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Social Welfare Policy

Major: Social Welfare
Code of Subject: 6.232.00.O.21
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Savka Viktor Yevgenovych, PhD in Sociology, Associate professor
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to demonstrate professional competences acquired in the process of mastering different disciplines;
2. To carry out self-analysis and self-esteem, to eliminate bad habits and own shortcomings, to respect the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people and the cultural heritage of civilizations, to apply socio-ecological knowledge of coexistence in the environment;
3. Understand the cause and effect relationships of society and manifestations of socio-economic problems in different categories of population;
4. Conduct analytical, research activities to establish regional, local patterns and features of the emergence, development, resolution and prevention of social security problems
Required prior and related subjects:
Social policy
Employment policy and the labor market
Social welfare theory, history and practice.
Social welfare technologies
Macro and microeconomics
Economics and entrepreneurship

Summary of the subject:
The concept, subject, method and system of social security law. Sources and forms of social security law. The principles of social security law. Legal relations in the field of social security. Insurance (labor) experience. Seniority. Pension age. The pensions for retirement. Disability pension. Pensions in survivors. Government assistance. Social protection of war and labor veterans and the elderly.
Recommended Books:
Бурак В.Д. Право соціального забезпечення. Навч. посібник / В.Д. Буряк, С.М.Синчук.– К. 2013.
Сташків Б.І. Теорія права соціального забезпечення: Навч. посібник– К. – Знання. – 2005. – 405 с.
Сирота І.М. Право соціального забезпечення в Україні. Підручник.– Х. 2006. – 432 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• presentation, written reports on practical works, oral questioning (40%)
• final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (60%)