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Social Audit and Inspection in the Social Services System

Major: Social Welfare
Code of Subject: 6.232.00.O.30
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Assistant, Ph.D, Zelenko Natalia Mykhaylivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to demonstrate professional competence obtained in the course of development of various disciplines;
2. The ability to apply the universal principles of coexistence and ethical standards of conduct towards people and the environment;
3. To avoid emotional crisis and conflict situations;
4. Apply basic knowledge of the fundamentals of economic aid to social protection;
5. Apply basic knowledge of the fundamentals of economic aid to social protection;
6. Ability to develop regulatory documentation with social welfare, insurance, employment, etc.;
7. The ability to adhere to the current legislation of Ukraine in the performance of official duties in working with different social groups and individual citizens, not to violate the rights and interests of legal entities.
8. To search for information from various sources for solving professional tasks;
9. Critically evaluate the obtained results, to handle and defend the decisions taken on the basis of actual / empirical data practices;
10. To apply their knowledge and understanding to carry out professional activities in the field of social welfare, aimed at socio – economic changes;
11. To carry out analytical and research activities to establish regional and local patterns and peculiarities of the origin, development, resolution and prevention of problems of social welfare;
12. To work effectively, both individually and as part of an interdisciplinary team of specialists.
13. The ability to use oral and written communication in the Ukrainian language for professional activities;
14. The capacity for independent Autonomous professional work and professional tasks in the composition of multidisciplinary teams of specialists;
15. The ability to use a variety of methods, including information technology, for effective communication on professional and social levels
16. The ability to take responsibility for the work performed and to achieve this goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.

Required prior and related subjects:
Social Welfare Policy
Methods of gathering of Social Information
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical and methodological aspects of social audit and inspection. The social protection system in Ukraine. Financial - economic principles of social security of the population. Organizational - legal forms and methods of social audit and inspection institutions and organizations of social security of the population. Information - reporting documenting the social audit and inspection. Administrative - legal implications of social audit and inspection system of social security of the population. Controls on the results of social audit and inspection. Social audit and inspection - forms of interaction. Technical support social audit and inspection.
Recommended Books:
1.Audit administrativnoyi diyalnosti: Teoriya ta praktika / Per. z angl. L.V. Shulga. — K.: Osnovi, 2000. — 190 s.
2.Audit: Prakticheskoe posobie / A. Kuzminskiy, N. Kuzhelnyiy, E. Petrik. V. Savchenko i dr. Podred. A. Kuzminskogo. — K.: Uche-tinform, 1996. — 283 s.
3.Bolotina N. Pravo sotsialnogo zabezpechennya Ukrayini: sistemno-strukturniy analiz // Pravo Ukrayini. — 2001. — # 5. — S 24—29.
4.Diyalnist tsentriv sotsialnih sluzhb dlya molodi Ukrayini: suchasniy stan i perspektivi rozvitku. — K.: Akadempres, 1999. — S. 44—47, 59—61.
5.Dorozhaev V. K. Dokumentuvannya protsesu auditu. Robochi dokumenti auditora. – Zaporizhzhya: «Era», 2002. – 231 s.
6.KalineskuT.V., ShapovalovaT.S., LihonosovaT.S. Sotsialniy audit ta inspektuvannya. – Lugansk.: Shidnoukrayinskiy nats.. un-t im.. V. Dalya., 2012.-380s.
7.Mazurik O.V. Sotsialniy audit: teoretichni zasadi ta tehnologiya zastosuvannya v Ukrayini:[monografIya]/O.V.Mazurik.-Donetsk:Shidniy vidavnichiy dim,2013.-316s.
8.Sotsialniy audit: uchebnik/ pod. redaktsieyd.e.n., prof..A.A. Shulusa, d.e.n., prof..Yu.N.Popova M.: izdatelskiy dom «ATISO», 208. - 524s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40%): written reports of practical work, oral examination, individual research robota.Pidsumkovyy control (60% of exam)