Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Fundamentals of International Relations Theory
Спеціальність: Building and Civil Engineering
Код дисципліни: 6.192.00.M.24
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Political Science and International Relations
Лектор: Lesia Dorosh, PhD in political science, associate professor.
Семестр: 1 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
• knowledge of role of the discipline in the specialists’ social and humanitarian training;
• knowledge of modern theories of international relations, problems, categories and concepts of international relations;
• knowledge of main participants of international relations, their interests, goals and means;
• knowledge of nature of conflicts and main directions of cooperation in international relations;
• knowledge of features and types of international order in the world politics;
• understanding of globalization and global challenges as factors of strengthening of international actors’ cooperation;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations, systematize main directions of research of international relations;
• ability to identify factors, which influence the participants of international life; to highlight types and structural elements of international relations;
• ability to highlight the most common patterns in international relations; ability to evaluate role of the state and non-state actors in international relations;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations and to analyze specifics of formation of the modern system of international relations and to determine Ukraine’s place in it.
• knowledge of modern theories of international relations, problems, categories and concepts of international relations;
• knowledge of main participants of international relations, their interests, goals and means;
• knowledge of nature of conflicts and main directions of cooperation in international relations;
• knowledge of features and types of international order in the world politics;
• understanding of globalization and global challenges as factors of strengthening of international actors’ cooperation;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations, systematize main directions of research of international relations;
• ability to identify factors, which influence the participants of international life; to highlight types and structural elements of international relations;
• ability to highlight the most common patterns in international relations; ability to evaluate role of the state and non-state actors in international relations;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations and to analyze specifics of formation of the modern system of international relations and to determine Ukraine’s place in it.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Pre-requisites: History of Ukraine Statehood and Culture, Philosophy.
• Co-requisites: Political Science.
• Co-requisites: Political Science.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Theory of international relations in the social sciences system: object and subject of research, structure, tasks and functions of international relations theory. International relations and their types. Concept and structure of the international system. Types of international systems. Transformation of the international system. Subjects of international relations. Interests and means of international actors. Conflicts in the international relations. Cooperation in the international relations: essence and forms. Types of international cooperation and international integration. International order and formation of the modern global world order. Globalization. Global challenges of our time and their solutions.
Рекомендована література:
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibnyk / L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Iu.R.Lemko, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 244 s.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn. Slovnyk: Navch. posibnyk / M.P.hetmanchuk, L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Z.I.Kunch, Iu.R.Lemko, H.I.Luchyshyn, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 340 s.
• Dorosh L. O. Vstup do spetsialnosti «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny»: Navch. posibn. / L. O. Dorosh, Iu. Ia. Tyshkun, Ia. B. Turchyn. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. – 189 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: dovidnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 296 s.
• Kaminskyi A. Vstup do mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Kaminskyi A. – Lviv, 1995.
• Malskyi M.Z. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Pidruchn. / Malskyi M.Z., Matsiakh M.M. – 2-he vyd., dop. ta vypr. – K.:Kobza, 2003.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. – Lviv: Akademiia sukhoputnykh viisk, 2010. – 240 s.
• Tsymbalistyi V.F. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. / Tsymbalistyi V.F. – 3-tie vyd., dop. ta vypr. – Lviv: Novyi svit – 2007. – 360 s.
• Shepieliev M.A. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Shepieliev M.A. – K., 2004.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn. Slovnyk: Navch. posibnyk / M.P.hetmanchuk, L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Z.I.Kunch, Iu.R.Lemko, H.I.Luchyshyn, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 340 s.
• Dorosh L. O. Vstup do spetsialnosti «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny»: Navch. posibn. / L. O. Dorosh, Iu. Ia. Tyshkun, Ia. B. Turchyn. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. – 189 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: dovidnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 296 s.
• Kaminskyi A. Vstup do mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Kaminskyi A. – Lviv, 1995.
• Malskyi M.Z. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Pidruchn. / Malskyi M.Z., Matsiakh M.M. – 2-he vyd., dop. ta vypr. – K.:Kobza, 2003.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. – Lviv: Akademiia sukhoputnykh viisk, 2010. – 240 s.
• Tsymbalistyi V.F. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. / Tsymbalistyi V.F. – 3-tie vyd., dop. ta vypr. – Lviv: Novyi svit – 2007. – 360 s.
• Shepieliev M.A. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Shepieliev M.A. – K., 2004.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• Current control (100% - oral examination, reports, discussions, writing essays, case-study research, preparation of presentations on a given topic).
Fundamentals of International Relations Theory
Спеціальність: Construction and Civil Engineering
Код дисципліни: 6.192.00.M.24
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Political Science and International Relations
Лектор: Lesia Dorosh, PhD in political science, associate professor.
