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Comparative Analysis of Political Systems of Foreign Countries
Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.58
Credits: 4
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Dr. of Polit. Sc., doc. Mykola Buchyn
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of the essence of the basic concepts, categories, terms of discipline;
• understanding of the peculiarities, structure and functions of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities, features and functions of the state as an institution of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence and peculiarities of the state’s form;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities and types of the government’s forms, political regimes and state-territorial structure of the world’s states;
• understanding of the peculiarities of functioning of institute of state’s head, legislative, executive and judicial branches of government;
• understanding of the peculiarities of the party and electoral systems on the example of foreign countries;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the characteristics of the political systems of the world’s states.
• understanding of the peculiarities, structure and functions of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities, features and functions of the state as an institution of the political system;
• knowledge of the essence and peculiarities of the state’s form;
• knowledge of the essence, peculiarities and types of the government’s forms, political regimes and state-territorial structure of the world’s states;
• understanding of the peculiarities of functioning of institute of state’s head, legislative, executive and judicial branches of government;
• understanding of the peculiarities of the party and electoral systems on the example of foreign countries;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the characteristics of the political systems of the world’s states.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Prerequisites: Political Science, Country Studies.
• Corequisites: Comparative analysis of political systems of foreign countries (course work).
• Corequisites: Comparative analysis of political systems of foreign countries (course work).
Summary of the subject:
Historical aspects of formation of comparative analysis. Features and types of comparative method. Political system: essence, structure and functions. Types and basic models of political systems. Political parties as the part of the political system. Typology of political parties. Classification of party systems in the modern world. The main electoral systems of foreign countries. The state as an institution of political system: essence, characteristics, functions and structure. State’s form. State-territorial structure. Forms of government. Monarchical and republican form of government. Democracy and democratic political regimes. Main features and types of the totalitarian regime. The essence and features of authoritarianism. Institute of state’s head. Peculiarities of the functioning of governments of the world’s states. Parliamentarism and functioning of representative power: international experience. Comparative analysis of the judicial authorities of foreign countries. Models of municipal self-government: world experience.
Recommended Books:
• Helei S. Polityko-pravovi systemy svitu: navchalnyi posibnyk / S.Helei, S.Rutar, O.Kendus. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi komertsiinoi akademii, 2002. – 224 s.
• Politolohiia. Kn. persha: Polityka i suspilstvo. Kn. druha: Derzhava i polityka // A. Kolodii, L. Klymanska, Ia. Kosmyna, V. Kharchenko.– 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dop.–K.: Elha, Nika – Tsentr, 2003.– 664 s.
• Romaniuk A.S. Porivnialnyi analiz politychnykh system krain Zakhidnoi Yevropy: instytutsiinyi vymir / A.S. Romaniuk. – Lviv: Triada plius, 2004. – 392 s.
• Troian S.S. Porivnialni politychni systemy suchasnosti: Navchalnyi posibnyk / S.S. Troian. – K.: NMTsVO, 2003. – 266 s.
• Politolohiia. Kn. persha: Polityka i suspilstvo. Kn. druha: Derzhava i polityka // A. Kolodii, L. Klymanska, Ia. Kosmyna, V. Kharchenko.– 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dop.–K.: Elha, Nika – Tsentr, 2003.– 664 s.
• Romaniuk A.S. Porivnialnyi analiz politychnykh system krain Zakhidnoi Yevropy: instytutsiinyi vymir / A.S. Romaniuk. – Lviv: Triada plius, 2004. – 392 s.
• Troian S.S. Porivnialni politychni systemy suchasnosti: Navchalnyi posibnyk / S.S. Troian. – K.: NMTsVO, 2003. – 266 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control: (40%): recitation, speeches during practical classes.
• Final control: (60%): exam (tests and theoretical questions).
• Final control: (60%): exam (tests and theoretical questions).
Comparative Analysis of Political Systems of Foreign Countries (курсова робота)
Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.60
Credits: 3
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Dr. of Polit. Sc., doc. Mykola Buchyn
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of peculiarities of writing a research paper;
• understanding of the peculiarities and the structure of course work;
• knowledge of essence of comparative analysis and peculiarities of its practical application;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice during the writing and presentation of course work;
• the ability to effectively demonstrate the main provisions of the course work on the public defense.
• understanding of the peculiarities and the structure of course work;
• knowledge of essence of comparative analysis and peculiarities of its practical application;
• the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice during the writing and presentation of course work;
• the ability to effectively demonstrate the main provisions of the course work on the public defense.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Prerequisites: Comparative analysis of political systems of foreign countries.
• Corequisites: Bachelor's qualification work.
• Corequisites: Bachelor's qualification work.
Summary of the subject:
Subjects of course work. General characteristic of the course work. Structural elements of the course work. Stages and deadlines of course work. Requirements for writing a course work. Evaluation criteria of course work. The process of writing and designing of the course work. Public defense of course work.
Recommended Books:
• Buchyn M.A. Porivnialnyi analiz politychnykh system zarubizhnykh krain: Plany ta metodychni vkazivky dlia napysannia kursovykh robit dlia studentiv napriamu pidhotovky 6.030201 – «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny» dennoi formy navchannia Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika» / M.A. Buchyn, Ia.B. Turchyn. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2014. – 16 s.
• Kursova robota [Elektronnyi resurs] // Vikipediia. – Rezhym dostupu: https://uk.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Kursova_robota
• Kursova robota [Elektronnyi resurs] // Vikipediia. – Rezhym dostupu: https://uk.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Kursova_robota
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Public defense of the work (quality of course work, quality of defense, quality of presentation, quality of answers to questions)