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Conceptual and Terminological Apparatus for Research in the Field of Architecture, Urban Planning, Art and Design

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 8.022.00.M.13
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Лектор: Doctor of Architecture, Professor Yurii Dyba
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Objectives of studying the discipline: formation of a comprehensive system of basic knowledge of scientific and technical terminology; study of requirements to scientific and technical terms; understanding the function of terms and their shortcomings; mastering the skills and knowledge needed to gain a thorough understanding of scientific texts.
Knowledge: general problems of scientific and technical terminology; methodological bases of studying terms; requirements for scientific and technical terms, function of terms, their disadvantages; principles of creation and use of reference publications, online encyclopedias and electronic publications of reference and encyclopedic nature.
Competence: use modern scientific and technical terminology to understand scientific texts; justify the use of basic methods of term formation; be critical of existing terminology; it is wise to use the terms in oral and written language; use reference books, online encyclopedias, and electronic encyclopedic publications.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
- Prerequisite: Methodology of scientific research in the field of architecture, urban planning, art and design.
- Corequisite: Business foreign language.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The history of the science of terms. Language and conceptual apparatus. The term – general questions of theory. Terminological apparatus as a conceptual and semantic framework of science. Conceptual thinking; evaluation of conceptual thinking using the “comparison of concepts” technique. Terminology and professional vocabulary. Conceptual-terminological apparatus of research. The role of reference and encyclopedic editions in the modern information space. Conceptual and terminology apparatus as a method and task of research. Conceptual and terminological apparatus as a subject of historical-architectural and historical-artistic research. Conceptual and terminological apparatus as a measure of scientist's competence.
Рекомендована література:
1. Sklad i struktura terminolohichnoi leksyky ukrainskoi movy / Za red. L. O. Symonenko.– Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1984.– 196 s.
2. Superanskaya A. V., Podol'skaya N. V., Vasil'eva N. V. Obshchaya terminologiya: voprosy teorii / A. V. Superanskaya, N. V. Podol'skaya, N. V. Vasil'eva.– Moskva: Nauka, 1989.– 246 s.
3. Panko T. I., Kochan I. M., Matsiuk H. P. Ukrainske terminoznavstvo / T. I. Panko, I. M. Kochan, H. P. Matsiuk. – Lviv: Svit, 1994. – 216 s.
4. Nepyivoda N. F. Mova naukovo-tekhnichnoi literatury (funktsionalno-stylistychnyi aspekt) / N. F. Nepyivoda. – Kyiv: TOV “Mizhnarodna finansova ahentsiia”, 1997. – 303 s.
5. Nakonechna H. Ukrainska naukovo-tekhnichna terminolohiia / Halyna Nakonechna. – Lviv: Kalvariia, 1999. – 105 s.
6. Navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks navchalnoi dystsypliny “Naukovo-tekhnichna Terminolohiia” dlia studentiv spetsialnosti 6.020100 Dokumentoznavstvo ta informatsiina diialnist / Ukl. A. V. Lipinska.– Kyiv: Universytet “Ukraina”, 2003.– 160 s.
7. Zarytskyi M. S. Aktualni problemy ukrainskoho terminoznavstva: pidruchn. dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. / M. S. Zarytskyi. – Kyiv: Politekhnika; TOV «Firma “Periodyka”», 2004. – 124 s.
8. Lipinska A. V. Naukovo-tekhnichna terminolohiia: Navch. posib. dlia dystantsiinoho navchannia / A. V. Lipinska; za red. akad. M. I. Zhaldaka.– Kyiv: Universytet “Ukraina”, 2007.– 219 s.
9. Onufriienko H. S. Naukovyi styl ukrainskoi movy: navchalnyi posibnyk z algorytmichnymy prypysamy / H. S. Onufriienkoiu – Kyiv: Tsentrnavchalnoi literatury, 2009. – 390 s.
10. Navalna M. Naukovo-tekhnichna terminolohiia. Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk (dlia studentiv zi spetsialnosti «Dokumentoznavstvo») / Maryna Navalna. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi : “Vydavnytstvo KSV”. – 2013. – 84 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (30%): oral questioning, seminars, colloquium.
Final control (70%): performance of module test work, exam.