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Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

Major: Professional Education
Code of Subject: 8.015.00.M.8
Credits: 3
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Ph.D. (History). Associate Professor Hanna Shevchuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following programmatic learning outcomes:
- the ability to use in practice the theoretical foundations of the methodology of vocational education, laws, principles and methods of teaching, educational technologies in the educational process of vocational school;
- knowledge about the structure of pedagogical technology, levels of technology, quality of modern technologies, scientific bases of pedagogical technologies;
- ability to model the educational process on the basis of technological approach ;.
- the ability to organize the educational process using interactive, effective learning technologies.
Required prior and related subjects:
professional pedagogy
Summary of the subject:
Teaching technology. The structure of educational technology. Criteria for manufacturability. Technology and content of education. The technology and skills. Sources and components of new educational technologies. Classification of educational technology. Personal orientated teaching technology. Developing training technologies. The technology of Alternative Teaching. Technology Authorial schools.
Recommended Books:
1. Дичківська І.М. Інноваційні педагогічні технології – Київ, Академ. видав., 2015.
2. Освітні технології: Навч. – метод. посіб. / О.М. Пєхота, А.З. Кіктенко та ін.; За заг. Ред. О.М. Пєхоти. – К.: 2003.
3. Сутність педагогічної інноватики [електронний підручник]. Режим доступу: http://textbooks.net.ua/content/view/6040/49/
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (oral form 40%);
• control examination (written, written-oral form - 60%)

Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

Major: Vocational Education (by subject specialization)
Code of Subject: 8.015.00.M.8
Credits: 3
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Ph.D. (History). Associate Professor Hanna Shevchuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following programmatic learning outcomes:
- the ability to use in practice the theoretical foundations of the methodology of vocational education, laws, principles and methods of teaching, educational technologies in the educational process of vocational school;
- knowledge about the structure of pedagogical technology, levels of technology, quality of modern technologies, scientific bases of pedagogical technologies;
- ability to model the educational process on the basis of technological approach ;.
- the ability to organize the educational process using interactive, effective learning technologies.
Required prior and related subjects:
professional pedagogy
Summary of the subject:
Teaching technology. The structure of educational technology. Criteria for manufacturability. Technology and content of education. The technology and skills. Sources and components of new educational technologies. Classification of educational technology. Personal orientated teaching technology. Developing training technologies. The technology of Alternative Teaching. Technology Authorial schools.
Recommended Books:
1. Дичківська І.М. Інноваційні педагогічні технології – Київ, Академ. видав., 2015.
2. Освітні технології: Навч. – метод. посіб. / О.М. Пєхота, А.З. Кіктенко та ін.; За заг. Ред. О.М. Пєхоти. – К.: 2003.
3. Сутність педагогічної інноватики [електронний підручник]. Режим доступу: http://textbooks.net.ua/content/view/6040/49/
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (oral form 40%);
• control examination (written, written-oral form - 60%)