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Geodesy, Positioning and Navigation Systems
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.3
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Лектор: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Tsyupak Igor Mikhailovich
Семестр: 1 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
• Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of national and foreign scientific achievements and theoretical and applied foundations in at least one area of geodesy and land management: geodesy; cartography; land management and cadastre; land and real estate valuation; geoinformation systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing.
• The ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, to formulate and refine an important research problem, to solve it to gather the necessary information and to formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context.
• Integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research.
• To select and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in conducting theoretical and empirical research in the field of geodesy and land management.
• Conduct scientific research and carry out scientific projects on the basis of current scientific problems, defining goals and objectives, forming and critically analyzing the information base, substantiating and commercializing research results, formulating author's conclusions and suggestions.
• The ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, to formulate and refine an important research problem, to solve it to gather the necessary information and to formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context.
• Integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research.
• To select and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in conducting theoretical and empirical research in the field of geodesy and land management.
• Conduct scientific research and carry out scientific projects on the basis of current scientific problems, defining goals and objectives, forming and critically analyzing the information base, substantiating and commercializing research results, formulating author's conclusions and suggestions.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
previous: Satellite Navigation, Higher Geodesy;
concomitants: Active GNSS networks, Creating local geodetic networks.
concomitants: Active GNSS networks, Creating local geodetic networks.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Purpose and composition of navigation systems. Electronic navigation charts. Information navigation support. Navigation gauges. Databases: static; dynamic. Monitoring the movement of a moving object. Monitoring the movement of a moving object. Methods for registering navigation information. Manage moving objects. Advantages and disadvantages of navigation systems. Sources of errors in navigation information systems. Influence of differences of coordinate systems.
Рекомендована література:
1. Antonovich K. M. Use of satellite navigation systems in geodesy. In 2 vols. Monograph / K.M. Antonovich, M.: FSUE “Cartgeocenter”. 2006.- 694 p.
2. Babak V. P. Satellite radio navigation / V. P. Babak, V.V. Konin, V.P. Kharchenko. - K.: Engineering, 2004. - 328 p.
3. Burov N. I. Electronic navigation and cartography. Ed. Trumps LA: OGMA. - Odessa, 1996. - 26 p.
4. Denisov O. M., Zablotsky F. D. Creation of hypertext documents. Methodical instructions. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. - 12 p.
5. Karlashchuk V. I., Karlaschuk S. V. Satellite navigation. Methods and tools. - M .: SOLON-Press, 2006. - 176 p.
6. Draft Integrated Program for the creation of the State Integrated Information System for Moving Object Management (Communication, Navigation, Observation); KNURE, 2005
7. Savchuk S. G. Convert and transform coordinates. Methodical instructions. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. - 16 p.
2. Babak V. P. Satellite radio navigation / V. P. Babak, V.V. Konin, V.P. Kharchenko. - K.: Engineering, 2004. - 328 p.
3. Burov N. I. Electronic navigation and cartography. Ed. Trumps LA: OGMA. - Odessa, 1996. - 26 p.
4. Denisov O. M., Zablotsky F. D. Creation of hypertext documents. Methodical instructions. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. - 12 p.
5. Karlashchuk V. I., Karlaschuk S. V. Satellite navigation. Methods and tools. - M .: SOLON-Press, 2006. - 176 p.
6. Draft Integrated Program for the creation of the State Integrated Information System for Moving Object Management (Communication, Navigation, Observation); KNURE, 2005
7. Savchuk S. G. Convert and transform coordinates. Methodical instructions. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. - 16 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
written reports on practical classes -30%,
Exam - 70% - (including written component 50%, oral component 20%).
Exam - 70% - (including written component 50%, oral component 20%).