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Bioinformatics and Information Technology in Biotechnology

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of Subject: 8.162.00.O.3
Credits: 3
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Docent, Ph.D., Senior researcher, Sofiya Vasylyuk, Assistant, Ph.D. Natalia Monka
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• be able to use the Internet for data analysis, survey of scientific information obtained by other researchers;
• be able to receive and correctly use the information accumulated in databases about structure of genomes, proteins and others;
• be able to use a variety of programs for modelling of various biological processes, the ability to decrypt, structure prediction and design of necessary proteins;
• be able to analyze the organization and evolution of genome and the influece of biologically active substances in the chain: gene-protein-function; to use received information for new biotechnologies and new drugs development.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: Molecular biology; Bioengineering (cell and genetic); Genetics (general and molecular)
Co-requisites: Molecular biotechnology and bioengineering; Biotechnology and bioengineering of plants and genome analysis methods; Genetics and selection of microorganisms
Summary of the subject:
Principles of bioinformatics. Information technology and processes. Information technology in the systems of management. Computer systems in technology, organization, planning and management. Information technology in education. Working with scientific literature: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Publish or Perish, PubMed, Scopus, Mendeley. Sources of biological information and databases online. Classification and types of databases. Biological sequences. Information in molecular biology. Genome and proteome. Genomics. Genome mapping. Proteomics. Protein structure and informatics. Methods of bioinformatical analysis. Substitution matrix. The algorithms of sequences alignment. Phylogenetic analysis. Information principles in biotechnology. Sequencing of biological sequences and gene expression. The functioning and organization of genomes. Analysis of the genomes. Analysis and prediction of protein. Bioinformatics in pharmaceutical biotechnology. Medical genomics and pharmacogenomics. The technology of computer modelling. In silico methods in developing of new bioactive substances.
Recommended Books:
1. Леск А.М. Введение в биоинформатику Издательство: Бином. Лаборатория знаний, 2009, 318с.
2. Огурцов А.Н. Основы биоинформатики.– X.: НТУ «ХПИ», 2013. – 400 с.
3. Borchardt R., Kerns E., Hageman M., Thakker D., Stevens J. Eds. Optimizing the “drug-like” Properties of Leads in Drug Discovery, Vol. 4. – New York: Springer, 2007, 511 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral questioning, individual works – 20 points;
• final control (exam) – 80 points (written-oral form).