Семестр: 1 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
• knowledge of role of the discipline in the specialists’ social and humanitarian training;
• knowledge of modern theories of international relations, problems, categories and concepts of international relations;
• knowledge of main participants of international relations, their interests, goals and means;
• knowledge of nature of conflicts and main directions of cooperation in international relations;
• knowledge of features and types of international order in the world politics;
• understanding of globalization and global challenges as factors of strengthening of international actors’ cooperation;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations, systematize main directions of research of international relations;
• ability to identify factors, which influence the participants of international life; to highlight types and structural elements of international relations;
• ability to highlight the most common patterns in international relations; ability to evaluate role of the state and non-state actors in international relations;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations and to analyze specifics of formation of the modern system of international relations and to determine Ukraine’s place in it.
• knowledge of modern theories of international relations, problems, categories and concepts of international relations;
• knowledge of main participants of international relations, their interests, goals and means;
• knowledge of nature of conflicts and main directions of cooperation in international relations;
• knowledge of features and types of international order in the world politics;
• understanding of globalization and global challenges as factors of strengthening of international actors’ cooperation;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations, systematize main directions of research of international relations;
• ability to identify factors, which influence the participants of international life; to highlight types and structural elements of international relations;
• ability to highlight the most common patterns in international relations; ability to evaluate role of the state and non-state actors in international relations;
• ability to identify and analyze problems of international relations and to analyze specifics of formation of the modern system of international relations and to determine Ukraine’s place in it.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Pre-requisites: History of Ukraine Statehood and Culture, Philosophy.
• Co-requisites: Political Science.
• Co-requisites: Political Science.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Theory of international relations in the social sciences system: object and subject of research, structure, tasks and functions of international relations theory. International relations and their types. Concept and structure of the international system. Types of international systems. Transformation of the international system. Subjects of international relations. Interests and means of international actors. Conflicts in the international relations. Cooperation in the international relations: essence and forms. Types of international cooperation and international integration. International order and formation of the modern global world order. Globalization. Global challenges of our time and their solutions.
Рекомендована література:
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibnyk / L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Iu.R.Lemko, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 244 s.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn. Slovnyk: Navch. posibnyk / M.P.hetmanchuk, L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Z.I.Kunch, Iu.R.Lemko, H.I.Luchyshyn, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 340 s.
• Dorosh L. O. Vstup do spetsialnosti «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny»: Navch. posibn. / L. O. Dorosh, Iu. Ia. Tyshkun, Ia. B. Turchyn. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. – 189 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: dovidnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 296 s.
• Kaminskyi A. Vstup do mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Kaminskyi A. – Lviv, 1995.
• Malskyi M.Z. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Pidruchn. / Malskyi M.Z., Matsiakh M.M. – 2-he vyd., dop. ta vypr. – K.:Kobza, 2003.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. – Lviv: Akademiia sukhoputnykh viisk, 2010. – 240 s.
• Tsymbalistyi V.F. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. / Tsymbalistyi V.F. – 3-tie vyd., dop. ta vypr. – Lviv: Novyi svit – 2007. – 360 s.
• Shepieliev M.A. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Shepieliev M.A. – K., 2004.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn. Slovnyk: Navch. posibnyk / M.P.hetmanchuk, L.O.Dorosh, M.V. Zdoroveha, O.Ia.Ivasechko, U.V. Ilnytska, O.V. Kukartsev, Z.I.Kunch, Iu.R.Lemko, H.I.Luchyshyn, Iu.Ia. Tyshkun, Ia.B.Turchyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. – 340 s.
• Dorosh L. O. Vstup do spetsialnosti «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny»: Navch. posibn. / L. O. Dorosh, Iu. Ia. Tyshkun, Ia. B. Turchyn. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. – 189 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: Navch. posibnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 276 s.
• Krainoznavstvo: dovidnyk / Ia.B.Turchyn, L.O.Dorosh, O.N. Horbach. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. – 296 s.
• Kaminskyi A. Vstup do mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Kaminskyi A. – Lviv, 1995.
• Malskyi M.Z. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Pidruchn. / Malskyi M.Z., Matsiakh M.M. – 2-he vyd., dop. ta vypr. – K.:Kobza, 2003.
• Osnovy teorii mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. – Lviv: Akademiia sukhoputnykh viisk, 2010. – 240 s.
• Tsymbalistyi V.F. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn: Navch. posibn. / Tsymbalistyi V.F. – 3-tie vyd., dop. ta vypr. – Lviv: Novyi svit – 2007. – 360 s.
• Shepieliev M.A. Teoriia mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn / Shepieliev M.A. – K., 2004.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• Current control (100% - oral examination, reports, discussions, writing essays, case-study research, preparation of presentations on a given topic).