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Pedagogy of Administration and Management
Спеціальність: Vocational education
Код дисципліни: 8.015.00.M.26
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Лектор: professor Сікорський Petro Ivanovich
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
а) students must know:
are principles of management educational establishment;
it is essence of basic administrative concepts ("leader", "manager", "leader", "image of leader");
- structure of administrative cycle, management function;
are basic internalss and lines of leader of educationalestablishment;
it is an algorithm of acceptance of administrative decisions, their kinds and forms;
- types of planning of educational-educator process, theirstructure and semantic filling; are the basic going near the design of the control-estimatingsystems; are
plenary powers of collective organs of managementeducational establishment (general collections (
conference), pedagogical advice, trustee advice, school-board)
it is an algorithm of realization of attestation of pedagogicalworkers;
- basic
б) students must be able:
- to compare styles of guidance (democratic, liberal, authoritarian);
- to fold the algorithm of quarry increase;
- to produce the different types of administrative decisions(order, order, decision);
- to settle conflict situations;
- to conclude the annual plan of work, a week's plan of workof leader;
- to conclude the module-
calendar plan of educational objectand поурочний plans from the set theme (modules);
- to design concretely the control-estimating system on presetparameter;
- to prepare a lecture on pedagogical advice on the set themeand decision to her;
- to prepare attestation description and attestation sheet on ateacher after the set qualifying category. it is Method of studies : audience
- the obligatory previous are Needed and concomitant
are principles of management educational establishment;
it is essence of basic administrative concepts ("leader", "manager", "leader", "image of leader");
- structure of administrative cycle, management function;
are basic internalss and lines of leader of educationalestablishment;
it is an algorithm of acceptance of administrative decisions, their kinds and forms;
- types of planning of educational-educator process, theirstructure and semantic filling; are the basic going near the design of the control-estimatingsystems; are
plenary powers of collective organs of managementeducational establishment (general collections (
conference), pedagogical advice, trustee advice, school-board)
it is an algorithm of realization of attestation of pedagogicalworkers;
- basic
б) students must be able:
- to compare styles of guidance (democratic, liberal, authoritarian);
- to fold the algorithm of quarry increase;
- to produce the different types of administrative decisions(order, order, decision);
- to settle conflict situations;
- to conclude the annual plan of work, a week's plan of workof leader;
- to conclude the module-
calendar plan of educational objectand поурочний plans from the set theme (modules);
- to design concretely the control-estimating system on presetparameter;
- to prepare a lecture on pedagogical advice on the set themeand decision to her;
- to prepare attestation description and attestation sheet on ateacher after the set qualifying category. it is Method of studies : audience
- the obligatory previous are Needed and concomitant
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Professional pedagogics
Theory and methodology of professional studies
Theory and practice of proficiency of mobility
Theory and methodology of professional studies
Theory and practice of proficiency of mobility
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
An educational textbook consists of fifteen paragraphs, eachtwo from that is designed on one lectur e. Except the name aparagraph contains an aim and plan of study of theme. Allsupporting elements of knowledge (terms, concepts, theirproperties and other) are distinguished by a bold face fontthat will allow to the graduate students to accent attention onmain knowledge. At the end of paragraph e ducational material is , summarized and generalized . Here is a question for selfcontrol, and also task forindependent work.
Except general concepts (management, management, stateadministration education and other), peda gogical establishment (management a self-education, by attestation, educational- educator process, paternal committee and school-board andother) bases are examined.
Рекомендована література:
І. Main literature
1. .Danylenko L. Modernisation of maintenance, forms andmethods of administrative activity of general head mast er[monograph] // L.I. Danylenko. - [2 is a е kind.] - К.: Logos, 2002. - 140p.
2.Danylenko L.I.. Modernisation of maintenance, forms andmethods of administrative activity of general head m aster. К.: Logos, 2002. - 140p.
3.Danylenko L.I. A management innovative activity is ingeneral educational establishments // of Л.І. Danylenko. - К.: , 2004. - 358p.
D. the Key administrative decisions. Technology ofmaking decision. - К.: Scientific thought,
2001. - 242p.
5.Drobiazko P. Improvement of work of pedagogical advice //head Master. - 2000. - №7. - С.9.
Laws of Ukraine "On education" and "About higher education".
6.Scientific government school / bases are after edit. G.V Elnikova - Kh, 1991. are 170 p.s
7.Pikelna V.S , Udod O.A.. Management school. - D.: Alpha, 1998. are 284 p.s
8.Sikorskij P.I. Leader of educational establishment - L.: "Spolom", 2016. are 360 p.s
ІІ. Additional literature
1. Kapustin B. is Methodology of preparation and realizationof pedagogical advice // Head of the teaching department. 1.09.2001. - № 10. - P.6-7.
2. Criteria of evaluation of educational achievements of students are in the system of general education. - К.: Irpin, 2004.
3. Marmaza O.I. The project going is near a managementeducational establishment. - Х.: Basis, 2003.
4. Scientific government school /bases are After edit. G.V.. Elnikova. -, 1991. - 170p.
5. Formation of Ukraine : Normatively-legal documents. - К. of:Milenium, 2001.- 472 p.
6. Preparation of leader of middle establishment of education: / mode. L.I. Danylenko. - К. : Milenium, 2004. - 272p.
7. Рабченюк Т.С. Management Внутрішкільне. - К.: Ruth, 2000. are 176 p.s are Forms and methods of studies : lectures, practicalemployments, independent work are Methods and evaluation criteria
1. .Danylenko L. Modernisation of maintenance, forms andmethods of administrative activity of general head mast er[monograph] // L.I. Danylenko. - [2 is a е kind.] - К.: Logos, 2002. - 140p.
2.Danylenko L.I.. Modernisation of maintenance, forms andmethods of administrative activity of general head m aster. К.: Logos, 2002. - 140p.
3.Danylenko L.I. A management innovative activity is ingeneral educational establishments // of Л.І. Danylenko. - К.: , 2004. - 358p.
D. the Key administrative decisions. Technology ofmaking decision. - К.: Scientific thought,
2001. - 242p.
5.Drobiazko P. Improvement of work of pedagogical advice //head Master. - 2000. - №7. - С.9.
Laws of Ukraine "On education" and "About higher education".
6.Scientific government school / bases are after edit. G.V Elnikova - Kh, 1991. are 170 p.s
7.Pikelna V.S , Udod O.A.. Management school. - D.: Alpha, 1998. are 284 p.s
8.Sikorskij P.I. Leader of educational establishment - L.: "Spolom", 2016. are 360 p.s
ІІ. Additional literature
1. Kapustin B. is Methodology of preparation and realizationof pedagogical advice // Head of the teaching department. 1.09.2001. - № 10. - P.6-7.
2. Criteria of evaluation of educational achievements of students are in the system of general education. - К.: Irpin, 2004.
3. Marmaza O.I. The project going is near a managementeducational establishment. - Х.: Basis, 2003.
4. Scientific government school /bases are After edit. G.V.. Elnikova. -, 1991. - 170p.
5. Formation of Ukraine : Normatively-legal documents. - К. of:Milenium, 2001.- 472 p.
6. Preparation of leader of middle establishment of education: / mode. L.I. Danylenko. - К. : Milenium, 2004. - 272p.
7. Рабченюк Т.С. Management Внутрішкільне. - К.: Ruth, 2000. are 176 p.s are Forms and methods of studies : lectures, practicalemployments, independent work are Methods and evaluation criteria
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Oral interviewing, testing (40%)
Final control (60%, credit)
Final control (60%, credit)