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Environmental Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.00.M.68
Credits: 6
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Viktoriia V. Kuziak, Ph.D., Associate professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
As the study’s results, student has:
Know: understanding the impact of marketing decisions in public, social and environmental context; understanding of ethics, determining the impact of their impact on the enterprise (ie human resources, environment, etc.).
Be able to: responsible attitude to the work, to make decisions, to achieve the goal of compliance with professional ethics; apply the basic principles of green marketing in the development of marketing for the enterprise; develop an action program for the implementation of the enterprise main principles of socially responsible business.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Prerequisites: Commodity, Neuromarketing.
- Co-requisites: Product Quality Management; Marketing Management.
Summary of the subject:
The concept and basic provisions for sustainable development. The concept of green marketing. Environment of green marketing activity. Ecological product and its lifecycle marketing mix and its components. Pricing for green products. Organization of ecologically oriented goods movement. The system of marketing communications in promoting green products. Strategy marketing activities ecologically-oriented company. The development benefits i konkurentni market environmentally friendly products. Promoting environmentally friendly products.
Recommended Books:
1. Kotler Ph. Marketing 3.0, 2014, p. 197.
2. Екологічний маркетинг : навч. посіб. / А. М. Вічевич [та ін.] . - Л. : УкрДЛТУ, 2003. – 248с.
3. Должанський, І. З. Організація процесу формування та розвитку ринку екологічно чистих товарів : монографія / І. З. Должанський, О. В. Бєлякова ; М-во освіти і науки України, Донец. нац. ун-т економіки і торгівлі ім. Михайла Туган-Барановського . - Донецьк : [ДонНУЕТ], 2009. - 230 с.
4. Садченко Е.В. Принципы и концепции экологического маркетинга: Монография. – Одесса: Астропринт, 2002. – 400 с.
5. Садченко Е.В., Харичков С.К. Экологический маркетинг: понятия, теория, практика и перспективы развития. – Одесса: ИПРЭЭИ НАН Украины, 2001. – 146 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (30%): work at practical lessons
- final control (70%, exam)