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Territories Development Forecasting
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.M.29
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Cadastre of Territory
Лектор: Dr. prof. Perovich L.M
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
• the ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, to master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovation research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific research in the field of geodesy and land management at the international and national level;
• in-depth knowledge of geodesy, photogrammetry, cadastre and land management, cartography and remote sensing;
• the ability to apply professionally-profiled knowledge and practical skills to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means to perform them;
• ability to use knowledge and ability to calculate a priori assessment of accuracy and choice of technologies for designing and performing applied professional tasks;
• ability to investigate the problem and identify constraints, including those caused by sustainable development, environmental impact and safety;
• use of professional terminology in oral and written forms in native or foreign languages;
• ability to program and have computer skills to solve applied professional problems, to use modern GIS to solve industry problems;
• the ability to use and implement new technologies, to participate in the modernization and reconstruction of equipment, devices, systems and complexes, in particular in order to improve their efficiency and accuracy;
• ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific achievements and theoretical and applied foundations in at least one of the fields of geodesy and land management: geodesy; cartography; land and cadastre; land and real estate valuation; geoinformation systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing;
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, to formulate and refine an important research problem, to solve it to gather the necessary information and to formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context;
• integrate and apply acquired knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research;
• carry out scientific research and carry out scientific projects on the basis of current scientific problems, defining goals and objectives, forming and critically analyzing the information base, substantiating and commercializing the results of the research, formulating the author's conclusions and suggestions.
• in-depth knowledge of geodesy, photogrammetry, cadastre and land management, cartography and remote sensing;
• the ability to apply professionally-profiled knowledge and practical skills to solve typical specialty tasks, as well as the choice of technical means to perform them;
• ability to use knowledge and ability to calculate a priori assessment of accuracy and choice of technologies for designing and performing applied professional tasks;
• ability to investigate the problem and identify constraints, including those caused by sustainable development, environmental impact and safety;
• use of professional terminology in oral and written forms in native or foreign languages;
• ability to program and have computer skills to solve applied professional problems, to use modern GIS to solve industry problems;
• the ability to use and implement new technologies, to participate in the modernization and reconstruction of equipment, devices, systems and complexes, in particular in order to improve their efficiency and accuracy;
• ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of domestic and foreign scientific achievements and theoretical and applied foundations in at least one of the fields of geodesy and land management: geodesy; cartography; land and cadastre; land and real estate valuation; geoinformation systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing;
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the latest technologies, to formulate and refine an important research problem, to solve it to gather the necessary information and to formulate conclusions that can be protected in a scientific context;
• integrate and apply acquired knowledge from different cross-curricular areas in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research;
• carry out scientific research and carry out scientific projects on the basis of current scientific problems, defining goals and objectives, forming and critically analyzing the information base, substantiating and commercializing the results of the research, formulating the author's conclusions and suggestions.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
World inventory systems.
Structure of registration of real estate objects.
World inventory systems.
Structure of registration of real estate objects.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The main purpose of forecasting the development of territories is to improve the quality of life of the population, above all these are promising areas of development: agriculture, scientific and technical maintenance of technical facilities and innovations in attracting and using funds for the development of various industries. Conservation and development of the recreation area, redevelopment and development of the industrial zone, reconstruction of the city's sites in conjunction with the objects of trade and everyday life, utilization of opportunities for the city, which may be provided by the construction of the county road, promoting environmental improvement - promising areas for the development of the territory.
Рекомендована література:
1.Zemel`ny`j kodeks Ukrayiny` // Vidomosti Verxovnoyi Rady` Ukrayiny` vid 25.01.2002. – 2002 r., # 3, stattya 27.
2.Zakon Ukrayiny` «Pro Derzhavny`j zemel`ny`j kadastr» stanom na 7 ly`pnya 2011 r. / Oficz. visny`k Ukrayiny`. – 2011 r., # 60, stattya 2405. – s. 64.
3.Gabrel` M. M Prostorova organizaciya mistobudivny`x sy`stem / M. M. Gabrel`. – K.: Vy`davny`chy`j dim A.A.S, 2004. – 400 s.
4.Gorbatyuk V. M. Pro planuvannya kory`doriv ekologichnoyi merezhi na regional`nomu rivni upravlinnya zemel`ny`my` resursamy` / V. M. Gorbatyuk // Visny`k Nacional`nogo universy`tetu vodnogo gospodarstva ta pry`rodokory`stuvannya. – 2009. – Vy`p. 3 (47). – Ch. 2. – S. 442 – 447.
