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Topical Issues in Theory and Practice of Criminalistics and Operational Activities
Спеціальність: Law
Код дисципліни: 8.081.00.M.17
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Criminal Law and Procedure
Лектор: Prof. Kolb Alexander
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
Graduate students should know:
- the essence of the methodology of forensic science and operational-search activity, their scientific text and the nature of application;
- main directions of the methodology of forensic science and operative-search activity of combating crime;
- specifics and essence of the methodology of forensics and operative-investigative activity on crime prevention;
- technologies and approaches to scientific text research;
- the interdisciplinary nature of the subject of study;
- practical technologies in forensic science and operational search activities and their consistency with the principles of criminal proceedings;
- the discursive nature of the use of modern methods of forensic science and operational search;
- problematic aspects of the use of forensic tools and methods and investigative activity in the detection and detection of crimes;
- effectiveness of improving the legal support for the use of forms of forensics and operational search activities in the detection and detection of crimes.
Be able:
- to practically use the means of forensics and operative-search activity in combating crime;
- to critically evaluate the use of forensic and operational activities to combat crime;
- to summarize the receipt of data on the preparation and commission of crimes through the means of forensic and operational search activities;
- to correct the broken norms of communicative culture both at the level of discourse and at the level of legal text;
- to select the necessary means of forensic science and operative-search activity to detect crimes and evaluate their results;
- to prepare relevant documents on the results of the use of the tools of forensic science and operative-search activity;
- to direct the materials on the results of the application of the means of forensic science and operational-search activity to the bodies of pre-trial investigation.
The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of competencies, common:
- Ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, carry out original scientific research at the international and national levels
- In-depth knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied principles of law, understanding of current trends in the development of legal science.
- In-depth understanding of the legal mechanisms for securing and protecting human rights and freedoms, world-view and methodological problems of legal thinking in the context of globalization and European integration.
- In-depth understanding of the problems of forming the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; the relationship and interaction of national and international law.
- In-depth understanding of the problems of legal support for public administration and reform of the judiciary, the judiciary and related legal institutions.
- In-depth understanding of the fundamental and applied problems of scientific support for the fight against crime and corruption, reform of criminal justice bodies of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization.
- In-depth understanding of the methodological and applied principles of legal support in the field of national security and international law.
- the essence of the methodology of forensic science and operational-search activity, their scientific text and the nature of application;
- main directions of the methodology of forensic science and operative-search activity of combating crime;
- specifics and essence of the methodology of forensics and operative-investigative activity on crime prevention;
- technologies and approaches to scientific text research;
- the interdisciplinary nature of the subject of study;
- practical technologies in forensic science and operational search activities and their consistency with the principles of criminal proceedings;
- the discursive nature of the use of modern methods of forensic science and operational search;
- problematic aspects of the use of forensic tools and methods and investigative activity in the detection and detection of crimes;
- effectiveness of improving the legal support for the use of forms of forensics and operational search activities in the detection and detection of crimes.
Be able:
- to practically use the means of forensics and operative-search activity in combating crime;
- to critically evaluate the use of forensic and operational activities to combat crime;
- to summarize the receipt of data on the preparation and commission of crimes through the means of forensic and operational search activities;
- to correct the broken norms of communicative culture both at the level of discourse and at the level of legal text;
- to select the necessary means of forensic science and operative-search activity to detect crimes and evaluate their results;
- to prepare relevant documents on the results of the use of the tools of forensic science and operative-search activity;
- to direct the materials on the results of the application of the means of forensic science and operational-search activity to the bodies of pre-trial investigation.
The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of competencies, common:
- Ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, carry out original scientific research at the international and national levels
- In-depth knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied principles of law, understanding of current trends in the development of legal science.
- In-depth understanding of the legal mechanisms for securing and protecting human rights and freedoms, world-view and methodological problems of legal thinking in the context of globalization and European integration.
- In-depth understanding of the problems of forming the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; the relationship and interaction of national and international law.
- In-depth understanding of the problems of legal support for public administration and reform of the judiciary, the judiciary and related legal institutions.
- In-depth understanding of the fundamental and applied problems of scientific support for the fight against crime and corruption, reform of criminal justice bodies of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization.
