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International relations

6.291.01 International relations
Qualification awarded : Bachelor in International relations
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 4 years
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: International relations
Specific admission requirements: None, the admission is performed under general conditions of entry.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: None If the prior level was acquired in another country, nostrification, which is held in Lviv Polytechnic National University, is required. There are no mechanisms of recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Completed curriculum comprising 240 credits, a successful Bachelor’s thesis defense and passing the state exam in a foreign language before the Examination Committee
Characteristics of the educational program:
As a result of the program , students receive the profound knowledge in the theory and methodology of the study of international relations and world politics, the foundations of international law and international economic relations, the specifics of international organizations, forms and interactions of international actors (cooperation and conflict in the international arena), the Diplomatic and Consular Service, diplomatic etiquette and protocol in international relations, political science, history of political doctrines, country-specific studies and specificity and the vector of foreign policy of Ukraine. Students also receive professional knowledge and practical skills through the study of the history of international relations, main ideas, concepts and theories of international relations, trends in international interactions, particularly Regional studies, globalization and global problems, actual directions of foreign policy of the world (Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS, Asia and Africa, North and Latin America), and acquire skills of comparing the political systems of these countries. Special attention is given to studying of integration processes at various levels, including the functioning of the European Union. Also, students learn the information and communication technology and principles of public diplomacy in international relations. In addition, students continue the thorough study of several foreign languages, including theory and practice of translation (including translation of conferences and business translation).
Gained competence:
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge related to the current state of international relations environment (legal, economic, informational), socio-political and socio-cultural processes at national and international levels;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of duties of the diplomatic and consular service, rules of diplomatic protocol and etiquette;
- ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of highly specialized aspects of the historical development of international relations, Ukraine's place in the modern integration processes at local, regional and global contexts;
- the ability to demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and methodology of research in the field of international relations;
- ability to justify and explain the current processes in international relations and foreign policy at the global and regional levels;
- ability to analyze, organize and set priorities of the cooperation of Ukraine with other countries and international organizations;
- ability to apply knowledge and skills for professional activities in the field of foreign policy, diplomacy and public administration;
- ability to apply knowledge and skills to advise citizens on diplomatic and consular relations, various aspects of Ukraine's cooperation with other countries and international organizations;
- ability to provide objective information to representatives of central and local government on issues related to the field of international relations, foreign policy;
- ability to prepare official documents for diplomatic missions and other structures, written and oral presentations of scientific and practical content;
- ability to freely use foreign languages in practice in the speciality, to freely make direct and reverse translation of documents in foreign languages;
- ability to search the information in various sources to solve problems of a speciality, knowledge of the basics of information technology;
- ability to work effectively both individually and within a team;
- ability to use oral and written communication Ukrainian language for professional activities;
- ability to be responsible towards your work and achieve the goal of compliance without avoiding violation of professional ethics;
- ability to apply creativity in interpreting events at global, regional and local levels, taking into account the historical background of the emergence and development of specific situations in international relations, interactions of Ukraine with other states;
- ability to defend Ukraine's national interests in comunications, ability to combine humane, socially responsible and patriotic position;
- ability to think systematically and apply creativity to the formation of innovative ideas;
- ability to evaluate the results and use arguments to defend decisions;
- ability to combine theory and practice, make decisions and develop a strategy to meet the challenges of the specialty on the basis of human values, social and public interests;
- ability to realize the need for lifelong learning to enhance the acquired and acquiring new expertise, according to the latest stage of development of the theory of international relations, political science formulation of new concepts and visions of the international system.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: None, but mobility is encouraged and recognized according to the ECTS procedures.
Work placement(s): The program provides 9 ETCS credits of translation practice and practice according to theme of Bachelor’s thesis.
Programme director: The Guarantor of the program - Ilnytska Uliana, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of political science and international relations. Tel.: (032) 258-21-89, Website: http://old.lp.edu.ua/index.php?id=1615
Occupational profiles of graduates: The activity objects of Bachelor in International relations, public communications and Regional Studies is a system of actions and regulations in legal, political, economic and informational relations between States. The level of professional training within the spesialty of “International relations” allows students to work as attache, diplomatic courier, diplomatic agent, assistant of expert on foreign policy issues, political columnist assistant, specialist of the 3rd category etc. Professional profile - attache. Is engaged in professional activities within the embassies, missions and staff departments of foreign affairs, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Specializes in military, military aircraft, military, marine, commercial, financial issues and questions of the press. Professional profile - Diplomatic Courier. Specializes in delivery of diplomatic mail. Professional profile - diplomatic agent. Is the head of the representation agency or a member of the diplomatic staff of the agency. Professional profile - assistant of expert on foreign policy issues, the assistant of the political columnist. Is looking for the provision of information (social, political, economic, social and cultural), works with consulting and analytical activities, with social and political issues Professional profile - Specialist of the 3rd category. The activity objects of Bachelor in International relations, public communications and Regional Studies is a system of actions and regulations in legal, political, economic and informational relations between States.
Access to further studies: Studying at Master’s level, training programs.
Other program features: The feature of the program is getting a profound knowledge of two foreign languages on the B2 level, or the certificate equivalent to that level.
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences