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Comparative Professional Pedagogy
Спеціальність: Vocational education
Код дисципліни: 8.015.00.M.28
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Лектор: Anna Shevchuk
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
It is expected that the applicant will demonstrate knowledge of: theoretical and methodological foundations of professional pedagogy; features of the world and national educational systems,
It is expected that the applicant will demonstrate the ability and ability to: perform a comparative analysis, determine the goals of training based on theoretical approaches in the methodology of vocational education, demonstrate a modern knowledge base on the problems of the theory of vocational education and create their own database of educational information;
be able to demonstrate professional mobility and adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
It is expected that the applicant will demonstrate knowledge of: theoretical and methodological foundations of professional pedagogy; features of the world and national educational systems,
It is expected that the applicant will demonstrate the ability and ability to: perform a comparative analysis, determine the goals of training based on theoretical approaches in the methodology of vocational education, demonstrate a modern knowledge base on the problems of the theory of vocational education and create their own database of educational information;
be able to demonstrate professional mobility and adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
professional pedagogy
theory and methodology of vocational training
professional pedagogy
theory and methodology of vocational training
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
History of development and formation of comparative professional pedagogy. Trends in the development of education in the modern world. Training systems in the leading countries of the world and in Ukraine. Basic approaches to determining the effectiveness of the vocational education system. Non-traditional vocational training systems in developed countries in the 21st century. Comparative analysis of the quality of learning in the world.
Рекомендована література:
• Halus OM Comparative Professional Pedagogy [Text]: Textbook / OM Halus, LM Shaposhnikov. - K .: Higher school, 2006. - 215 p.
• Vasyuk OV Comparative pedagogy. [Text]: a textbook / OV Vasyuk. ? K .: NAKKIM, 2013. - 352 p.
• Shrubyeva AA Comparative Professional Pedagogy [Text]: A Textbook for Students of Higher Educational Institutions / AA Skruyeva. - 2nd edition., - Sumy: University Book, 2015. - 320 p.
• Halus OM Comparative Professional Pedagogy [Text]: Textbook / OM Halus, LM Shaposhnikov. - K .: Higher school, 2006. - 215 p.
• Vasyuk OV Comparative pedagogy. [Text]: a textbook / OV Vasyuk. ? K .: NAKKIM, 2013. - 352 p.
• Shrubyeva AA Comparative Professional Pedagogy [Text]: A Textbook for Students of Higher Educational Institutions / AA Skruyeva. - 2nd edition., - Sumy: University Book, 2015. - 320 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
The formative control at practical classes is carried out in order to reveal the students’ readiness for classes in the following forms:
• selective oral questioning at the beginning of the class;
• standardized survey on cards, tests during 5-10 minutes;
• individual verification of homework;
• evaluation of the students’ activity during the classes, suggestions, original decisions, clarifications and definitions, additions to the previous answers, etc.
The control questions are divided into:
• test tasks – to choose the right answers;
• problematic tasks – to create problem-solving situations;
• replica-questions – to identify cause and effect relationships;
• situational tasks – to determine the answer according to a specific situation;
• reproductive issues – to determine the practical value;
• interactive quiz and game tasks.
The final control is carried out based on the results of formative control and control paper.
Formative control – 40 points.
Individual research assignment and work in Virtual learning environment – 20 points
Exam – 40 points
Total: 100 points
The formative control at practical classes is carried out in order to reveal the students’ readiness for classes in the following forms:
• selective oral questioning at the beginning of the class;
• standardized survey on cards, tests during 5-10 minutes;
• individual verification of homework;
• evaluation of the students’ activity during the classes, suggestions, original decisions, clarifications and definitions, additions to the previous answers, etc.
The control questions are divided into:
• test tasks – to choose the right answers;
• problematic tasks – to create problem-solving situations;
• replica-questions – to identify cause and effect relationships;
• situational tasks – to determine the answer according to a specific situation;
• reproductive issues – to determine the practical value;
• interactive quiz and game tasks.
The final control is carried out based on the results of formative control and control paper.
Formative control – 40 points.
Individual research assignment and work in Virtual learning environment – 20 points
Exam – 40 points
Total: 100 points