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Ethnocultural Traditions in Modern Design

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 8.022.00.M.28
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Лектор: Sc.D., Prof. Bodnar O.Ya. Phd, docent Melnyk O.Ya.
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
The study of the discipline provides for the formation and development of postgraduate competencies such:
- Knowledge and understanding of cause and effect relationships between socio-cultural and artistic phenomena and processes in the field of design, ability to identify and evaluate factors influencing contemporary design.
- Ability to develop logical and well-founded project-art systems, models, etc. for specific art objects in the field of design.
- Ability to evaluate and predict different artistic phenomena and processes in the field of design, to identify ethno-cultural features in contemporary design.
- Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of national and foreign scientific knowledge and practical experience in the field of ethno-design.
- Ability to apply the acquired knowledge from different subject areas of entodesign to formulate and justify new theoretical propositions and practical recommendations in a specific field of research, as well as in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of design process research.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Traditions and innovation in the development of European culture
Research methodology in architecture, urban planning and design
Philosophy and methodology of science
Problems of synthesis of arts in artistic culture
Visual culture of modern design
Historical paradigms and modern theories in architecture and design
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The course "Ethnocultural Traditions in Contemporary Design" provides study mechanisms of translation of ethno-cultural forms and meanings in objects and images of contemporary design. Ethnocultural approach in design within the tradition-innovation model is considered. The regional identity of the project culture is considered in the context of historical, ethno-cultural, artistic and spiritual traditions. The mechanisms of comprehension at the morphological level of the ethno-cultural traditions of a particular ethnos, the ideological-plastic projections of its mythological representations, the symbolic-semantic filling as a basis for the formation of specific design objects are being updated. The purpose of teaching the discipline is the formation of systemic knowledge in the field of ethno-design among young scientists, the ability to research and translate the meanings of ethno-cultural traditions and the specificity of form-formation in contemporary images and works of design.
Рекомендована література:
1. Antonovych Ye. Dekoratyvno-prykladne mystecztvo / Ye.Antonovych, R.Zaxarchuk-Chugaj, M.Stankevych . – L`viv: Svit, 1992. – 272 s.
2. Aronov V. Teoretycheskye koncepcyy zarubizhnogo dyzajna. – M.: VNYYTYe, 1992. – 121s.
3. Afanasev Yu. Etnostyl u konteksti etnokulturnoyi, nacionalnoyi ta globalizacijnoyi paradygm. Mystecztvoznavchi zapysky: zbirn. nauk. pracz`. Ky`yiv: Milenium, 2011. Vy`p.19. S. 197–202.
4. Danylenko V. Dyzajn Ukrayiny u svitovomu konteksti xudozhno-proektnoyi kultury`: monograf. Xarkiv: XDADM, Kolory`t, 2005. 244 s.
5. Encyklopediya etnokulturoznavstva / V.Kremen, Yu.Rymarenko, V.Chernecz ta in. 2-ge vy`d. Kyyiv: Derzhavna akademiya kerivny`x kadriv kultury i mystecztv, 2005.
6. Kara-Vasyl`yeva T. Formuvannya dyzajnu v Ukrayini xudozhny`kamy` avangardu. Narysy` z istoriyi ukrayins`-kogo dy`zajnu XX st.: zbirn. statej. Ky`yiv: Feniks, 2012.
7. Legenkyj Yu. Dy`zajn: kul`turologiya ta estet`ka. Kyyiv: KDUTD, 2000. 272 s.
8. Sakovych I. Narodni tradyciyi v ukrayinskij xudozhnij promyslovosti. K.: Naukova dumka, 1975
9. Selivachov M. Leksykon ukrayinskoyi ornamentyky (ikonografiya, nominaciya, stylistyka, typologiya). – K. : «Ant», Nizhyn : TOV Vydavnycztvo «Aspekt poligraf», 2005.
10. Ustyugova E. Styl i kultura: Opit postroenyya obshhej teoryy stylya. Yzd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006. 254 s.
11. Cherkes B.S. Nacional`na identychnist` v arxitekturi mista. Monografiya. – 2008. – 268 s
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (30%): practical tasks; individual research tasks
Final Control (70%): Exam