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Social Responsibility and Integrated Reporting of Enterprises

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of Subject: 7.071.00.M.13
Credits: 3
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor Voskalo Volodymyr Ivanovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of studying the discipline the student should know: general concepts and approaches to the formation of corporate social responsibility; regulatory principles of social responsibility; the nature, components and priorities of socially responsible policies regarding employees; basic procedures, structure and requirements for an integrated reporting.
The student should be able to: correctly apply the principles of corporate social responsibility in practice; promote corporate social responsibility into practice; - to justify most favorable directions of realization socially responsible activities of the company on the basis of the evaluation of their effectiveness; evaluate the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility; prepare and present integrated reporting of the company.
Required prior and related subjects:
Accounting in EnterpriseManagement
Summary of the subject:
The formation and development of corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility as a factor of sustainable development. Managing corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility in relations between employers and employees. Social Responsibility in dealing with external organizations. The environmental component of social responsibility. Integrated reporting as a tool for socially responsible business. Background introducing integrated reporting in Ukraine. The procedures for creating an integrated reporting facility. The structure of the integrated statements.
Recommended Books:
1. Гетманцев Д.О., Форсюк В.Л., Федчишин Ю.А., Лавреха Ю.М. Непряме оподаткування: правова сутність та адміністрування : наук. практ. Посіб. / Д.О. Гетманцев, В.Л. Форсюк, Ю.А Федчишин, Ю.М.Лавреха. – 2-ге вид., перероб. і допов. – К: Юрінком Інтер, 2016, 592 с.
2. Гетманцев Д.О., Мусійчук І.М., Шишканов О.А., Шамрай О.В. Пряме реальне оподаткування: правова сутність та адміністрування : наук. практ. Посіб. / Д.О. Гетманцев, І.М. Мусійчук, О.А. Шишканов, О.В. Шамрай. – К: Юрінком Інтер, 2014, 336 с.
3. Іванов Ю. Б. Податковий облік та звітність : підручник /
Ю. Б. Іванов, В. В. Карпова, О. Є. Найденко. – К. : Знання, 2011. – 710 с.
4. Податковий кодекс України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2755-17
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (100%): oral questioning, work in the practice Control work, scoring test control