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Purchase Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.02.E.88
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Nataliya T. Hryniv, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
As the studies results, student has:
- know: the theory of relationship marketing, basic management of trademark portfolios, the theory of acquisition planning, organization, control and regulation, provider requirements, methods of procurement of goods, marketing strategy procurement.
- to be able to: to form and maintain product portfolio in volume and structure, to carry out the needs of actual and potential users when making decisions in procurement activities, to create conditions for the maximum adjustment commodity, price policy, distribution policy and promotion policy to the needs of customers, ensure profitability of purchasing activities.
Required prior and related subjects:
- рrerequisites: Marketing, Logistics, Infrastructure of commodity market.
- сo-requisites: Marketing product policy, Marketing of industrial enterprise, Marketing pricing.
Summary of the subject:
Subject, object and tasks of marketing procurement. Market research of raw materials, determination of needs for material resources. Organization of procurement (centralized, decentralized). Company profile industrial, financial, etc.). Policy in the areas of procurement (leasing, complete delivery, partial prepayment, deferred payment, etc.). The criterion of procurement (quality, level of service, price, delivery time). Preparation of procurement plan, search and selection of suppliers. Mutual purchases, including purchases of raw materials. Drafting the order. Drafting of agreements with suppliers, transport organisations for the supply of raw materials. Acceptance of material resources at the warehouses. The capping of the materials and paperwork for delivery of materials. Monitoring of the standards of inventories. Ensuring storage of material resources. The use of technology leasing (rental). Participation in exhibitions, fairs.
Recommended Books:
1. Балабанова Л.В. Маркетинг закупівельної діяльності / Л.В.Балабанова, Л.О. Костенко. - Донец. держ. ун-т економіки і торгівлі ім. М.Туган-Барановського. - Донецьк, 2002. - 90 c.
2. Балабанова Л.В. Маркетингова товарна політика в системі менеджменту підприємств: Навч. посіб. / Л.В. Балабанова, О.А. Бриндіна. - К: Професіонал, 2006. – 336 с.
3. Кардаш В. Маркетингова товарна політика: Навч.-метод. посібник для самост. вивчення дисципліни / Київський національний економічний ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана - 3. вид., доп. та перероб. - К. : КНЕУ, 2006. - 248с.
4. Крикавський Є. В. Логістика. Основи теорії: Підручник – 2-е вид., доп. і переробл. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2006. – 456 с.
5. Оснач О.Ф. Маркетинг у галузі закупівлі промислових товарів. Закупівельна діяльність: Бібліотека українських підручників / О. Ф. Оснач. – http://libfree.com/158957612_ marketingmarketing_galuzi_zakupivli_promislovih_tovariv.html.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (30%): work on practical exercises, oral questioning.
- final control (70%, exam): semester control.

Purchase Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.04.E.113
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Nataliya T. Hryniv, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
As the studies results, student has:
- know: the theory of relationship marketing, basic management of trademark portfolios, the theory of acquisition planning, organization, control and regulation, provider requirements, methods of procurement of goods, marketing strategy procurement.
- to be able to: to form and maintain product portfolio in volume and structure, to carry out the needs of actual and potential users when making decisions in procurement activities, to create conditions for the maximum adjustment commodity, price policy, distribution policy and promotion policy to the needs of customers, ensure profitability of purchasing activities.
Required prior and related subjects:
- рrerequisites: Marketing, Logistics, Infrastructure of commodity market.
- сo-requisites: Marketing product policy, Marketing of industrial enterprise, Marketing pricing.
Summary of the subject:
Subject, object and tasks of marketing procurement. Market research of raw materials, determination of needs for material resources. Organization of procurement (centralized, decentralized). Company profile industrial, financial, etc.). Policy in the areas of procurement (leasing, complete delivery, partial prepayment, deferred payment, etc.). The criterion of procurement (quality, level of service, price, delivery time). Preparation of procurement plan, search and selection of suppliers. Mutual purchases, including purchases of raw materials. Drafting the order. Drafting of agreements with suppliers, transport organisations for the supply of raw materials. Acceptance of material resources at the warehouses. The capping of the materials and paperwork for delivery of materials. Monitoring of the standards of inventories. Ensuring storage of material resources. The use of technology leasing (rental). Participation in exhibitions, fairs.
Recommended Books:
1. Балабанова Л.В. Маркетинг закупівельної діяльності / Л.В.Балабанова, Л.О. Костенко. - Донец. держ. ун-т економіки і торгівлі ім. М.Туган-Барановського. - Донецьк, 2002. - 90 c.
2. Балабанова Л.В. Маркетингова товарна політика в системі менеджменту підприємств: Навч. посіб. / Л.В. Балабанова, О.А. Бриндіна. - К: Професіонал, 2006. – 336 с.
3. Кардаш В. Маркетингова товарна політика: Навч.-метод. посібник для самост. вивчення дисципліни / Київський національний економічний ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана - 3. вид., доп. та перероб. - К. : КНЕУ, 2006. - 248с.
4. Крикавський Є. В. Логістика. Основи теорії: Підручник – 2-е вид., доп. і переробл. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2006. – 456 с.
5. Оснач О.Ф. Маркетинг у галузі закупівлі промислових товарів. Закупівельна діяльність: Бібліотека українських підручників / О. Ф. Оснач. – http://libfree.com/158957612_ marketingmarketing_galuzi_zakupivli_promislovih_tovariv.html.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (30%): work on practical exercises, oral questioning.
- final control (70%, exam): semester control.