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Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.10
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Лектор: Head of the Department, Professor Zablotskiy F.D.
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- the ability to prepare work curricula in the disciplines of the basic direction "Geodesy and land management" (at the choice of the doctoral student and his scientific supervisor),
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
prerequisites: all professional disciplines,
co-requisites: no
co-requisites: no
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Acquaintance with the basic documents that provide and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, work programs, etc.)
Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational-methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory classes
Preparation for conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines
Conducting laboratory work and ensuring ongoing monitoring of the work plan
Preparation for a test presentation with a computer presentation - by profile of disciplines of the department. Conducting a test lecture discussing the results
Рекомендована література:
1. Dubasenyuk O.A. Profesіjno-pedagogіchnі zadachі : tipologіya ta tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya: navchal'nij posіbnik dlya studentіv vishchih navchal'nih zakladіv / O.A. Dubasenyuk, O.V. Voznyuk. – ZHitomir : Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – 272 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Tasks at practical classes: 25
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.11
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Engineering Geodesy
Лектор: Head of the Department, Ph.D professor Tserklevych Anatoliy Leontiyovich
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- the ability to prepare work curricula in the disciplines of the basic direction "Earth Science" (at the choice of the doctoral student and his scientific supervisor),
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
prerequisites: all professional disciplines,
co-requisites: no
co-requisites: no
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Acquaintance with the basic documents that provide and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, work programs, etc.) Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational-methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory classes Preparation for conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines Conducting laboratory work and ensuring ongoing monitoring of the work plan Preparation for a test presentation with a computer presentation - by profile of disciplines of the department. Conducting a test lecture discussing the results.
Рекомендована література:
1. Dubasenyuk O.A. Profesіjno-pedagogіchnі zadachі : tipologіya ta tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya: navchal'nij posіbnik dlya studentіv vishchih navchal'nih zakladіv / O.A. Dubasenyuk, O.V. Voznyuk. – ZHitomir : Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – 272 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Tasks at practical classes: 25
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.12
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Cadastre of Territory
Лектор: Dr. prof. Perovych
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- the ability to prepare work curricula in the disciplines of the basic direction "Earth Science" (at the choice of the doctoral student and his scientific supervisor),
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
prerequisites: all professional disciplines,
co-requisites: no
co-requisites: no
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Acquaintance with the basic documents that provide and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, work programs, etc.) Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational-methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory classes Preparation for conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines Conducting laboratory work and ensuring ongoing monitoring of the work plan Preparation for a test presentation with a computer presentation - by profile of disciplines of the department. Conducting a test lecture discussing the results.
Рекомендована література:
1. Dubasenyuk O.A. Profesіjno-pedagogіchnі zadachі : tipologіya ta tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya: navchal'nij posіbnik dlya studentіv vishchih navchal'nih zakladіv / O.A. Dubasenyuk, O.V. Voznyuk. – ZHitomir : Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – 272 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Tasks at practical classes: 25
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.13
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
Лектор: Dorozhynskyy Oleksandr Lyudomyrovych
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- knowledge of forms and methods of organization of educational process in higher educational institutions;
- knowledge of the conceptual bases for the development of basic documents that form the process of specialist training at different educational levels, including curricula, syllabuses, etc.,
- the ability to draw up work study programs in the disciplines of the basic direction "Surveying and Land Management" (at the choice of the PhD student and his scientific supervisor),
- to be able use methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- mastering the methodology of teaching theory and practice in the disciplines in the profile of bachelor's and master's training (lectures, laboratory and practical classes, seminars, course work and thesis development),
- to be able use methods of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to transfer their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- to know methodology of conducting distance learning courses using modern information resources and technologies
- knowledge of the conceptual bases for the development of basic documents that form the process of specialist training at different educational levels, including curricula, syllabuses, etc.,
- the ability to draw up work study programs in the disciplines of the basic direction "Surveying and Land Management" (at the choice of the PhD student and his scientific supervisor),
- to be able use methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- mastering the methodology of teaching theory and practice in the disciplines in the profile of bachelor's and master's training (lectures, laboratory and practical classes, seminars, course work and thesis development),
- to be able use methods of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to transfer their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- to know methodology of conducting distance learning courses using modern information resources and technologies
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
All professional disciplines
Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Foreign Language For Academic Purposes
Professional Pedagogy
Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Foreign Language For Academic Purposes
Professional Pedagogy
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Studying the content of the basic documents that support and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, syllabuses, etc.). Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational and methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out of laboratory classes and course project development.
Conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines. Conducting a test lecture with a computer presentation - according to the department's disciplines profile.
Рекомендована література:
1. Дубасенюк О.А. Професійно-педагогічні задачі : типологія та технологія розв’язання: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / О.А. Дубасенюк, О.В. Вознюк. – Житомир : Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І. Франка, 2010. – 272 с.
2. Зязюн І.А. Філософія педагогічної дії : [монографія] / І.А. Зязюн. – Черкаси : Вид. від. ЧНУ ім. Богдана Хмельницького, 2008. – 608 с.
3. Кузьмінський А.І. Педагогіка: завдання і ситуації : практикум / А.І. Кузьмінський, Л.П. Вовк, В.Л. Омельяненко. – К. : Знання-Прес, 2003. – 167 с.
4. Педагогічна майстерність : підручник / І.А. Зязюн, Л.В. Крамущенко, І.Ф. Кривонос та ін.; За ред. І.А. Зязюна. – 3-тє вид., допов. і переробл. – К. : Богданова А.М., 2008. – 376 с.
