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Metrological Research and Geodetic Instruments Testing

Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.M.28
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Geodesy
Лектор: Professor Trevoho Ihor Sevirovych
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
– ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovative research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific researches in the field of geodesy and international and national level;
– in-depth knowledge of geodesy and geodetic metrology, photogrammetry, cadastre and land management, cartography and remote sensing;
– ability to apply professional-profiled knowledge and practical skills to solve typical specialty tasks and to choose the technical means to perform them;
– ability to use knowledge and skills to develop a priori assessment of accuracy and choice of design technologies and application of applied professional tasks;
– using of professional terminology in oral and written forms in native or foreign languages;
– ability to program and have computer skills to solve applied professional problems, use modern GIS to solve industry problems;
– ability to use and implement the latest technologies, to participate in the modernization and reconstruction of equipment, devices, systems and complexes, in particular in order to improve their efficiency and accuracy;
– ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of national and foreign scientific achievements and theoretical and applied foundations in at least one of the areas of geodesy and land management: geodesy, cartography, land management and cadastre, land and real estate valuation; geoinformation systems and technologies, photogrammetry and remote sensing;
– ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, to formulate and refine an important research problem, and to solve it to gather the necessary information and formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context;
– to integrate and apply the acquired knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Philosophy and methodology of science
Creating local geodetic networks
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The discipline "Metrological research and verification of geodetic instruments" is intended for postgraduate students applying for the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" in specialty "Geodesy and Land Management". The largest amount of information in geodesy is obtained from measurements carried out by both traditional and new modern instruments and systems. The quality of these measurements ensures the accuracy of geodetic work and is based on the unity of measurements. Maintaining the unity of measurements, methods and means of achieving the required accuracy, is engaged in the science of metrology, which in the field of specialized direction - geodesy is called geodetic metrology. Scientific and technological progress in the field of geodesy has created the conditions for the production of new high-precision and automated means of geodetic measurements, which are used in modern topographic and geodetic production and require appropriate metrological support. The unity of geodetic measurements (and in geodesy measured lines, horizontal and vertical angles, excess, increments of coordinates) lies in the fact that their metrological characteristics correspond to regulatory documents. Certified reference means of geodetic measurements and certified methods of performing calibration geodetic measurements are used for their control. The main tasks of geodetic metrology include improving the transfer of sizes of geodetic quantities (length, angle) from working standards to working tools of geodetic measurements; introduction of new facilities and equipment in the practice of metrological aerial work; periodic metrological certification of geo-polygons, working standards and control and measuring instruments and periodic metrological verification of measuring instruments - geodetic instruments.
Рекомендована література:
1. Spiridonov A.I. Osnovy geodezicheskoy metrologii. M.:-Kartgeotsentr-Geodezizdat.-2009.-248 s.
2. Antonovich K.M. Ispol'zovaniye sputnikovykh navigatsionnykh sistem v geodezii. M.:-Kartgeotsentr-Geodezizdat.-2006.-t.2.
3. Trevoho I., Tsyupak I. Metrolohichna atestatsiya etalonnoho bazysu tekhnolohiyamy GNSS. «Metrolohiya ta prylady», 3, 2014, s. 52-56.
4. Kupko V., Trevoho I., Tsisak Ya., Neezhmakov P, Olyynyk A., Zanymonaskyy Ye. Geodeziya i metrologiya bol'shikh dlin i korotkikh vetorov. Yeksperimenty i etalony. Suchasni dosyahnennya heodezychnoyi nauky ta vyrobnytstva.-2016.-vyp.II (32).-s. 51-55.
5. Trevoho I.S., Tsyupak I.M. Fundamentalna merezha yak osnova metrolohichnoho zabezpechennya suputnykovykh tekhnolohiy. Visnyk heodeziyi ta kartohrafiyi. 2014, №3, s. 5-7.
6. Trevoho I.S., Savchuk S.H., Denysov O.M., Volchko P.I. Novyy vzirtsevyy heodezychnyy bazys // Visnyk heodeziyi ta kartohrafiyi .-2004.-№1.-s. 32-39.
7. Trevoho I. Geodezicheskiy poligon dlya metrologicheskoy attestatsii i aprobatsii tekhnologiy //Geoprofi.-2008.-№1.-s.6-12.
8. Spiridonov A.I. Spravochnik-katalog geodezicheskikh priborov// Spiridonov A.I., Kulagin YU.N., Kryukov G.S. // M.: Nedra.-1984.-238 s.
9. Trevoho I.S., Denysov O.M. Vivat A.M. Kupko V.S., Samoylenko O.M. Stvorennya ta etalonuvannya Yavorivskoho vzirtsevoho liniynoho heodezychnoho bazysu iz zastosuvannyam novitnikh tekhnolohiy // Metrolohiya ta vymiryuvalna tekhnika. -2006.-№2.-s. 87-91.
10. Web-site of Ukrmeterotestopozhyvstandart ? http://www.ukrcsm.kiev.ua/index.php/uk
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Exact control over the performance of tasks in laboratory classes and their protection, participation in the preparation and presentation of research, written control measure.
Written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, experimental work (35%); semester final control (test): written component (45%), oral component (20%).