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International Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.00.O.60
Credits: 4
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Dr., prof. Mnich OB, workshops conducted by Ph.D., associate professor U.O. Balyk
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
A study module the student should - know the principles of international marketing and practical aspects of implementation; be able to organize and comprehensive marketing information to assess the market situation and analyze the state of the markets; evaluate the efficiency of administrative decisions in the international marketing; develop alternative international marketing strategy.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: "International Economics", "Marketing".
Co-requisites: "Market research".
Summary of the subject:
The concept of international marketing. The principles and techniques of international marketing. International Marketing Strategy. The system of information support in international marketing. Formation of an international marketing strategy and control in international marketing. Segmenting the international market. Management of commercial policy in the international market. The development of international pricing strategies. Forming international product distribution channels. International trade agreements. Forms and methods of entering the international market. Foreign investments and their impact on international marketing. International means of communication and their choice. Evaluation of the effectiveness of international marketing solutions. Risks in international marketing.
Recommended Books:
1. Циганкова Т.М. Міжнародний маркетинг: теоретичні моделі та бізнес-технології: Монографія. – К.: КНЕУ, 2004. – 400 с.
2. Каніщенко О.Л. Міжнародний маркетинг. Навчальний посібник -К.: Кондор, 2007 - 152с.
3.Корінєв В.Л. Міжнародний маркетинг: Навч. пос./ Корінєв В.Л., Кулішов В.В. та ін -Львів : «Магнолія 2006», 2011.-384с.
4. Гриффин Р. Международный бізнес.4-е узд./ Гриффин Р., Пастей М //пер. с англ. под. ред.. А.Г. Медведева.-СПб: Питер,2006.-1088с .
5.Мних О.Б., Балик У.О..Міжнародний маркетинг. Курс лекцій. НУ «Львівська політехніка», - 210 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (30%) work in workshops, oral examination.
Final control (70% of exam): semester control.