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Building and Civil Engineering

6.192.00 Building and Civil Engineering
Кваліфікація: Bachelor of Construction and Civil Engineering
Рік вступу: 2017
Тривалість програми: 3 years
Кількість кредитів: 180 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу:
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Набуті компетентності:
• the ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of fundamental natural sciences, mathematics and information technologies in scale necessary for mastering of basic professional disciplines and use of their methods in the profession chosen;
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the sections of Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Technology and Organization of Building Production, Building Materials Studies, Building Structures, Water Supply and Sewerage, Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation at the basic level and use these tools in professional activity;
• the ability to demonstrate experimental skills in construction (knowledge of experimental methods and procedure of conducting the experiments under the supervision), and investigation of operational characteristics of building structures and materials that determines the ability to put specific questions, knowledge of standard equipment, planning and conducting experiments, data analysis and critical evaluation of results obtained;
•basic knowledge and understanding of the special sections of the student's choice: industrial and civil construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage for the purpose of further specialization and mastering interdisciplinary approaches.
• the ability to identify goals and objectives of students’ activities and to ensure their effective and safe implementation;
• the ability to carry out the analytical and numerical studies of objects and processes in the professional activity;
• the ability to make efficient use of natural materials and protect the environment;
• the ability to find out the causes of engineering problems and develop measures for their solution;
• the ability to apply knowledge and understanding at the operational level while determining establishing of practical value of chemical compounds producing new building materials;
• the ability to recognize the potential dangers for vital activity as well as harmful and affecting factors caused by them;
• the ability to perform computer calculations, use the elements of business graphics, create a database using the appropriate software, skills of analysis and display of results;
• mastering good working skills to work independently (Bachelor’s thesis) or in groups (laboratory works, including leadership skills while implementing them), the ability to obtain a result within limited time with a focus on professional integrity and prevention of plagiarism.
• the ability to use profession-profiled knowledge and practical skills in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics for the development of building and structural decisions;
• the ability to carry out calendar planning of works fulfillment on separate building sites, to estimate costs of energy resources, energy capacity of building products, construction and assembly works;
• the ability to use profession-oriented knowledge and practical skills for solving practical tasks in building industry.
Форма навчання: full
Академічна мобільність:
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа:
Професійні профілі випускників:
Доступ до подальшого навчання:
Інші особливості програми:
Інститут: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
6.192.00 Construction and Civil Engineering
Кваліфікація: Bachelor of Construction and Civil Engineering
Рік вступу: 2017
Тривалість програми: 3 years
Кількість кредитів: 180 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу:
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Набуті компетентності:
• the ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of fundamental natural sciences, mathematics and information technologies in scale necessary for mastering of basic professional disciplines and use of their methods in the profession chosen;
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the sections of Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Technology and Organization of Building Production, Building Materials Studies, Building Structures, Water Supply and Sewerage, Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation at the basic level and use these tools in professional activity;
• the ability to demonstrate experimental skills in construction (knowledge of experimental methods and procedure of conducting the experiments under the supervision), and investigation of operational characteristics of building structures and materials that determines the ability to put specific questions, knowledge of standard equipment, planning and conducting experiments, data analysis and critical evaluation of results obtained;
•basic knowledge and understanding of the special sections of the student's choice: industrial and civil construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage for the purpose of further specialization and mastering interdisciplinary approaches.
• the ability to identify goals and objectives of students’ activities and to ensure their effective and safe implementation;
• the ability to carry out the analytical and numerical studies of objects and processes in the professional activity;
• the ability to make efficient use of natural materials and protect the environment;
• the ability to find out the causes of engineering problems and develop measures for their solution;
• the ability to apply knowledge and understanding at the operational level while determining establishing of practical value of chemical compounds producing new building materials;
• the ability to recognize the potential dangers for vital activity as well as harmful and affecting factors caused by them;
• the ability to perform computer calculations, use the elements of business graphics, create a database using the appropriate software, skills of analysis and display of results;
• mastering good working skills to work independently (Bachelor’s thesis) or in groups (laboratory works, including leadership skills while implementing them), the ability to obtain a result within limited time with a focus on professional integrity and prevention of plagiarism.
• the ability to use profession-profiled knowledge and practical skills in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics for the development of building and structural decisions;
• the ability to carry out calendar planning of works fulfillment on separate building sites, to estimate costs of energy resources, energy capacity of building products, construction and assembly works;
• the ability to use profession-oriented knowledge and practical skills for solving practical tasks in building industry.
Форма навчання: full
Академічна мобільність:
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа:
Професійні профілі випускників:
Доступ до подальшого навчання:
Інші особливості програми:
Інститут: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems