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Computer Modeling Of Historic Architectural Objects (курсова робота)

Major: Restoration of monuments of architecture and town planning and reconstruction of architectural objects
Code of Subject: 7.191.04.E.11
Credits: 2
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: V. Petryk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Knowledge of the theoretical fundamentals, designed standards, urban planning methods, architectural design of the new living and public buildings and reconstruction or the restoration of historically formed ones as well as an environmental design;
2.Knowledge of the functional-topological and architectural-artistic fundamentals of planning the buildings and their complexes;
3. Knowledge of the main functional-planning techniques as well as architectural artistic organization of buildings and their complexes taking into account the different needs of the population, climate and urban planning conditions, the requirements of monument conservation legislation;
4. Knowledge of the innovative technologies of an architectural objects fixation and computer design;
5.In an architectural and urban planning;
6. In solving the functional and using, building, construction, engineering and technological problems with the purpose to provide the safety and comfort while using the objects by the different groups of a population including the disable and mobile restricted people;
7. In carrying out the relevant investigations and in using the research skills in architecture and restoration.
Required prior and related subjects:
1.History of Architecture and Urban Planning
2.Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects
3.Computer science and computer modeling basics
Summary of the subject:
Lectures – familiarization with the types of architectural measurements and advanced fixation methods of architectural objects, the methodology of computer modeling of historical and architectural object by materials of fixation Practice – familiarization with systematics and research methods, methods of natural research of monuments, perform natural architectural measurements, measurements of architectural and archaeological monument, using of digital technical means of fixation, processing of fixation data, creation models on the computer.
Recommended Books:
1. V. Mikhaylenko, V. Vanin, S. Kovalev Engineering and Computer Graphics: a textbook for students of higher education institutions
2. Barker Ph. Techniques of archaeological excavation
3. Golembnik A. Zasady eksploracji i dokumentacji wielowarstwowych stanowisk archeologicznych w miastach / Ewidencja, eksploracja i dokumentacja w praktyce konserwatorstwa archeologicznego.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Lectures - Intermediate colloquia, final colloquium test.
Practic - Presentations during the semester, final defense of control design work.