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Law Philosopy Workshop
Спеціальність: Law
Код дисципліни: 8.081.00.M.43
Кількість кредитів: 5
Лектор: Slyvka Stepan
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
As a result of studying the discipline "Workshop on research work in the field of philosophy of law" the graduate student should demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
INT - the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific research at the international and national levels;
CK3 is the ability to initiate and conduct original scientific research, identify current scientific problems, search for and critically analyze information, produce innovative design ideas, and apply non-standard approaches to solving complex and atypical problems.
ZK4 - ability to show oratory and rhetorical skills in presenting the results of scientific research, to conduct a professional scientific conversation and discussion with the broad scientific community and the public in Ukrainian, to form scientific texts in writing, to organize and conduct educational activities, to use progressive information.
GC6 is the ability to be purposeful and persistent, to improve oneself throughout life, to be aware of social and moral responsibility for scientific results.
ZK7 - the ability to initiate, substantiate and manage current innovative projects of an innovative nature, to independently carry out scientific research, to interact in a team and to show leadership skills when carrying out scientific projects.
FC1 - In-depth understanding of the legal mechanisms for securing and protecting human rights and freedoms, world-view and methodological problems of legal understanding in the context of globalization and European integration
FC2- In-depth understanding of the problems of formation of the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; the relationship and interaction of national and international law.
FC8 is a thorough understanding of the fundamental and applied problems of scientific support for the fight against crime and corruption, reform of the criminal justice bodies of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization.
FC9 is an in-depth understanding of the methodological and applied principles of legal support in national security and international law.
FC11 is a thorough understanding of the essence of philosophical and legal scientific concepts.
ZN6 - in-depth knowledge of methodological support for the unity of judicial practice in the application of administrative, criminal and criminal procedural law.
ZN7 - in-depth knowledge of legal support for Ukraine's accession to a single European scientific and innovative space.
ZN8 - knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activity, the formation of their own scientific outlook and moral and cultural values.
UN1 - apply the knowledge gained in various subject areas of law to formulate and justify new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations in a particular field of study.
UN2 - apply modern methods of analysis to establish the unity of human rights, democracy and the rule of law as fundamental values of the modern world.
UN3 - the ability to plan and conduct comparative legal studies, identify current trends and trends in the legal system of Ukraine.
UN6 - to conduct a scientific conversation and discussion in Ukrainian and English at the appropriate professional level, present the results of scientific research in oral and written form, organize and conduct training sessions.
KOM1 is the ability to communicate in a scientific and professional business language, to apply different styles of speech, methods and techniques of communication, to demonstrate a wide scientific and professional vocabulary.
KOM2 is the ability to apply modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications.
AI1 is the ability to carry out scientific research and make decisions on its own.
AI2 is the ability to formulate your own conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
AiB3 is the ability to be aware of and bear personal responsibility for the results of the study.
INT - the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific research at the international and national levels;
CK3 is the ability to initiate and conduct original scientific research, identify current scientific problems, search for and critically analyze information, produce innovative design ideas, and apply non-standard approaches to solving complex and atypical problems.
ZK4 - ability to show oratory and rhetorical skills in presenting the results of scientific research, to conduct a professional scientific conversation and discussion with the broad scientific community and the public in Ukrainian, to form scientific texts in writing, to organize and conduct educational activities, to use progressive information.
GC6 is the ability to be purposeful and persistent, to improve oneself throughout life, to be aware of social and moral responsibility for scientific results.
ZK7 - the ability to initiate, substantiate and manage current innovative projects of an innovative nature, to independently carry out scientific research, to interact in a team and to show leadership skills when carrying out scientific projects.
FC1 - In-depth understanding of the legal mechanisms for securing and protecting human rights and freedoms, world-view and methodological problems of legal understanding in the context of globalization and European integration
FC2- In-depth understanding of the problems of formation of the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; the relationship and interaction of national and international law.
FC8 is a thorough understanding of the fundamental and applied problems of scientific support for the fight against crime and corruption, reform of the criminal justice bodies of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization.
FC9 is an in-depth understanding of the methodological and applied principles of legal support in national security and international law.
FC11 is a thorough understanding of the essence of philosophical and legal scientific concepts.
