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Oil and Gas Equipment (курсова робота)

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.00.O.26
Credits: 2
Department: Welding Manufacture, Diagnostics and Restoration of Metal Structures
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Oil and Gas Equipment

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.00.O.24
Credits: 5.5
Department: Welding Manufacture, Diagnostics and Restoration of Metal Structures
Lecturer: Biloborodchenko V.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- theoretical knowledge and practical skills are required for reliable operation of oil and gas equipment designed for optimal operation, increasing the flow rate, repairing the well, and its onshore infrastructure
Required prior and related subjects:
- introduction to the specialty, fundamentals of oil and gas business
Summary of the subject:
- formation of competencies in fundamental knowledge and skills of equipment used in the oil and gas industry, namely: design solutions, purpose, operation of components and equipment in general, operating conditions, optimal use
Recommended Books:
1.V. N. Ivanovsky, V. I. Darishchev, A. A. Sabirov, V. S. Kashtanov, S. S. Beijing-equipment for oil and gas production. Part 1, Part 2 .M.: Publishing house "Oil and gas of the Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas ", 2002-2003; 2. E. I. Bukhalenko, Yu.G.Abdulaev - installation, maintenance and repair of oilfield equipment. M.: Nadra publishing house. 1985; 3.L. G. Chicherov et al. - calculation and design of oilfield equipment. M.: Nadra publishing house. 1987; 4. catalog of petroleum equipment, automation tools, devices and special materials. Volume 2. M .: VNIIOENG publishing house. 1994; 5. catalog of petroleum equipment, automation tools, devices and special materials. Volume 1. M . VNIIOENG publishing house, 1994; 6. Neftepromyshlennoe obmezhen: Del. Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1990..
Assessment methods and criteria:
Students ' knowledge is diagnosed using the following methods:: 1.defense of practical works in oral form by interviewing theoretical material on the topic of the work and the methodology of calculations. 2.conducting current Express control with questions that are based on the lecture material. Tests evaluate the correctness of answers to questions asked to the student. 3.defense of laboratory work in oral form by interviewing theoretical material on the topic of the work and the methodology of its implementation and the obtained research results. 4.exam control with written and oral components. 5. completing the course work.