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Managerial Accounting

Major: Accounting and taxation
Code of Subject: 6.071.00.O.49
Credits: 5
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: senior teacher Yasinska A.I., senior teacher Mykytyuk N.O.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As the result of study the module students must:
- know the nature, purpose and objectives of managerial accounting, cost accounting organization and methods of costing, composition and procedure for information analysis to make operational and investment managerial decisions, method of budgets preparation and coordination, organization and monitoring of budgets implementation.
- be able to system of managerial accounting at the enterprise organize; accounting information for information support of current and strategic decision-making systematize; internal management reporting generate; the reserves for costs reducing and profitability improving determine; justify adequate directions of the enterprise development in conditions of dynamic and competitive market environment.
Required prior and related subjects:
- prerequisites: economy of enterprise, accounting
- corequisites: financial accounting, financial management
Summary of the subject:
Essence, aim and task of managerial accounting. Basis of managerial accounting organizing at the enterprise. Costs classification in managerial accounting and methods of their behavior study. Manufacturing costs and operational activity costs. Methods of accounting and costing. Accounting and calculation of full and variable costs. Accounting system of standard costing. Cost-Volume-Profit analysis. Analysis of relevant information in management decision making. Planning, budgeting and cost control. Organization of accounting due to the responsibility centers and transfer pricing.
Recommended Books:
1) Загородній А.Г. Управлінський облік: практикум / А.Г. Загородній, Г.О. Партин, А.І. Ясінська, Т.М. Бойчук, Т.І. Воскресенська. - Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 336 с.
2) Партин Г.О. Управлінський облік: підручник /Г.О.Партин, А.Г.Загородній, Т.І.Свідрик, А.І.Ясінська, Т.М. Бойчук.- Львів:Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013.-280 с.
3) Партин Г.О., Загородній А.Г. Управлінський облік: Навч. посіб. – 2-ге вид., випр. і доп. – К.: Знання, 2007.-303 с.;
4) Партин Г.О. Управління витратами підприємства: концептуальні засади, методи та інструментарій: Монографія. - К.: УБС НБУ, 2008.- 219 с.;
5) Партин Г.О., Ясінська А.І. Системно-орієнтоване управління витратами промислового підприємства: монографія / Г.О. Партин, А.І. Ясінська. – Л.: ЗУКЦ, ПП НВФ «Біарп» 2011. – 200 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control of knowledge (30 points)
- credit control (70 points)