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Psycho-Pedagogy of Creativity

Major: Professional Education
Code of Subject: 8.015.00.M.9
Credits: 3
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: prof. Shvay Roksolyana Ivanivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
•knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the student's age in the implementation of organizational, analytical and social functions in the education of the creative personality, patterns and features of its development;
• ability to provide a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff;
• ability to show and develop creative qualities of a person, to apply methods of teaching creativity.
Required prior and related subjects:
Professional pedagogy
Summary of the subject:
Conceptual categorical apparatus of creativity psychopedagogy. Сreativity and innovation. Types of creativity. Сreative imagination. Modern theories of creativity. An egalitarian and elitist approach to creativity. Creative cognitive styles. Methodical systems of creativity development Methods of creativity research. Creativity trainings.
Recommended Books:
1. Horalskyi A. Pravyla treninhu tvorchosti / A. Horalskyi. –L'viv: VNTL, 1998. – 52 s.
2. Horalskyi i A. Teoriya tvorchosti / A. Horalskyi – L'viv.: Kamenyar; Warszawa: Universitas rediviva, 2002. – 144 s.
3. Elektronnyy navchal'no-metodychnyy kompleks (ENMK) “Psykholohiya tvorchosti” dlya studentiv Instytutu prava ta psykholohiyi napryamu pidhotovky 6.03010300 “Praktychna psykholohiya”.
4. Psykholohichne doslidzhennya tvorchoho potentsialu osobystosti [monohrafiya / nauk. ker. Molyako V. O.]. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2008. – 208 s.
5. Shvay R.I. Psykholohiya ta pedahohika tvorchosti: navch. posibnyk/Roksolyana Shvay. - L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2014. – 200 s.

Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (oral form, 35%)
• examination control (65%, written and oral form)

Psycho-Pedagogy of Creativity

Major: Vocational Education (by subject specialization)
Code of Subject: 8.015.00.M.9
Credits: 3
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: prof. Shvay Roksolyana Ivanivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
•knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the student's age in the implementation of organizational, analytical and social functions in the education of the creative personality, patterns and features of its development;
• ability to provide a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff;
• ability to show and develop creative qualities of a person, to apply methods of teaching creativity.
Required prior and related subjects:
Professional pedagogy
Summary of the subject:
Conceptual categorical apparatus of creativity psychopedagogy. Сreativity and innovation. Types of creativity. Сreative imagination. Modern theories of creativity. An egalitarian and elitist approach to creativity. Creative cognitive styles. Methodical systems of creativity development Methods of creativity research. Creativity trainings.
Recommended Books:
1. Horalskyi A. Pravyla treninhu tvorchosti / A. Horalskyi. –L'viv: VNTL, 1998. – 52 s.
2. Horalskyi i A. Teoriya tvorchosti / A. Horalskyi – L'viv.: Kamenyar; Warszawa: Universitas rediviva, 2002. – 144 s.
3. Elektronnyy navchal'no-metodychnyy kompleks (ENMK) “Psykholohiya tvorchosti” dlya studentiv Instytutu prava ta psykholohiyi napryamu pidhotovky 6.03010300 “Praktychna psykholohiya”.
4. Psykholohichne doslidzhennya tvorchoho potentsialu osobystosti [monohrafiya / nauk. ker. Molyako V. O.]. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2008. – 208 s.
5. Shvay R.I. Psykholohiya ta pedahohika tvorchosti: navch. posibnyk/Roksolyana Shvay. - L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2014. – 200 s.

Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (oral form, 35%)
• examination control (65%, written and oral form)