5. Теорія і технологія розв’язання педагогічних задач : навч. посіб. / Л. О. Мільто – Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД, 2013. – 156 с
6. Щербань П.М. Навчально-педагогічні ігри у вищих навчальних закладах : навч. посібник / П.М. Щербань. – К. : Вища школа, 2004. – 207 с.
2. Зязюн І.А. Філософія педагогічної дії : [монографія] / І.А. Зязюн. – Черкаси : Вид. від. ЧНУ ім. Богдана Хмельницького, 2008. – 608 с.
3. Кузьмінський А.І. Педагогіка: завдання і ситуації : практикум / А.І. Кузьмінський, Л.П. Вовк, В.Л. Омельяненко. – К. : Знання-Прес, 2003. – 167 с.
4. Педагогічна майстерність : підручник / І.А. Зязюн, Л.В. Крамущенко, І.Ф. Кривонос та ін.; За ред. І.А. Зязюна. – 3-тє вид., допов. і переробл. – К. : Богданова А.М., 2008. – 376 с.
5. Теорія і технологія розв’язання педагогічних задач : навч. посіб. / Л. О. Мільто – Кіровоград : Імекс-ЛТД, 2013. – 156 с
6. Щербань П.М. Навчально-педагогічні ігри у вищих навчальних закладах : навч. посібник / П.М. Щербань. – К. : Вища школа, 2004. – 207 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
written report on conducted lessons - 60% -control test - 40% , Total - 100%.
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.14
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Лектор: Head of the Department, Professor Rostyslav Sossa
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- the ability to prepare work curricula in the disciplines of the basic direction "Earth Science" (at the choice of the doctoral student and his scientific supervisor),
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
prerequisites: all professional disciplines,
co-requisites: no
co-requisites: no
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Acquaintance with the basic documents that provide and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, work programs, etc.)
Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational-methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory classes
Preparation for conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines
Conducting laboratory work and ensuring ongoing monitoring of the work plan
Preparation for a test presentation with a computer presentation - by profile of disciplines of the department. Conducting a test lecture discussing the results.
Рекомендована література:
1. Dubasenyuk O.A. Profesіjno-pedagogіchnі zadachі : tipologіya ta tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya: navchal'nij posіbnik dlya studentіv vishchih navchal'nih zakladіv / O.A. Dubasenyuk, O.V. Voznyuk. – ZHitomir : Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – 272 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Tasks at practical classes: 25
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Pedagogical Workshops
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.O.15
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Geodesy
Лектор: Head of the Department, docent Perii S.
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- the ability to prepare work curricula in the disciplines of the basic direction "Geodesy and land management" (at the choice of the doctoral student and his scientific supervisor),
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
- mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity,
- ability to conduct lectures and practical classes, scientific student seminars,
- have a method of conducting current control of students' knowledge,
- the ability to pass on their professional knowledge and practical skills to students to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means for their realization,
- be able to use professional terminology in oral and written forms in the state and foreign languages,
- the ability to possess computer technologies to solve applied problems in the field of professional training of students.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
prerequisites: all professional disciplines,
co-requisites: no
co-requisites: no
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Acquaintance with the basic documents that provide and accompany the implementation of the educational process at the university (curricula, work programs, etc.) Acquaintance with the requirements for writing of educational-methodical literature, first of all with rules of development of methodical instructions for carrying out laboratory classes Preparation for conducting laboratory tests in two or three disciplines - in agreement with the scientific supervisor, according to the profile of the relevant department of disciplines Conducting laboratory work and ensuring ongoing monitoring of the work plan Preparation for a test presentation with a computer presentation - by profile of disciplines of the department. Conducting a test lecture discussing the results.
Рекомендована література:
1. Dubasenyuk O.A. Profesіjno-pedagogіchnі zadachі : tipologіya ta tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya: navchal'nij posіbnik dlya studentіv vishchih navchal'nih zakladіv / O.A. Dubasenyuk, O.V. Voznyuk. – ZHitomir : Vid-vo ZHDU іm. І. Franka, 2010. – 272 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
2. Zyazyun І.A. Fіlosofіya pedagogіchnoї dії : [monografіya] / І.A. Zyazyun. – CHerkasi : Vid. vіd. CHNU іm. Bogdana Hmel'nic'kogo, 2008. – 608 s.
3. Kuz'mіns'kij A.І. Pedagogіka: zavdannya і situacії : praktikum / A.І. Kuz'mіns'kij, L.P. Vovk, V.L. Omel'yanenko. – K. : Znannya-Pres, 2003. – 167 s.
4. Pedagogіchna majsternіst' : pіdruchnik / І.A. Zyazyun, L.V. Kramushchenko, І.F. Krivonos ta іn.; Za red. І.A. Zyazyuna. – 3-tє vid., dopov. і pererobl. – K. : Bogdanova A.M., 2008. – 376 s.
5. Teorіya і tekhnologіya rozv’yazannya pedagogіchnih zadach : navch. posіb. / L. O. Mіl'to – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 156 s
6. SHCHerban' P.M. Navchal'no-pedagogіchnі іgri u vishchih navchal'nih zakladah : navch. posіbnik / P.M. SHCHerban'. – K. : Vishcha shkola, 2004. – 207 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Tasks at practical classes: 25
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100
Assessment of the lecture delivered: 15
Assessment of laboratory work: 20
Control measure (credit): 40
Total: 100