ZN6 - in-depth knowledge of methodological support for the unity of judicial practice in the application of administrative, criminal and criminal procedural law.
ZN7 - in-depth knowledge of legal support for Ukraine's accession to a single European scientific and innovative space.
ZN8 - knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activity, the formation of their own scientific outlook and moral and cultural values.
UN1 - apply the knowledge gained in various subject areas of law to formulate and justify new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations in a particular field of study.
UN2 - apply modern methods of analysis to establish the unity of human rights, democracy and the rule of law as fundamental values of the modern world.
UN3 - the ability to plan and conduct comparative legal studies, identify current trends and trends in the legal system of Ukraine.
UN6 - to conduct a scientific conversation and discussion in Ukrainian and English at the appropriate professional level, present the results of scientific research in oral and written form, organize and conduct training sessions.
KOM1 is the ability to communicate in a scientific and professional business language, to apply different styles of speech, methods and techniques of communication, to demonstrate a wide scientific and professional vocabulary.
KOM2 is the ability to apply modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications.
AI1 is the ability to carry out scientific research and make decisions on its own.
AI2 is the ability to formulate your own conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
AiB3 is the ability to be aware of and bear personal responsibility for the results of the study.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Legal deontology
Philosophy of Law
Methodology of jurisprudence
Problems of law deontology
Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Law
World outlook and methodological problems of legal thinking
Philosophy of Law
Methodology of jurisprudence
Problems of law deontology
Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Law
World outlook and methodological problems of legal thinking
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Exploring the development of society in the state, the development of the state, we notice that in any period of their existence there are attempts and aspirations to create a universal legal doctrine. Such versatility is endowed with an encyclopedia of the philosophy of law, which aims to serve and promote the full development of the legal sphere, the state and society.
A globalized and informatized society requires effective and comprehensive regulation of public relations, which can usually only be done through jurisprudence. Undoubtedly, one encyclopedia of law will not provide the entire process of regulating public relations in the state, and this is not its top priority. The main purpose and purpose of the encyclopedia of the right to understand and show the philosophical and legal background of legal phenomena, as well as their versatility and diversity. But despite this, the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law is the most dogmatic, universal, mature philosophical-legal category that still retains its significance and explores the origin, development and functioning of law and the state.
Studying the theoretical inheritance of the past is one of the important positions that helps to clarify for the present the value of the object under study. The task is not only to clarify and explain the idealistic interpretation of the philosophical and legal development of the encyclopedia of law, but also to critically re-think its essence from different philosophical and legal points of view.
An analysis of the formation and development of the encyclopedia of law, as well as a general description of the main directions of philosophical and legal thought regarding the encyclopedia of law in the territory of Ukraine, will help to understand more deeply the methodology of legal theories of the present and will give sufficient potential for further improvement and development of modern philosophical law.
Ukrainian jurisprudence, in the modern sense of celebrities and society as a whole, turns its eyes to the national origins and traditions of the people, which further contributes to its revival and effective existence. The national elements of jurisprudence are rather weak in the face of large-scale processes of social or state globalization taking place in the world. But, without losing its national identity and elements that are unique to the Ukrainian environment, it is possible, by exploring the past, to influence the formation and improvement of the legal sphere for the sake of future generations.
The purpose of the course "Research Workshop in the field of Philosophy of Law" is to acquaint graduate students with the philosophical and legal problems of the deontology of law, to deepen their knowledge of the means and methods of improving the effectiveness of scientific research. The program is designed so that postgraduate students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the legal disciplines, to learn the supporting provisions of philosophy, philosophy of law, theory of state and law, cultural studies, ethics, psychology, which are needed at the present stage of Ukrainian lawyers.
The subject of study of the discipline is the philosophical and legal problems of the study of legal activity.
The tasks of studying the discipline are to deepen theoretical knowledge and to develop practical skills of research activities.
International experience:
Рекомендована література:
1. Сливка С.С. Юридична деонтологія : підручник / С.С. Сливка. – Вид. 6-те. – К. : Атіка ; Х. : Право, 2015. – 296 с.
1. Абрамов В. Духовність суспільства: методологія системного вивчення: Монографія. – К.: КНЕУ, 2004. – 236 с.