- In-depth understanding of the methodological and applied principles of legal support in the field of national security and international law.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Criminal Law
Forensic psychiatry
Forensic Medicine
Topical issues of theory and practice in the field of criminal proceedings
Topical issues of forensic theory and practice
Topical issues of theory and practice in the field of criminology
Forensic psychiatry
Forensic Medicine
Topical issues of theory and practice in the field of criminal proceedings
Topical issues of forensic theory and practice
Topical issues of theory and practice in the field of criminology
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The course "Topical Issues in Theory and Practice in the Field of Forensic Science and Investigation and Investigation Activities" as a discipline belongs to the fundamental, normative, mandatory, professionally oriented legal disciplines and takes the leading place in the professional training of lawyers.
The discipline is based on the achievement of the general development of science and technology, practice in the detection and investigation of crimes.
The monitoring trajectory for the study is the patterns and trends of crime development, the system of its development, current problems of the theory and practice of investigating evidence used in the judiciary, makes suggestions and recommendations for improving the investigation of the traces of crime.
The course "Topical Issues in Theory and Practice in the Field of Forensics and Investigation and Investigation" is based on the generalization of investigative, judicial, prosecutorial and lawyer practice.
Legal culture is the knowledge of the patterns of the emergence of a mechanism for committing crimes and improving the practice of detecting and fixing the traces of crime in order to use them in pre-trial investigation
Рекомендована література:
1. Forensics. Investigation of crimes in the sphere of economy: textbook / under. ed. prof. In D. Grabovsky, A. F. Lubin. - N. Novgorod: Nizhegor. Higher Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2019. - 400 p.
2. Kogutich II Forensics: Lecture Course.- K .: Atika, 2009.- 888 p.
3. Tsygikal P. Criminal analysis as an element of information support system for operational search activities / Military Sciences Electronic format_vtn_2017_2_22.pdf.
4. Forensic Support for Detection and Investigation of Crimes / Ed. V. Tishchenko. Odessa: Helvetika Publishing House, 2018.
5. Bandurka OM Operational-search comparative studies of monograph / OM Bandurka, MM Perepelytsya, ON Manzh and others. - Kharkiv: The Golden Mile, 2013.
352 p.
2. Kogutich II Forensics: Lecture Course.- K .: Atika, 2009.- 888 p.
3. Tsygikal P. Criminal analysis as an element of information support system for operational search activities / Military Sciences Electronic format_vtn_2017_2_22.pdf.
4. Forensic Support for Detection and Investigation of Crimes / Ed. V. Tishchenko. Odessa: Helvetika Publishing House, 2018.
5. Bandurka OM Operational-search comparative studies of monograph / OM Bandurka, MM Perepelytsya, ON Manzh and others. - Kharkiv: The Golden Mile, 2013.
352 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Assessment of student learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the 100-point grading scale established at Lviv Polytechnic National University, in accordance with the Graduate Student Achievement Regulations.
The final assessment of the course consists of the assessment of the PC of the semester's learning outcomes and the assessment of the learning outcomes during the control measure during the IC.
Practical classes are conducted on the main, most important topics and sections of legal deontology. On the basis of the active form of training, theoretical material, skills and creative abilities are fixed, and psychological readiness for future legal activity is formed.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for graduate students.
SC is conducted in the form of an exam for the accumulation system, in the terms stipulated by the schedule of the educational process of the University.
The exam is a form of SC of the results of postgraduate study of the semester.
The exam (EC) presents theoretical questions, tasks that require creativity and the ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge and apply them in solving practical problems, according to the material provided by the working curriculum of the discipline.
Evaluation criteria for learning outcomes:
Practical (seminar) classes - 40,
final exam work - 60 points.
The final assessment of the course consists of the assessment of the PC of the semester's learning outcomes and the assessment of the learning outcomes during the control measure during the IC.
Practical classes are conducted on the main, most important topics and sections of legal deontology. On the basis of the active form of training, theoretical material, skills and creative abilities are fixed, and psychological readiness for future legal activity is formed.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for graduate students.
SC is conducted in the form of an exam for the accumulation system, in the terms stipulated by the schedule of the educational process of the University.
The exam is a form of SC of the results of postgraduate study of the semester.
The exam (EC) presents theoretical questions, tasks that require creativity and the ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge and apply them in solving practical problems, according to the material provided by the working curriculum of the discipline.
Evaluation criteria for learning outcomes:
Practical (seminar) classes - 40,
final exam work - 60 points.