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Foreign language II (French), Part 1
Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.M.29
Credits: 4
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Babkina M.I.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the study learners are expected to be able to:
• maintain a conversation on familiar study and specialism-related topics, expressing and exchanging opinions and factual information on study-related events;
• demonstrate understanding of clear and simple notices, including details on warning, announcements and instructions;
• make arrangements on the telephone, including getting connected, leaving and taking messages, provided the interlocutor’s speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent;
• make public presentations using appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication;
• write e-mails conveying simple straightforward information of immediate relevance /close to academic environment and everyday life;
• write forum posts and comments, expressing their own opinion and commenting on other opinions, agreeing/disagreeing on what can be found in social media and virtual learning environment;
• maintain a conversation on familiar study and specialism-related topics, expressing and exchanging opinions and factual information on study-related events;
• demonstrate understanding of clear and simple notices, including details on warning, announcements and instructions;
• make arrangements on the telephone, including getting connected, leaving and taking messages, provided the interlocutor’s speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent;
• make public presentations using appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication;
• write e-mails conveying simple straightforward information of immediate relevance /close to academic environment and everyday life;
• write forum posts and comments, expressing their own opinion and commenting on other opinions, agreeing/disagreeing on what can be found in social media and virtual learning environment;
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: The level of knowledge A1
Co-requisites: Country Study
Co-requisites: Country Study
Summary of the subject:
Socialising in Language Environments (Getting to Know Each Other. Describing Daily Life and Learning Experience. Making Arrangements by Phone. Exchanging Information and Discussing News. Dealing with Problems. Networking / Socialising in VLE)
Searching for and Processing Information
Developing skimming and scanning skills: extracting main and detailed information. Distinguishing between factual/ non-factual, important/ less important. Listening for main and detailed infrmation.
Recommended Books:
1. Борисенко П.А. Французька мова як друга іноземна: навч. посіб. / П.А. Борисенко. – К.: НАУ, 2011. – 228 с.
2. Бабкіна М.І. Збірник граматичних завдань з фанцузької мови: навч. посіб. для студентів вищих технічних
навчальних закладів /М.І.Бабкіна. – 2-ге вид., переробл. і доповн. – Львів: ЗУКЦ, 2014. – 250 с.
3. Даутель К. Французька граматика коротко і легко / К. Даутель - К.: Методика, 2011. – 192 с.
4. Дроздов О.А. Граматика французької мови в таблицях і схемах: довідкове видання /О.А.Дроздов. – Київ: ТОВ
«ВП Логос – М», 2013. – 96 с.
5. Дучин С.English+Lefrancais/С.Дучин. - Суми: ИТД « Университетская книга», 2006. – 508 с.
6. Chollet I. Precis de grammaire / I. Chollet, J.-M. Robert. – CLE international, 2009. – 224 p.
7. Boulares M.Conjugaison progressive du francais / М.Boulares M., О.Grand-Clement. - CLE Internatonal, 2000. –223p.
8. Gregoire M. Grammaire progressive du francais / М.Gregoire, О.Thievenaz. - CLE International, 2002–255p.
2. Бабкіна М.І. Збірник граматичних завдань з фанцузької мови: навч. посіб. для студентів вищих технічних
навчальних закладів /М.І.Бабкіна. – 2-ге вид., переробл. і доповн. – Львів: ЗУКЦ, 2014. – 250 с.
3. Даутель К. Французька граматика коротко і легко / К. Даутель - К.: Методика, 2011. – 192 с.
4. Дроздов О.А. Граматика французької мови в таблицях і схемах: довідкове видання /О.А.Дроздов. – Київ: ТОВ
«ВП Логос – М», 2013. – 96 с.
5. Дучин С.English+Lefrancais/С.Дучин. - Суми: ИТД « Университетская книга», 2006. – 508 с.
6. Chollet I. Precis de grammaire / I. Chollet, J.-M. Robert. – CLE international, 2009. – 224 p.
7. Boulares M.Conjugaison progressive du francais / М.Boulares M., О.Grand-Clement. - CLE Internatonal, 2000. –223p.
8. Gregoire M. Grammaire progressive du francais / М.Gregoire, О.Thievenaz. - CLE International, 2002–255p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: listening, monologue and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Control test.
Final control: exam.
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Exam Total for the discipline
Total for CC Written Test Presentation - 100
45 40 15
Classroom work (20)
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Self-study (25)
Lexical and grammatical exercises from textbooks and tests in Virtual Educational Environment (VEE) 5
Extracurricular reading 5
Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary. 5
Monologic speech.. 5
Dialogic speech. 5
Final control: exam.
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Exam Total for the discipline
Total for CC Written Test Presentation - 100
45 40 15
Classroom work (20)
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Self-study (25)
Lexical and grammatical exercises from textbooks and tests in Virtual Educational Environment (VEE) 5
Extracurricular reading 5
Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary. 5
Monologic speech.. 5
Dialogic speech. 5