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Countries of Asia and Africa, North and Latin America in International Relations

Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.97
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Lyubava Matlay
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- analyze the foreign policy of the main countries in Asian region;
- critically analyze the factors underlying China’s political and military development; to explore trends and developments in the rise of China; to provide a systematic framework for assessing the global implications of China’s rise;
- evaluate the character and prospects of Asian regionalism at economic, political and security levels;
- understand the historical roots and contemporary impulses of Africa’s international relations;
- analyze and discuss contemporary African politics in light of historical forces;
- examine American foreign relations from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present and, through which, the dynamic of the global and regional international relations;
- examine the strategic, tactical and humanitarian uses of military and other forms of power by each administration (e.g., towards the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan); U.S. policy towards NATO; U.S. policy towards Russia, China, the Middle East and Latin America; economic and political costs and benefits of American leadership in this period;
- explore of the relations among the USA, Canada, Mexico and countries Latin America.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites:Theory of International Relations, Fundamentals of Geopolitics and Geostrategy Co-requisites: Actual Problems of Foreign Policy of Ukraine and International Relations
Summary of the subject:
Asia Pacific region in modern international relations. The mechanisms of multilateral diplomacy in the APR. The conceptual foundations of the foreign policy of China. Japan’s foreign policy in the 21st century. The foreign policy and diplomacy of the Republic of Korea. Korean issue in contemporary international relations. International politics of Central Asia. The foreign policy of South Asia. The African continent in contemporary international relations. The African Union and the basic principles of its interaction with global and regional organizations. African-European relations in the new millennium. Features of the foreign policy of South Africa. The foreign policy of the Central, Western and North-East Africa. Trends in North American countries and regional peculiarities foreign policy strategy in the XXI century. The USA in the global system of international relations. Features of formation of the foreign policy of USA. Integration in North America. European vector of foreign policy of the United States. The foreign policy of USA in Asia. The United States and China. U.S. Foreign policy towards Ukraine. Canada’s foreign policy priorities. Canadian-European relations. The foreign policy of Mexico. Integration in South America. Inter-regional diplomacy in Latin America. The foreign policy of Argentina. Latin America and Asia-Pacific region: features multilateral and bilateral relations.
Recommended Books:
1.Diurozel Zhan-Batist. Istoriia dyplomatii vid 1919 roku do nashykh dniv / Zh.-B. Diurozel [Per. z fr.Ie.Maricheva, L.Pohorielovoi, V.Chaikovskoho]. – K.: Osnovy, 2005. –903 s.
2.Ivanytska O.P.Zovnishnia polityka krain Zakhidnoi Yevropy ta Pivnichnoi Ameryky u postbipoliarnyi period (1990 i - 2000-i roky) : navchalnyi posibnyk / O.P. Ivanytska . – Kyiv : Slovo, 2012 . – 719 s.
3.Istoriia suchasnoho svitu: sotsialno-politychna istoriia XV - XXst.: Navch. posibnyk / Za red. Iu.A. Horbania. – K.: Vikar, 2003. – 435 s.
4.Melnychuk N. Liderstvo SShA v umovakh hlobalnykh transformatsii / N.Melnychuk // Politychnyi menedzhment, 2013. – №1-2(57-58). – 244 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40%), oral examination, writing essays.
- Final evaluation (60%) exam (writing of answers on test papers (three-level testing) with oral component)