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International Experience in the Protection and Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments and Monuments Protection Ukrainian Legislation

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 8.022.00.M.30
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Лектор: Doctor of Architecture, prof. Mykola Bevz
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
The purpose of the discipline is to provide postgraduate students with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the system of protection of cultural heritage objects in the international dimension. To clarify the methodology of developing and putting into practice the legislative provisions on the protection and restoration of cultural heritage objects, which are being worked out at the international level by the efforts of UNESCO and through the activities of its special commissions - ICOMOS, ICROM, the World Heritage Center and others. To reveal the role of basic international documents of agreements, recommendations, charters and directives in the formation of strategy, methodology and practical implementation of the means of protection and restoration of specific types of heritage - urban planning, architecture, gardens and parks, industrial objects, works of art, etc.
Objectives of studying the discipline:
- mastering knowledge about the structure of conservation and restoration activities and their institutional and legal support at the state level (on the example of advanced countries and internationally tested models);
- mastering the fundamental principles of protecting and preserving heritage through the study of international charters: the Washington Charter for the Protection of Historic Cities, the Florentine Charter for the Protection of Historic Gardens and Parks, the Krakow Charter for the Protection of Architectural Heritage, etc .;
- mastering the best practices of protection of architectural, urban planning and artistic heritage.
The key task is to create a postgraduate knowledge base on heritage protection methodology as an instrument of cultural development of the state and as a fourth economic factor for its functioning.
As a result of studying the discipline, the graduate student should know - the essence of the system of protection of cultural heritage objects in the international dimension, as an inter-national cultural policy strategy. Understand the transnational dimension of heritage protection tasks.
As a result of studying the discipline the graduate student should be able to:
- apply international best practices in the field of protection and restoration of cultural heritage at the national and local levels;
- apply methodological apparatus for the protection and restoration of cultural heritage monuments in specific architectural and urban development activities, research, management, design, etc.
- use the acquired knowledge for scientific and practical works on research and restoration of architectural and urban planning heritage of Ukraine.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Fundamentals of restoration and reconstruction of architectural objects;
History of architecture;
Аrt history;
Criteria for determining the categories of art and architecture monuments and the procedure for listing them in the State Register.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Basic concepts of the course - UNESCO World Heritage List; international activities in the field of conservation and protection of cultural heritage; supranational international organizations for the protection of cultural heritage. A system for developing international norms, recommendations, directives for the preservation and protection of cultural objects. ICOMOS International Congresses and their Significance. ICROM activity. International Charters by their methodological focus on the conservation and protection of specific types of heritage. Applying international experience in the preservation and protection of cultural heritage as an important factor in shaping the educational and economic potential and basis of state building.
Рекомендована література:
1. Konvenciya pro oxoronu arxitekturnoyi spadshhy`ny` Yevropy`. Granada,1985 r. (raty`fikovano Ukrayinoyu 2006 r.);
2. Yevropejs`ka landshaftna konvenciya. Florenciya 2000 (raty`fikovano Ukrayinoyu 2005 r);
3. Yevropejs`ka konvenciya pro oxoronu arxeologichnoyi spadshhy`ny` (pereglyanuta) // Pam'yatky` Ukrayiny`. - 1998. - # . - S. 130-132;
4. Oxorona kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny`. Zbirny`k mizhnarodny`x dokumentiv. – Ky`yiv: ArtEk, 2002. – 136 s.
5. Mizhnarodni pravovi akty` YuNESKO "Mizhnarodna xartiya pro oxoronu istory`chny`x mist" [Pam'yatky` Ukrayiny`. - K., 1988. - # 2. - S. 39-40].
6. Mizhnarodni pravovi akty` YuNESKO "Konvenciya pro zaxy`st vsesvitn`oyi kul`turnoyi ta pry`rodnoyi spadshhy`ny`" vid 16 ly`stopada 1972 r.;
7. Publikaciyi: ICOMOS Documentation centre.
8. European quality principles for EU-funded interventions with potential impact upon cultural heritage. ICOMOS International, Paris, 2019. 66p. [Eng]
9. ISBN 978-2-918086-25-3. [e-book]
10. Urban Heritage and Sustainability. Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia (ed.), RII, Hae Un (ed.). ICOMOS CIVVIH, 2017. 356 p., illus., bibl.
11. Rethinking Modernity: Architecture and Urban planning of the 20th Century, between Avant-Garde and Tradition. Ziesemer, John (ed.). Berlin, Karl Kramer Verlag Stuttgart, 2019. 192 p., illus.
12. Back to the spirit of the Venice charter. Summary and conclusions of the seminar organized by ICOMOS France. Mouton, Benjamin (ed.), Schneider, Dominique (ed.). Paris, ICOMOS France, 2019. 43 p.
13. Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage: Dilemmas, Problems, Examples. Ifko, Sonja (ed.), Stokin, Mario (ed.). Ljubljana, ICOMOS Slovenija, 2018. 147 p.
14. The cultural landscape of the Wendland Circular Villages. Proceedings of the 2016 conference and annual meeting of ICOMOS CIAV held in Wendland, Germany, on September 28-October 2. Machat, Christoph (ed.). Berlin, Geymuller, Verlage fUr Architektur, Aachen, 2018, 111 p., illus. (ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, LXVII) [Eng]
15. Preserving transcultural heritage: Your way or my way? Questions on authenticity, identity and patrimonial proceedings in the safeguarding of architectural heritage created in the meeting of cultures. Actes du colloque tenu a Lisbonne, 5-8 juillet 2017, organise par ARTIS | Institute of History of Art, the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and ICOMOS portugal. Rodrigues dos Santos, joaquim (ed.). Casal de Cambra, Portugal, Caleidoscopio, 2017. 963 p., illus., bibl

Additional literature
1. Pravovi akty` z oxorony` kul`turnoyi spadshhy`ny` / uporyad. I. Kas`yanenko, Yu. Lixoj, red. Ty`mofiyenko V. - Ky`yiv: 1995. - 150 s.;
2. Internet resursy` sajtu YuNESKO; https://www.icomos.org/en;
3. Internet resursy` sajtu ICOMOS ta ICROM.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (50%): appeared at seminars, colloquium.
Final control (50%): control of semester control work, examination.