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Legal Globalistics

Спеціальність: Law
Код дисципліни: 8.081.00.M.26
Кількість кредитів: 3
Лектор: Zharovska Iryna
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
As a result of studying the discipline "Legal Global Studies", the graduate student should demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
INT - the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific research at the international and national levels;
ZK1 - in-depth knowledge of theoretical foundations and applied principles of law, understanding of current trends in the development of legal science.
FC1 - In-depth understanding of the legal mechanisms for securing and protecting human rights and freedoms, world-view and methodological problems of legal understanding in the context of globalization and European integration
FC2- In-depth understanding of the problems of formation of the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; the relationship and interaction of national and international law.
FC6 - in-depth understanding of the problems of legal regulation of innovative development of Ukraine, ensuring the establishment and functioning of the market of financial services in the country in the context of joining a single European scientific and innovation space.
FC7 - In-depth understanding of current problems of legal support of information sphere of Ukraine.
FC8 is a thorough understanding of the fundamental and applied problems of scientific support for the fight against crime and corruption, reform of the criminal justice bodies of Ukraine in the context of European integration and globalization.
ZN1 is an in-depth knowledge of contemporary worldview concepts of legal thinking, legal consciousness and legal culture.
ZN2 - in-depth knowledge of the laws of formation and development of the state and law.
ZN6 - in-depth knowledge of methodological support for the unity of judicial practice in the application of administrative, criminal and criminal procedural law.
ZN7 - in-depth knowledge of legal support for Ukraine's accession to a single European scientific and innovative space.
ZN8 - knowledge and understanding of philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific
UN1 - apply the knowledge gained in various subject areas of law to formulate and justify new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations in a particular field of study.
UN2 - apply modern methods of analysis to establish the unity of human rights, democracy and the rule of law as fundamental values of the modern world.
UN3 - the ability to plan and conduct comparative legal studies, identify current trends and trends in the legal system of Ukraine.
UN4 - apply knowledge of the laws of the relationship between national and international law.
AI1 is the ability to carry out scientific research and make decisions on its own.
AI2 is the ability to formulate your own conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
AiB3 is the ability to be aware of and bear personal responsibility for the results of the study.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Theory and Practice of Law
Philosophy of Law
Professional legal disciplines
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Legal globalization, as the newest sphere of scientific search, today is at its initial, cumulative, descriptive and peculiar inventory stage of development. In this field of interdisciplinary scientific knowledge, there are many debatable and unresolved issues. This is partly due to the fact that globalization and global research have not yet been included in the wider system of scientific knowledge at the jurisprudence, which points to the particular relevance of the analysis of legal globalization as a legal science, a clear identification of the subject and method of legal regulation, the analysis of genesis and trends. development. Legal globalism objectively plays a worldview and integrative role in the field of science and practice, because understanding global trends and overcoming the legal problems they cause requires not only theoretical research, but also their corresponding practical actions: to explore the positive and negative trends of legal globalization global legal problems of the present, to develop algorithms for their solution. Legal globalization is endowed with futuristic potential not only for jurisprudence but also for all social realities that are the subject of research in other fields of knowledge. Міжнародний досвід : Іndiana Unsversity https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=ijgls
Рекомендована література:
1. Жаровська І.М., Шай Р.Я., Дякович О.В. Правова глобалістика : навчальний посібник Львів : Сполом, 2019.182 с.
2. Алєксєєнко І. В. Держава, суверенітет, національна безпека крізь призму глобалізації Ніжин : М.М. Лисенко, 2018. 303 с.
3. Вдовичин І Я Правоутворення в умовах глобалізації : теоретико-історична традиція та новації : монографія Львів : Видавництво Львівського торговельно-економічного університету, 2017. 251 с.
4. Верменич Я. В. Регіональна інтеграція в умовах глобалізації : теорії та сучасні реалії Київ : Інститут історії України НАН України, 2018. 350 с.
5. Воронкова В. Г. Становлення інформаційного суспільства як цивілізаційної парадигми розвитку сучасної України за доби глобалізації : теоретико-методологічні та праксеологічні виміри : монографія Запоріжжя : ЗДІА, 2017. 267 с.
6. Жаровська І., Ортинська Н., Шай Я. Правова глобалізація: моногр. Львів: СПОЛОМ, 2016. 188 с.
7. Глобальна та національна безпека : підручник = Global and National Security : textbook / [В.І. Абрамов ... [та ін.] ; за загальною редакцією Г.П. Ситника ; Національна академія державного управління при Президентові України, Громадська організація "Академія національної безпеки"Київ : НАДУ, 2016. 781 с.
8. Філософія глобальних проблем сучасності : навчальний посібник / [А.В. Арістова ... [та ін.] ; за науковою редакцією А.В. Арістової] ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний транспортний університет.Київ : НТУ, 2016. 182 с.
9. Книш М.М. Глобальні проблеми людства : навчальний посібник Львів : ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2015.329 с.
10. Муза Д. Е.Глобалистика : [учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений] Донецк : Ноулидж, 2012. 310 с.
11. Вызовы глобализации и Украина / А. Г. Арсеенко, А. Н. Малюк, Н. В. Толстых. Киев : Ин-т социологии НАН Украины, 2011. 518 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Evaluation of the results of postgraduate studies is carried out in accordance with the 100-point rating scale established at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", in accordance with the Regulations on the grading of achievements of graduate students.
The final assessment of the course consists of an assessment of the PC of the semester's learning outcomes and an assessment of the learning outcomes of the control measure during the IC.
Practical classes are conducted on the main, most important topics and sections of legal deontology. On the basis of an active form of teaching, theoretical material, skills and creative abilities are fixed, and psychological readiness for future legal activity is formed.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for the graduate student.
SC is conducted in the form of an exam for the accumulation system, in terms provided by the schedule of the educational process of the University.
The exam is a form of SC of the results of postgraduate study of the semester.
The exam (EC) presents theoretical questions, tasks that require a creative approach and the ability to synthesize the knowledge obtained and apply them in solving practical problems, according to the material provided by the working curriculum of the discipline.