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Construction of Main Pipelines (курсова робота)

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.02.E.96
Credits: 2
Department: Welding Manufacture, Diagnostics and Restoration of Metal Structures
Lecturer: Dzyubyk A.R.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know and be able to perform the organization in the construction of pipeline transport facilities;
• be able to perform the required strength calculation of the pipeline in accordance with the operating parameters;
• use existing software computerized tools for the design of main pipelines
Required prior and related subjects:
- Construction of main pipelines
- Entry to the profession
- Fundamentals of oil and gas business
- Oil and gas equipment
- Corrosion and corrosion protection of gas and oil pipelines
Summary of the subject:
Independent creative work, which is performed in extracurricular time on the task and under the methodical guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. Acquisition of practical knowledge and skills to perform the required strength calculation of the main pipeline in accordance with the conditions of operation and implementation of works in the construction of pipeline transport facilities at the modern scientific and technical level. When performing course work, preference is given to design real pipeline systems ordered by the base company, potential customer, employer, etc.
Recommended Books:
1. A.R.Dzyubyk, I.B.Nazar, R.V.Palash. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti zvaryuvannya mahistralnykh truboprovodiv pry yikh ekspluatatsiyi ta remonti. –Lviv: 2011. - 258s.
2. Izolyatsiya pohlynayuchykh horyzontiv burovykh sverdlovyn termoplastychnymy materialamy: monohrafiya / A. K. Sudakov, A. R. Dzyubyk, YU. L. Kuzin, I. B. Nazar, D. A. Sudakova. – Drohobych: Posvit, 2019. – 182 c.
3. Hura L. O. Hazoperekachuvalni stantsiyi mahistralnykh hazoprovodiv : Navch. posibnyk. - Kharkiv: NTU "KHPI", 2006 - 189 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control, rapid control, protection course work before the commission (100%).

Construction of Main Pipelines

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of Subject: 6.185.02.E.95
Credits: 5
Department: Welding Manufacture, Diagnostics and Restoration of Metal Structures
Lecturer: Dzyubyk A.R.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Know the organization of preparatory, related, final and control works in pipeline construction.
2. Know the essence of technologies used at the stage of construction of main pipelines.
3. Be able to experimentally investigate and calculate the stress state of the main pipeline to determine its strength.
4. Be able to set up diagnostic equipment used in pipeline transport and carry out the measurement process on this equipment.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Entry to the profession
- Fundamentals of oil and gas business
- Oil and gas equipment
- Corrosion and corrosion protection of gas and oil pipelines
Summary of the subject:
During the study of this discipline the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge of technologies of construction of main pipelines, which are used in production at this time and will be developed in the near future. The organization and essence of works in pipeline construction, as well as methods of calculating the strength and experimental diagnosis of main pipelines are studied.
Recommended Books:
1. A.R.Dzyubyk, I.B.Nazar, R.V.Palash. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti zvaryuvannya mahistralnykh truboprovodiv pry yikh ekspluatatsiyi ta remonti. –Lviv: 2011. - 258s.
2. Izolyatsiya pohlynayuchykh horyzontiv burovykh sverdlovyn termoplastychnymy materialamy: monohrafiya / A. K. Sudakov, A. R. Dzyubyk, YU. L. Kuzin, I. B. Nazar, D. A. Sudakova. – Drohobych: Posvit, 2019. – 182 c.
3. Hura L. O. Hazoperekachuvalni stantsiyi mahistralnykh hazoprovodiv : Navch. posibnyk. - Kharkiv: NTU "KHPI", 2006 - 189 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (30%, defense of laboratory work).
• Final control (60% written component, an oral component 10%).