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English for Specific Purposes

Major: Philology (Applied Linguistics)
Code of Subject: 6.035.10.O.5
Credits: 8
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor of Applied Linguistic's department Albota S.M. associate professor of Applied Linguistic's department Karamysheva I.D.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the language nature as a social phenomenon, its connection with speech, culture and social development of the people;
• ability to describe the fundamental interaction between language and the world; the origin and development of language, its levels; basic units of language and speech; functional speech properties.
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerequisites: - (none)
• co-requisites: basics of applied linguistics and basics of linguistic and computer technologies
Summary of the subject:
Phonetics: the system of consonants and vowels; modification of sounds, pronunciation variants; the emotional intonation of connected speech. Morphology: language and speech, grammar as a part of linguistics; parts of speech and their classification principles; noun, article, verb, adjective, pronoun, numeral, adverb; the functional parts of speech. Syntax: the basic concepts of syntax; phrase, sentence; the secondary parts of the sentence; complex sentence; the sentence pragmatics; sentence within the text, text.
Recommended Books:
1. Bowler B. New Headway Pronunciation Upper Intermediate Student’s Practice Book / B. Bowler, S. Cunningham. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – 230 p.
2. Matthews P. H. Morphology / P.H. Matthews. – Cambridge, 1991. – 264 p.
3. Nida E. Morphology: The descriptive analysis of words / E. Nida. - Ann Arbor, 1949. – 342 p.
4. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students / A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet. – Oxford University Press, 1960. – 311 p.
5. Cotton D., Favley D., Kent S. Language Leader upper-intermediate / D.Cotton, D.Favley, S.Kent. – England: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. – 183.
6. Electronic Platform of Language Leader upper-intermediate: https://www.pearson.com/english/myenglishlab.html

Assessment methods and criteria:
• continuous assessment (45%), homework, written interim control and recitation (25%);
• final assessment (55% of exam): testing (10%), descriptive writing tasks (20%), grammatical tasks (15%), lexical tasks (10%)