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Up-To-Date Upproaches In The Practice Of Architectural Objects Restoration

Major: Restoration of monuments of architecture and town planning and reconstruction of architectural objects
Code of Subject: 7.191.04.E.30
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Bokalo I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Knowledge of the basics of vocational-oriented disciplines in specialty «191 Architecture and Urban Planning»;
2. Knowledge of the theoretical fundamentals, designed standards, urban planning methods, architectural design of the new living and public buildings and reconstruction or the restoration of historically formed ones as well as an environmental design;
3. Knowledge of the functional-topological and architectural-artistic fundamentals of planning the buildings and their complexes;
4. Knowledge of the main functional-planning techniques as well as architectural artistic organization of buildings and their complexes taking into account the different needs of the population, climate and urban planning conditions, the requirements of monument conservation legislation;
5. Knowledge of interconnection between the volumetric-spatial, constructional, building, engineering solutions and the maintenance qualities of buildings;
6. Knowledge of the technology of a design business organization in architecture and urban planning, design stage, the functions of an architect as the organizer of a design process;
7. Knowledge of the technology of design tasks development; content and the sources of pre-design information, the methods of its gathering and analyzing;
8. Knowledge of the modern urban planning conceptions and their critical estimation in a contemporary architectural theory;
9. In an architectural and urban planning;
10. In putting forward the idea and its gradual developing in the course of a project performance, in providing the decisions of the architectural, social and ecological tasks of creating healthy, available and comfortable environment in the historic space within the project;
11. In applying the actual methods, techniques and technologies of architectural and urban planning object in the course of the project including the methods of compositional modelling and computer design;
12. In thorough keeping the project documentation at any stage, including the working drafts of the architectural and restoration solutions;
13. In developing the conceptual idea and solution of a historic urban planning complexes revalorization
14. Having been anchored to current legislation and documentation requirements, using the norms, technical conditions, estimate handbooks: in
- formalizing a project request;
- completing the initial conditions;
- setting the task of the project;
- making up an estimate of the project;
- drawing up a customer contract.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. Bases of conservation and restoration of architectural and urban development monuments;
2. Integrated scientific researches;
3. Contemporary theories of architecture.
Summary of the subject:
Lectures - to show the latest research methods and modern technical equipment and materials; examples of research projects that are executed at a high level and are characterized by reliable results. Practical sessions - individual tasks are performed on object or fragment research with the latest techniques. Using computer modeling and modern software.
Recommended Books:
1. Wierska-Parachoniak M. Z historii wiazacych materialow budowlanych // oOchrona zabytkow. – Warszawa: 1968. – N 4. – S. 20-22.
2. Zubrzycki J.S. Murarz Polski. – Krakow, 1916. – 23 s.
3. Zubrzycki J.S. Ciesla Polski. – Krakow, 1916. – 20 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Lectures – the final evaluative colloquium, test.
Designing - presentations during the semester, final presentation of the course work and its defense.