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Engineering Geodynamics
Спеціальність: Geodesy and Land Management
Код дисципліни: 8.193.00.M.26
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Engineering Geodesy
Лектор: Ph.D professor Tserklevych Anatoliy Leontiyovich
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- to know geological and engineering-geodynamic processes;
- to know the features of scientific knowledge and scientific activity;
- to know the methods of engineering and geodynamic researches;
- possess methods of research and presentation of information in the course of geodynamic monitoring.
- to know the features of scientific knowledge and scientific activity;
- to know the methods of engineering and geodynamic researches;
- possess methods of research and presentation of information in the course of geodynamic monitoring.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Philosophy and methodology of science;
• Monitoring and forecasting of the strained-deformed state of territories, buildings and structures
• Statistics and mathematical modeling in Geosciences;
• Predicting the development of the territories.
• Philosophy and methodology of science;
• Monitoring and forecasting of the strained-deformed state of territories, buildings and structures
• Statistics and mathematical modeling in Geosciences;
• Predicting the development of the territories.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Engineering Geodynamics as a science, connection with other sciences. Stages of development of Engineering Geodynamics, its present state and main sections. The terms "engineering-geological conditions" and "engineering-geological element". Human engineering activity as a geological factor. Dynamics of geological environment, engineering - geological processes. Engineering-geological zoning. The role and tasks of the Engineering Geodynamics in solving economic and environmental problems.
Рекомендована література:
1. Vizhva SA Geophysical monitoring of dangerous geological processes. - K .: VGR "Horizons", 2004. - 236 p.
2. Lomtadze V.D. Engineering geology. Engineering geodynamics. - L.: Nedra, 1977. - 479 p.
3. Bondarik GK Engineering-geological surveys: a textbook / GK Bondarik, LA Yarg.- M .: KSU, 2007.- 424 p.
4. Ivanov I.P. Engineering geodynamics. –Sbb: Science, 2001.-416 p.
5. Bondarik G.K, Pendin V.V., Yarg L.A. Engineering geodynamics / Textbook. –M., KSU, 2007, 440p.
2. Lomtadze V.D. Engineering geology. Engineering geodynamics. - L.: Nedra, 1977. - 479 p.
3. Bondarik GK Engineering-geological surveys: a textbook / GK Bondarik, LA Yarg.- M .: KSU, 2007.- 424 p.
4. Ivanov I.P. Engineering geodynamics. –Sbb: Science, 2001.-416 p.
5. Bondarik G.K, Pendin V.V., Yarg L.A. Engineering geodynamics / Textbook. –M., KSU, 2007, 440p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Lectures, laboratory practicals, students individual work
• written reports on practical works (15%), individual research assignment (25%)
• examination control, written and oral form: written component - (50%,); oral component - (10%)
• written reports on practical works (15%), individual research assignment (25%)
• examination control, written and oral form: written component - (50%,); oral component - (10%)