5.Dorosh O. S. Teorety`chni zasady` zonuvannya zemel` v Ukrayini : naukova monografiya / O.S. Dorosh, N.V. Isachenko, A.G. Marty`n, S.O. Osy`pchuk, G.K. Loyik. - K.: MVCz «Medinfarm», 2011.-183 s.
6.Parxomenko V., Proshko V., Mavko P. Strategichne planuvannya rozvy`tku gromady`. — L.: Spolox, 2002. — 160 s.
7.Stechenko D. M. Upravlinnya regional`ny`m rozvy`tkom: Navch. posib. — K.: Vy`shha shk., 2000. — 224 s.
8.Prognozuvannya rozvy`tku tery`torij. Benchmarking/ Blishhuk K.M., Matviyishy`n Ye.G., Baldy`ch N.I., Berdanova O.V., Gry`nchuk N.M.//: navch. posibny`k — K.: NADU ; Proekt REOP ; K.I.S. , 2014 — 117 s.
9.Prognozuvannya rozvy`tku tery`torij. Ekonomichne prognozuvannya : navch. posib. z kompakt-dy`skom / Yu. P. Sharov, O. Yu. Bobrovs`ka, M. A. Laty`nin [ta in.] ; za zag. nauk. red. M. M. Bily`ns`koyi. — K. : K.I.S., 2014. -128s. Rezhy`m dostupu: http://www.ebed.org.ua/sites/expertise.one2action.com/files/repo/ebed_economic_ manual _for_web.pdf
10. Didy`k V.V., Pavliv A.P. Planuvannya mist: Pidruchny`k / V.V. Didy`k, A.P. Pavliv. – L`viv: Vy`davny`cztvo Nacional`nogo universy`tetu «L`vivs`ka politexnika», 2006. – 412 s.
2.Zakon Ukrayiny` «Pro Derzhavny`j zemel`ny`j kadastr» stanom na 7 ly`pnya 2011 r. / Oficz. visny`k Ukrayiny`. – 2011 r., # 60, stattya 2405. – s. 64.
3.Gabrel` M. M Prostorova organizaciya mistobudivny`x sy`stem / M. M. Gabrel`. – K.: Vy`davny`chy`j dim A.A.S, 2004. – 400 s.
4.Gorbatyuk V. M. Pro planuvannya kory`doriv ekologichnoyi merezhi na regional`nomu rivni upravlinnya zemel`ny`my` resursamy` / V. M. Gorbatyuk // Visny`k Nacional`nogo universy`tetu vodnogo gospodarstva ta pry`rodokory`stuvannya. – 2009. – Vy`p. 3 (47). – Ch. 2. – S. 442 – 447.
5.Dorosh O. S. Teorety`chni zasady` zonuvannya zemel` v Ukrayini : naukova monografiya / O.S. Dorosh, N.V. Isachenko, A.G. Marty`n, S.O. Osy`pchuk, G.K. Loyik. - K.: MVCz «Medinfarm», 2011.-183 s.
6.Parxomenko V., Proshko V., Mavko P. Strategichne planuvannya rozvy`tku gromady`. — L.: Spolox, 2002. — 160 s.
7.Stechenko D. M. Upravlinnya regional`ny`m rozvy`tkom: Navch. posib. — K.: Vy`shha shk., 2000. — 224 s.
8.Prognozuvannya rozvy`tku tery`torij. Benchmarking/ Blishhuk K.M., Matviyishy`n Ye.G., Baldy`ch N.I., Berdanova O.V., Gry`nchuk N.M.//: navch. posibny`k — K.: NADU ; Proekt REOP ; K.I.S. , 2014 — 117 s.
9.Prognozuvannya rozvy`tku tery`torij. Ekonomichne prognozuvannya : navch. posib. z kompakt-dy`skom / Yu. P. Sharov, O. Yu. Bobrovs`ka, M. A. Laty`nin [ta in.] ; za zag. nauk. red. M. M. Bily`ns`koyi. — K. : K.I.S., 2014. -128s. Rezhy`m dostupu: http://www.ebed.org.ua/sites/expertise.one2action.com/files/repo/ebed_economic_ manual _for_web.pdf
10. Didy`k V.V., Pavliv A.P. Planuvannya mist: Pidruchny`k / V.V. Didy`k, A.P. Pavliv. – L`viv: Vy`davny`cztvo Nacional`nogo universy`tetu «L`vivs`ka politexnika», 2006. – 412 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• written reports on practical work, oral questioning, control work (40%);
• final control (60%, control measure, exam): written-oral form (60%).
• final control (60%, control measure, exam): written-oral form (60%).