjects:
Political economy, macroeconomics, mіcroeconomics
Summary of the subject:
The introduction. The subject, the method and periodization of the course "The history of economics and economic thought". The economy of primary society and its evolution during the period of earliest civilizations. The features of economic development and economic thought in the period of formation of world civilizations (VIII c. BC - V c. AD). The economy and economic thought of European civilization society in the Middle Ages. The formation of the prerequisites of the market economy in the countries of European civilization (XVI - XVII c). The first economic schools. The market economy of the countries of European civilization (second half of XIX – beginning of XX c) and reflection of new phenomena in the economy by the neoclassical traditions. The features of the market economy development and the main directions of economic thought in Ukraine (second half of XIX – beginning of XX c). The economy and economic thought in the period of the state monopoly development of the society of European civilization (first half of XX c). The development of the national economies of the countries of European civilization in the system of world economy under the influence of scientific and technological revolution (the second half of the XX c). The world economy and the main directions of economic thought at the stage of information and technological revolution (the end of XX - the beginning of XXI c). The economic development of Ukraine in conditions of the Soviet economic system and its treatment in economic thought. The formation of market economy principles in Ukraine (the 90s of XX - XXI c).
Recommended Books:
1. Економічна історія. Навч. метод. посіб. для самост. вивч. дисц./ Н. Тимочко, Л. Рудомьоткіна та ін. – К.: КНЕУ, 2011. – 456c.
2. Історія економіки та економічної думки: навч. посіб. / [С.В.Степаненко, С.Н.Антонюк, В.М.Фещенко, Н.О.Тимочко] ; за ред. проф. С.В.Степаненка. – К.: КНЕУ, 2010. – 743, [1] с.
3. Ковальчук В. М., Лазарович М. В., Сарай М. І. Історія економіки та економічної думки: Навч. посіб. – К.: Знання. 2008. – 647 с.
4. Левицький В. О. Історія економіки та економічної думки: Навчальний посібник [для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] / В. О. Левицький. — Тернопіль: „Видавництво Астон”. — 2010 р. — 172 с.
5. Поплавська Ж. Історія економічних вчень: Навч. посібник.- Львів: Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” 2006.
Assessment methods and criteria: