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Special Problems of Hydraulics of Heat-and-Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems

Спеціальність: Building and Civil Engineering
Код дисципліни: 6.192.07.E.193
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Лектор: assistant. Ph.D. Bohdan Gulai
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Know the basic provisions of hydrostatics and be able to apply them in solving practical problems; features motion of liquids and gases in pipes (air ducts) and features hydraulic calculation, determination of pressure losses due to friction and local resistance at different flow regimes; features relative motion of the fluid (gas) and solid; the main features and the characteristic size distribution strumyn.
To be able to apply their knowledge in practical problem is resolved, hydraulic calculations on pipelines, determine the pressure losses in the piping length and the local supports.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
mathematical analysis,
physics (section "Hydraulics"),
mechanics of fluids and gas
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Introduction. The methods of setting the fluid in the air ducts and channels. Consumption in the airways. Average speed poviryanoho flow. Fields speeds. Features of laminar and turbulent airflow in povitropro¬vodah. The main characteristics of turbulent regime. Viscosity, velocity diagrams of its consideration. Local hidrav¬lichni Oprah and their dependence on Re. Mutual influence local opriv. Pressure losses in air ducts and channels. Dependence to calculate the pressure loss. The movement of air in the channels noncircular-section. The concept of the motion of two-phase flow. Average speeds in cross-section duct. Air pressure loss in the DC-section. The loss of pressure in the pipeline transport pnvvmo-constant-section. Ways to ensure uniform distribution of 1 absorption. Air from variable) velocity. Methods aerodynamic calculation. Uv'yazannya pressure losses in branches. Characteristics of the duct network. Calculation of heating method equivalent resistance; nomogram B.N.Lobayeva; hydraulic test. Calculating the heating system by the dynamic pressure; adjusted rate pressure. The calculation of the heating by resistance characteristics.
Рекомендована література:
1. Альтшуль А.Д.. Животинский Л.О., Иванов Л.П. Гидравлика й а?родинамика. - М.;Стройиздат, 1987. - 414 с.
2. Боровков В.С., Майроновский Ф.Г. А?рогидродинамика вентиляции. - М.; Стройиздат, 1979. - 295 с.
3. Смыслов В. В. Гидравлика и аэродинамика. - К.; Выща школа, 1979.
4. Реттер З.И. Архитектурно-строительная аэродинамика. - М.; Стройиздат, 1984. - 294 с.
5. Краснов Н.Ф., Кошевой В.Н., Данилов А.Н. и др. Прикладная аэродинамика /Под. ред. Краснова Н.Ф.-М.Высш.шк., 1974.- 732 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
written reports on laboratory work reference work (60% control measure, test): written, oral form (40%)

Special Problems of Hydraulics of Heat-and-Gas Supply and Ventilation Systems

Спеціальність: Construction and Civil Engineering
Код дисципліни: 6.192.07.E.193
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Лектор: assistant. Ph.D. Bohdan Gulai
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Know the basic provisions of hydrostatics and be able to apply them in solving practical problems; features motion of liquids and gases in pipes (air ducts) and features hydraulic calculation, determination of pressure losses due to friction and local resistance at different flow regimes; features relative motion of the fluid (gas) and solid; the main features and the characteristic size distribution strumyn.
To be able to apply their knowledge in practical problem is resolved, hydraulic calculations on pipelines, determine the pressure losses in the piping length and the local supports.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
mathematical analysis,
physics (section "Hydraulics"),
mechanics of fluids and gas
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Introduction. The methods of setting the fluid in the air ducts and channels. Consumption in the airways. Average speed poviryanoho flow. Fields speeds. Features of laminar and turbulent airflow in povitropro¬vodah. The main characteristics of turbulent regime. Viscosity, velocity diagrams of its consideration. Local hidrav¬lichni Oprah and their dependence on Re. Mutual influence local opriv. Pressure losses in air ducts and channels. Dependence to calculate the pressure loss. The movement of air in the channels noncircular-section. The concept of the motion of two-phase flow. Average speeds in cross-section duct. Air pressure loss in the DC-section. The loss of pressure in the pipeline transport pnvvmo-constant-section. Ways to ensure uniform distribution of 1 absorption. Air from variable) velocity. Methods aerodynamic calculation. Uv'yazannya pressure losses in branches. Characteristics of the duct network. Calculation of heating method equivalent resistance; nomogram B.N.Lobayeva; hydraulic test. Calculating the heating system by the dynamic pressure; adjusted rate pressure. The calculation of the heating by resistance characteristics.
Рекомендована література:
1. Альтшуль А.Д.. Животинский Л.О., Иванов Л.П. Гидравлика й а?родинамика. - М.;Стройиздат, 1987. - 414 с.
2. Боровков В.С., Майроновский Ф.Г. А?рогидродинамика вентиляции. - М.; Стройиздат, 1979. - 295 с.
3. Смыслов В. В. Гидравлика и аэродинамика. - К.; Выща школа, 1979.
4. Реттер З.И. Архитектурно-строительная аэродинамика. - М.; Стройиздат, 1984. - 294 с.
5. Краснов Н.Ф., Кошевой В.Н., Данилов А.Н. и др. Прикладная аэродинамика /Под. ред. Краснова Н.Ф.-М.Высш.шк., 1974.- 732 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
written reports on laboratory work reference work (60% control measure, test): written, oral form (40%)