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Criteria for Defining the Categories of Art Monuments and Architecture and Their Inclusion in the State Register

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 8.022.00.M.12
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Лектор: Prof. Doc. Arch. Mykola Bevz
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
The aim of the discipline is to provide the graduate student with knowledge about the conceptual apparatus, theoretical foundations of the protection system of cultural heritage objects in two main ways - material and intangible culture; cultural heritage as an identifying, phenomenological, educational and economic basis for the development of a mature modern society; to study the types and types of cultural heritage, including those related to architectural and artistic works; be aware of the organizational structure and methodological platform of the systems for the identification, accounting and public protection of cultural heritage, architectural and artistic monuments.
Objectives of studying the discipline:
- Mastering the theoretical and methodological apparatus for the identification, preservation and protection of cultural heritage objects;
- Mastering the basics of research, inventory and evaluation of the monumental value of cultural heritage objects;
- Mastering the method of accounting (registry) and rules for the protection of architectural and urban monuments, works of art.
The key task is to formulate in the postgraduate students a thinking of a scientific approach to work on historical architectural objects and the ability to identify, evaluate, valorize, put them in the registers of monuments, working out the relevant scientific and project documentation.
As a result of studying the discipline, the graduate student should know - the essence of the concepts of "object" of cultural heritage and "monument", types and types of monuments of architecture and works of art, methodological principles of preservation, protection and restoration of monuments of national and world registers; inventory and accounting techniques for different types and types of monuments.
The graduate student must, on the basis of knowledge of the architect's work on architectural and urban monuments and historic buildings and complexes, master the methods of research, identification and valorization of objects of architecture and works of art, be able to identify valuable objects in the artistic, architectural or urban planning aspects and their elements.
As a result of studying the discipline the graduate student should be able to:
- to apply the methodological apparatus of the theory of protection and restoration of cultural heritage monuments in their own research work, while at the same time knowing the methods and tools of the section of science, the criteria and standards of scientific knowledge in the field of conservation of monuments;
- to use the acquired knowledge for practical works on research, restoration and adaptation of historical buildings and complexes.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Fundamentals of restoration and reconstruction of architectural objects; history of architecture; art history.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The basic concepts of the course - cultural heritage, its structure by types and types, inventory and accounting of architectural and art monuments, the register of monuments, the connection between accounting systems, the register of monuments and their preservation and restoration. Cultural heritage as identification, phenomenological, educational and economic potential and basis of state building, development of modern society. Methodology for preserving, protecting and restoring monuments of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and works of art associated with them. Institutional and organizational support for the processes of preserving and protecting cultural heritage monuments, in particular, architectural monuments, urban planning, and works of art. The procedure for inventorying and accounting of cultural heritage objects, the principles of forming a state register of monuments. The procedure and rules for entering cultural heritage objects in the state register.
Рекомендована література:
1. Zakon Ukrayiny` «Pro oxoronu kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny`», Ky`yiv, 2000 (https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1805-14).
2. Postanova kabinetu ministriv Ukrayiny` «Pro zatverdzhennya Poryadku vy`znachennya kategorij pam'yatok dlya zanesennya obyektiv kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny` do Derzhavnogo reyestru neruxomy`x pamyatok Ukrayiny`», vid 27 grudnya 2001 r. # 1760, Ky`yiv
3. Postanova kabinetu ministriv Ukrayiny` «Pro zatverdzhennya Poryadku vy`znachennya kategorij pam'yatok», vid 22 travnya 2019 r. # 452, Ky`yiv
4. Zakon Ukrayiny` "Pro osnovy` mistobuduvannya";
5. Zakon Ukrayiny` "Pro oxoronu arxeologichnoyi spadshhy`ny`";
6. Zakon Ukrayiny` "Pro oxoronu navkoly`shn`ogo pry`rodnogo seredovy`shha";
7. Derzhavni budivel`ni normy` Ukrayiny`. DBN V.3.2 - 1- 2004. Restavracijni, konservacijni ta remontni roboty` na pamyatkax kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny`. Ky`yiv, Derzhbud Ukrayiny`, 2005.
8. DBN A.2.2-14-2016 Sklad ta zmist naukovo-proektnoyi dokumentaciyi na restavraciyu pam'yatok arxitektury` ta mistobuduvannya.
9. Konvenciya pro oxoronu arxitekturnoyi spadshhy`ny` Yevropy`. Granada,1985 r. (raty`fikovano
10. Ukrayinoyu 2006 r.);
11. Yevropejs`ka landshaftna konvenciya. Florenciya 2000 (raty`fikovano Ukrayinoyu 2005 r);
12. Vechers`ky`j V. Zapovidny`ky` Ukrayiny` // Pamyatky` Ukrayiny`. Istoriya ta kul`tura. - 1997. - #2. - S. 30-49.
13. Visny`k. Ukrzaxidproektrestavraciya. - L`viv, roky`: 1992-2015. - Ch. 1-25.
14. Yevropejs`ka konvenciya pro oxoronu arxeologichnoyi spadshhy`ny` (pereglyanuta) // Pamyatky` Ukrayiny`. - 1998. - # . - S. 130-132;
15. Oxorona kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny`. Zbirny`k mizhnarodny`x dokumentiv. – Ky`yiv: ArtEk, 2002. – 136 s.
16. Pravovi akty` z oxorony` kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny` / uporyad. I. Kas`yanenko, Yu. Lixoj, red. Ty`mofiyenko V. - Ky`yiv: 1995. - 150 s.;
17. Derzhavna instrukciya "Pro oxoronu ta vy`kory`stannya pamyatok istoriyi ta kul`tury`" vid 16 veresnya 1982 r.;
18. Derzhavna instrukciya "Pro poryadok obliku, zabezpechennya zberezhennya, vy`kory`stannya i restavraciyi neruxomy`x pamyatok istoriyi i kul`tury`" vid 13 travnya 1986 r.;
19. Mizhnarodni pravovi akty` YuNESKO "Mizhnarodna xartiya pro oxoronu istory`chny`x mist" [Pamyatky` Ukrayiny`. - K., 1988. - # 2. - S. 39-40].
20. Mizhnarodni pravovi akty` YuNESKO "Konvenciya pro zaxy`st vsesvitn`oyi kul`turnoyi ta pry`rodnoyi spadshhy`ny`" vid 16 ly`stopada 1972 r.;
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (50%): seminars, colloquium.
Final control (50%): completion of semester control work, examination.