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Accounting in Enterprise Management

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 7.071.00.O.1
Credits: 6
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Pylypenko Liubomyr Mykolayovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
A result of studying the module student must:
- Know the theory, methodology, practice of accounting information for current and potential needs of enterprise management; theoretical, methodological and practical principles to use accounting as an information source in management; procedure of formation of statements to meet the information needs of managers of the company;
- be able: to generate accounting system for management; to determine the information needs of users of accounting information in enterprise management, to form management financial statements to manage economic targets.
Required prior and related subjects:
prerequisite: «Accounting»; «Financial Accounting»; «Enterprise Reporting»;
co-requisite: «Organization of accounting»
Summary of the subject:
The essence and the role of accounting information in enterprise management. Accounting in information system management. The principles, methods and techniques of preparation of management accounting reporting. Evaluation of the expected costs for forecasting and decision-making. The accounting policies in pricing. Accounting to manage enterprise value. Balanced Scorecard in the formation of accounting and analytical support management. Tools of accounting and reporting in enterprise management. Accounting for making environmental decisions. Accounting for making social decisions. Accounting risk management company. The quality of accounting information and accounting.
Recommended Books:
Пилипенко Л.М. Бухгалтерський облік в управлінні підприємством: конспект лекцій / Л.М. Пилипенко, М.І. Диба. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015.– 96 с.
Бухгалтерський облік в управлінні підприємством: навч. посіб. / О.А. Лаговська, С.Ф. Легенчук, В.І. Кузь, С.В. Кучер. - Житомир: Житомирський державний технологічний університет, 2017. - 416 с.
Корягін М.В. Оцінювання вартості підприємства в системі бухгалтерського обліку : Монографія / М.В. Корягін. – Львів: ТОВ «НВП «Інтерсервіс», 2012. – 62 с.
Пушкар М.С., Щирба М.Т. Теорія і практика формування облікової політики: Монографія. – Тернопіль: Карт-бланш, 2009. – 260 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (30%): oral questioning, work in the practice, testing;
Final control (70%): semester control (written and oral component)