2. Алексеев Н.Н. Основы философии права. – Лань, 1999.
3. Алексеев С. Восхождение к праву. Поиски и решения. – М.: НОРМА, 2002. – 608 с.
4. Аристотель. Этика. Политика. Риторика. Поэтика. Категории. – Минск: Література, 1998. – 1392 с.
5. Афанасьєва О.В., Пищелко А.В. Этика и психология профессиональной деятельности юриста: Учеб. пособ. – Москва, 2001.
6. Басай В., Зеліско Л. Правова культура майбутнього юриста // Часопис Київського ун-ту права. – Київ, 2002. – №3. – С. 83–88.
7. Бачинин В. Морально-правовая философия. – Харьков: Консум, 2000. – 208 с.
8. Бачинин В. Морально-правовая философия. – Харьков: Консум, 2000. – 208 с.
9. Бризгалов І.В. Юридична деонтологія (стислий курс лекцій). – Київ, 1998.
10. Букреев В.И., Римская И.Н. Этика права. – Москва, 1998.
11. Букреев В.И., Римская И.Н. Этика права: От истории этики и права к мировоззрению: Учеб. пособие. – Москва, 1998.
12. Волошин М. До проблеми моральності як складової українського національного характеру // Гуманізм і моральність: екзистенцій ні виміри. – Львів: Край, 1997. – С. 149–152.
13. Гатальська С. Філософія культури : підруч. для студ. вузів / С.М. Гатальська. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 328 с.
14. Головатий М. Ф. Демократія: історія, теорія, практика: навч. посіб. для студентів вищ. навч. закл. та аспірантів-політологів/ М.Ф. Головатий. – К. : ДП «Вид. дім «Персонал», 2011. – 228 с.
1. Абрамов В. Духовність суспільства: методологія системного вивчення: Монографія. – К.: КНЕУ, 2004. – 236 с.
2. Алексеев Н.Н. Основы философии права. – Лань, 1999.
3. Алексеев С. Восхождение к праву. Поиски и решения. – М.: НОРМА, 2002. – 608 с.
4. Аристотель. Этика. Политика. Риторика. Поэтика. Категории. – Минск: Література, 1998. – 1392 с.
5. Афанасьєва О.В., Пищелко А.В. Этика и психология профессиональной деятельности юриста: Учеб. пособ. – Москва, 2001.
6. Басай В., Зеліско Л. Правова культура майбутнього юриста // Часопис Київського ун-ту права. – Київ, 2002. – №3. – С. 83–88.
7. Бачинин В. Морально-правовая философия. – Харьков: Консум, 2000. – 208 с.
8. Бачинин В. Морально-правовая философия. – Харьков: Консум, 2000. – 208 с.
9. Бризгалов І.В. Юридична деонтологія (стислий курс лекцій). – Київ, 1998.
10. Букреев В.И., Римская И.Н. Этика права. – Москва, 1998.
11. Букреев В.И., Римская И.Н. Этика права: От истории этики и права к мировоззрению: Учеб. пособие. – Москва, 1998.
12. Волошин М. До проблеми моральності як складової українського національного характеру // Гуманізм і моральність: екзистенцій ні виміри. – Львів: Край, 1997. – С. 149–152.
13. Гатальська С. Філософія культури : підруч. для студ. вузів / С.М. Гатальська. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 328 с.
14. Головатий М. Ф. Демократія: історія, теорія, практика: навч. посіб. для студентів вищ. навч. закл. та аспірантів-політологів/ М.Ф. Головатий. – К. : ДП «Вид. дім «Персонал», 2011. – 228 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Assessment of the results of training of applicants is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the rating evaluation of achievements of applicants at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
Practical classes are conducted on the basis of consolidation of theoretical material with acquisition of skills, abilities and creative abilities in the future educational, scientific and professional legal activity.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for applicants.
SC is held in the form of credit for the accumulation system, in terms provided by the schedule of the educational process of the University.
Practical classes are conducted on the basis of consolidation of theoretical material with acquisition of skills, abilities and creative abilities in the future educational, scientific and professional legal activity.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for applicants.
SC is held in the form of credit for the accumulation system, in terms provided by the schedule of the educational process of the University.