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Theory and Practice of Translation, part 1

Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.59
Credits: 3
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Zakaulova Yu.V., Zinchuk I., Istomina K.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the study learners are expected to know: peculiarities of translating texts of various genres; methods and ways of translating idiomatic and stable phrases; methods and ways of translating realia of social and political spheres; peculiarities of translating poly-semantic language units; peculiarities of translating texts of the publicist style; peculiarities of translating passive constructions; peculiarities of translating gerundial constructions; peculiarities of translating infinitival constructions; peculiarities of translating participles and their constructions; peculiarities of translating multi-component asyndetic noun clusters; methods and ways of translating internationalisms; methods and ways of translating proper names; methods and ways of translating non-equivalent modal verbs into the Ukrainian language.

Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: Foreign language, parts 1, 2, 3, 4
Co-requisites: Foreign Language for Specific Purposes, part 1.

Summary of the subject:
The aim of the discipline is to deepen students’ knowledge on Theory and Practice of Translation. The following aspects are expected to be covered in the course of studying: the notion and subject of translation, significance of translation in educational and intercultural space, modes and ways of translation, levels and units of translation, methods and ways of translating proper names, methods and ways of translating internationalisms, methods and ways of translating realia of social and political spheres, methods and ways of translating stable and idiomatic phrases, translation of English modal verbs which do not have equivalents in the Ukrainian language. Mastering the discipline presupposes accumulation and actualization of knowledge and skills on Translation Studies, expanding knowledge of terminology and intense activation of lexical units accumulated at previous stages of the studying process.
Recommended Books:
1. Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. – Вінниця, 2000. – 446 с.
2. Корунець І.В. Вступ до перекладознавства. – Вінниця, 2008. – 512 с.
3. Ребрій О.В. Основи перекладацького скоропису. – Вінниця, 2006. – 148 с.
4. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. - М.: Междунар. отношения, 1975. – 240 с.
5. Борисенко І. І., Євтушенко Л. І., Дейнека В. В. Англійська мова в міжнародних документах і дипломатичній кореспонденції: Навч. посіб. — К., 1999. – 416 с.
6. Зорівчак Р.П. Реалія і переклад.– Львів, 1989.-216 с.
7. Зорівчак Р.П. Фразеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча категорія. - Львів: Вища шк. Вид-во при Львів, ун-ті, 1983. – 175 с.
8. Коптілов В.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. - К.: Видавництво Київ, університету, 1982. – 280 с.
9. Baker M. In other words: A Coursebook on Translation. – London and New York: Routledge, 1992. – V. XII. – 304 p.
10. Nida E.A., Taber Ch.R.. The Theory and Practice of Translations. – 1982. – VIII, 218 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: 50% - oral examination of theoretical knowledge and accomplishment of necessary tasks on translation.
Modular control: 50% - modular test.
Final control: 100% - credit.

Theory and Practice of Translation, part 1

Major: International relations
Code of Subject: 6.291.01.E.87
Credits: 3
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: doc. Zhorniak N., Ihnatiuk H., Istomina K.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the study learners are expected to know: peculiarities of translating texts of various genres; methods and ways of translating idiomatic and stable phrases; methods and ways of translating realia of social and political spheres; peculiarities of translating polysemantic language units; peculiarities of translating texts of the publicist style; peculiarities of translating passive constructions; peculiarities of translating gerundial constructions; peculiarities of translating infinitival constructions; peculiarities of translating participles and their constructions; peculiarities of translating multi-component asyndetic noun clusters; methods and ways of translating internationalisms; methods and ways of translating proper names; methods and ways of translating non-equivalent modal verbs into the Ukrainian language.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: Foreign language, parts 1, 2, 3, 4
Corequisites: Foreign Language for Specific Purposes, part 1.
Summary of the subject:
The aim of the discipline is to deepen students’ knowledge on Thory and Practice of Translation. The following aspects are expected to be covered in the course of studying: the notion and subject of translation, significance of translation in educational and intercultural space, modes and ways of translation, levels and units of translation, methods and ways of translating proper names, methods and ways of translating internationalisms, methods and ways of translating realia of social and political spheres, methods and ways of translating stable and idiomatic phrases, translation of English modal verbs which do not have equivalents in the Ukrainian language. Mastering the discipline presupposes accumulation and actualization of knowledge and skills on Translation Studies, expanding knowledge of terminology and intense activization of lexical units accumulated at previous stages of the studying process.
Recommended Books:
1. Корунець І.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. – Вінниця, 2000. – 446 с.
2. Корунець І.В. Вступ до перекладознавства. – Вінниця, 2008. – 512 с.
3. Ребрій О.В. Основи перекладацького скоропису. – Вінниця, 2006. – 148 с.
4. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. - М.: Междунар. отношения, 1975. – 240 с.
5. Борисенко І. І., Євтушенко Л. І., Дейнека В. В. Англійська мова в міжнародних документах і дипломатичній кореспонденції: Навч. посіб. — К., 1999. – 416 с.
6. Зорівчак Р.П. Реалія і переклад.– Львів, 1989.-216 с.
7. Зорівчак Р.П. Фразеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча категорія. - Львів: Вища шк. Вид-во при Львів, ун-ті, 1983. – 175 с.
8. Коптілов В.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. - К.: Видавництво Київ, університету, 1982. – 280 с.
9. Baker M. In other words: A Coursebook on Translation. – London and New York: Routledge, 1992. – V. XII. – 304 p.
10. Nida E.A., Taber Ch.R.. The Theory and Practice of Translations. – 1982. – VIII, 218 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Total for the
Classroom work
Oral examination 15
Work in a linguaphone room 10
Accomplishment of tasks to consolidate of theoretical material 10
Practice of interpreting 5
Analysis of written translation samples 5
Accomplishment of tasks to consolidate of theoretical material 10
Compilation of translation glossaries 10
Practice of written translation 10
Accomplishment of tasks to improve interpreting skills 5
Test №1 20