Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Money and Credit

Major: Accounting and taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.35
Credits: 5
Department: Finance
Lecturer: Politylo M.P., Zhelizniak R.Y.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• ability to organize practical activities in the field of money circulation and credit, currency relations, regulation of banking activities;
• ability to exploit professionally profiled knowledge of mechanisms of functioning of the money market, credit and currency systems, structures, components and mechanisms of functioning of monetary systems, instruments of monetary policy for the assessment the monetary and credit policy in Ukraine;
• possession of skills quantitative analysis of the structure of the money supply, of qualitative composition in monetary aggregates; the order of formation of financial resources of commercial banks and obligatory backlogs of central bank.

Required prior and related subjects:
rerequisites: macroeconomics, economic theory
co-requisites: no
Summary of the subject:
The essence and function of money. Money turnover and money streams. Money- market. Money systems. Inflation and money reforms. Currency market and currency systems. Quantitative theory of money and modern monetarism. Credit in market economy. Financial mediators of money-market. Central banks. Theoretical principles of activity of banks. International currency-credit establishments and forms oftheir cooperation with Ukraine.
Recommended Books:
1) Бандурка О.М., Глущенко А.С. Гроші і кредит. Підручник, 2-ге вид., доп. і перероб., “Магнолія 2006”, 2014, 368 с.;
2) Ніколаєнко Ю. В. Грошово-кредитні системи зарубіжних країн : навч. посіб. / Ю. В. Ніколаєнко. - Чернігів : Черніг. нац. технол. ун-т, 2015. - 187 c.;
3) Гроші та кредит: підручник / Ільчук П. Г. та ін. - Львів : Сорока Т. Б., 2016. - 410 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (30 %): solving tasks, oral questioning
- control measure (70 %): examination