Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Renovation of Buildings

Major: Restoration of monuments of architecture and town planning and reconstruction of architectural objects
Code of Subject: 7.191.04.O.2
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Dybuk Yu.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1.Knowledge of the typology and classification of the historic heritage objects and the principles of their complex research;
2. Knowledge of the innovative technologies of an architectural objects fixation and computer design;
3. Knowledge of the methodology and practice of a historic architectural heritage, building materials specificity, the restoration and reconstruction technologies of the architectural objects as well as the elements of their artistic alignment;
4. Knowledge in the field of spatial planning public policy; basic problems of spatial planning and a region development; understanding the problems of a region development; compiling the plans of a spatial development;
5. In putting forward the idea and its gradual developing in the course of a project performance, in providing the decisions of the architectural, social and ecological tasks of creating healthy, available and comfortable environment in the historic space within the project;
6. In applying the actual methods, techniques and technologies of architectural and urban planning object in the course of the project including the methods of compositional modelling and computer design;
7. In developing the conceptual idea and solution of a historic urban planning complexes revalorization.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. History of Architecture and City Planning
2. Basics of restoration and reconstruction of architectural objects
3. The theoretical approaches Protection of Monuments
4. Architectural Material Science
5. Construction of buildings and structures
6. Basics of City Planning
7. Design of Architectural Environment
Summary of the subject:
Lectures – familiarization with the terminology, objectives of design and production of renovation work, with renovation methods and their place in the complex of measures to preserve historic architectural environment, with the previous and detailed architectural and constructive examination and processing acts of technical condition and defect information. Elucidation of renovation measures of the territory adjacent to historic buildings and restoration of small architectural forms. Проектування – Site visit, for which will be carried out project of renovation work, demonstration of techniques measurements for building facades and adjacent territory, inspection of the technical state, determination of defects, deformations, losses on these objects.
Recommended Books:
1. Долинська М.Л. Локалізація львівської історичної забудови на стадії передпроектних досліджень: Методичні вказівки.
2. Бевз М.В., Збереження історичного розпланувального укладу в проектах регенерації заповідних територій історичних міст.
3. Прибєга Л.В., Кам’яне зодчество України. Охорона та реставрація.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Lectures – Intermediates module controls (tests), final colloquium, exam (test).
Designing – Presentations during semester, final defense of verification and estimated work.