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Controlling of Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 6.075.01.E.76
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: sn. lecturer Donets Dmytro
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
The study of the discipline provides for the formation and development of students' competencies:
1) the ability to solve specialized problems of an innovative nature and to solve complex practical problems in the field of management and marketing during professional and scientific-educational activity, which involves the application of classical and modern theories and tools of management under uncertainty.
2) in-depth knowledge and understanding of the fundamental theory and practice of marketing, the latest trends in management development and marketing of applied aspects of professional activity in the field of marketing;
3) the ability to learn and master modern knowledge;
4) ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis;
5) ability to make informed decisions;
6) ability to work in a team and autonomously;
7) the ability to motivate people and move toward a common goal;
Required prior and related subjects:
• Marketing policy of communication,
• Communication technologies,
• Marketing researches,
• Internet marketing
“Establishment and promotion of Internet shop”,
“CRM Systems”
“Communication psychology”
Summary of the subject:
Formation of future specialists in systemic knowledge and understanding of the basics of marketing controlling, the theory and practice of development of this direction and gaining the skills of independent work in mastering educational material in relation to modern methods of managing financial and other flows in modern conditions.
Recommended Books:
1. Бек О.М., Донець Д.М., Тріфонова Ю.І. Контролінг маркетингу: конспект лекцій для студентів спеціальності 075 «Маркетинг» / - Львів: Видавництво КМЛ, 2020.– 110с.
2. Голов С.Ф. Управлінський облік. Підручник. 2-ге вид. / С.Ф. Голов. - К.:Лібра, 2016. – 704 с.
3. Джай К. Шим, Джойл Г. Сигел. Основы коммерческого бюджетирования / Пер. с англ. СПб.: Азбука, 2011. - 496 с.
4. Добровольский Е. Бюджетирование: шаг за шагом / Е. Добровольский, Б. Калабанов, П. Боровков, Е. Глухов, Е. Бреслав. - СПб. : Питер, 2014. – 480с.
5. Давидович І.Є. Контролінг: Навчальний посібник. / І. Є. Давидович — К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2008. — 552 с.
6. Петренко С.Н. Контроллинг: Учебное пособие./ С.Н. Петренко. –К.: НикаЦентр, Эльга, 2014. 328 с.
6. Р.Каплан, Д.Нортон "Сбалансированная система показателей. От стратегии к действию" Олимп-Бизнес, Москва, 2013. 304 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• survey, control work (30%)
• final control (70%, control measure): written and oral form (70%)