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Engineering Mechanics, part 3 (курсова робота)

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.00.O.31
Credits: 2
Department: Technical Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines
Lecturer: Pasika Vyacheslav
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Studying discipline is necessary in order to know the basic criteria of machine working capacity; work calculations according to the criteria of workability and be able to construct parts and assembly units; take into account when designing the issue of technological efficiency, efficiency, unification of machinery and to meet the requirements of labor protection, ecology.
A student must be able to formulate and solve engineering problems independently, based on a rational choice of calculation and technological schemes taking into account the newest achievements of scientific and technological
Required prior and related subjects:
1. Higher mathematics
2. Computational mathematics
3. Physics
4. Descriptive geometry and graphics
5. Theoretical mechanics
6. Resistance of materials
7. Material Science
8. Technology of structural materials
9. Theory of mechanisms and machines
Summary of the subject:
1. Task 2. Engine selection and load transmission parameters 3. Calculation of gears for durability 4. Effort in gearshift and shaft load 5. Design calculation of shafts 6. Selection and calculation of bearings 7. Verifying calculation of keypads 8. Determination of the size of the main parts of the gear unit 9. Masking and sealing 10. Calculation and design of the coupling 11. References Graphic part Arc number 1 Reducer. Assembly drawing. A1 format Arc number 2 Reducer. Detailing. ––Val is slow-moving. Assembly drawing. A3 format ––Val is slow-moving. Draw a shaft. A3 format ––Val is slow-moving. Draw wheels of the toothed. A3 format ––Drawings of the coupling. Assembly drawing. A3 format
Recommended Books:
1. Анурьев В.И. Справочник конструктора-машиностроителя: В 3 т. – М., 1979–1982. Т.1 – 728 с. Т.2. – 559 с. Т.3. – 557 с.
2. Бочков В.Н. Чернилевский Д.В., Будько П.П. Детали машин: Атлас. – М., 1983. – 164 с.
3. Детали машин: Атлас конструкцій. (Беляев В.Н., Богатырев И.С., Буланже А.В. и др.) – М., 1979. – 367 с.
4. Дунаев П.Ф., Леликов О.П. Конструирование узлов и деталей машин. – М., 1985. – 416 с.
5. Малащенко В.О., Янків В.В. Деталі машин. Курсове проектування. Львів. Новий світ – 2000, 2004, - 236 с.; 2006, - 252 с.; 2007, - 252 с.
6. Павлище В.Т. Підшипники кочення. Довідник. Львів, Інтелект Захід, 2001, - 148 с.
7. Павлище В.Т., Данило Я.Я. Різьби, різьбові з”єднання та кріпильні деталі. Довідник. Львів, Інтелект-Захід, 2001. – 239 с.
8. Поляков В.С., Барбаш И.Д., Ряховский О.А. Справочник по муфтам. – Л., 1979. – 344 с.
9. Проектирование механических передач. Чернавский С.А., Снесарев Г.А., Козинцов Б.С. и др. – М., 1984. – 560 с.

Assessment methods and criteria:
Semester score 100 points
Current control(Timeliness of execution) 10 points
–Sheet №1 10 points
–Sheet №2 10 points

–Explanatory note 10 points
Protection of work 60 points
–Quality of execution 10 points
–Oral component 50 points

Engineering Mechanics, part 3

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.00.O.28
Credits: 5
Department: Technical Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines
Lecturer: Pasika Vyacheslav
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result, the discipline expert should know: the basis of calculation of strength, endurance, stability shematyzovanyh main elements: rods and thin-walled shells; basic concepts of the theory of mechanisms and machines; bases of reliability of technical objects; basic principles of design, including: the steps to create new products and types of design documents for completeness, performance structural materials, the concept of adaptability and precision manufacturing products, standardized design and calculation of typical elements are connected parts, mechanical gears and drives.
Prepared specialist should be able to: install mechanical efficiency criteria typical elements of technical facilities make settlement schemes and perform the necessary calculations, design details of general-purpose regulatory terminology correctly applied mechanics, applicable regulations and reference materials, evaluate designs according to the criteria of efficiency and metaloyemkosti at the same time providing the necessary reliability of the technical object.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prophets – physics, mathematics, engineering graphics, theoretical mechanics;
corrections – surface treatment and restoration of products, physical properties and methods of research of materials, mechanical properties of materials and methods of their determination.
Summary of the subject:
General information about the design of technical objects. Precision of manufacturing of machine parts. Basics of reliability of technical objects. Calculation and construction of joints of machine elements. Mechanical transmission of rotary motion. Axles, shafts and their supports. Elements of mechanical drives of machines.
Recommended Books:
1. Павловський М.А. Теоретична механіка: Підручник. – К.: Техніка, 2004. – 512 с.
2. Павлище В.Т., Харченко Є.В., Барвінський А.Ф., Гаршнєв Ю.Г. Прикладна механіка. Навч. посібник. – Львів: «Інтелект-Захід». 2004. – 368 с.
3. Павлище В.Т. Основи конструювання та розрахунок деталей машин: Підручник. – Львів: Афіша, 2003. – 560с.
3. Кіницький Я.Т. Теорія механізмів і машин. – К. Наук. думка. 2002. – 660с.
4. Розрахунок елементів привода з прямозубою циліндричною передачею: Завдання та приклад виконання розрахунково-графічної роботи з курсу ”Теоретична та прикладна механіка“ для студентів базового напряму 6.050403 ”Інженерне матеріалознавство“/ Укл.: В.М. Гелетій, Б.В. Сологуб, Я.Я. Данило. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2012. – 15 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Control of knowledge in practical classes - 5 points;
execution and protection of settlement and graphic work - 10 points; protection of reports of laboratory works - 10 points;
exam - 70 points; oral component - 10 points.