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Physicochemical and Biophysical Methods of Identification of Bio-Organics

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of Subject: 8.162.00.O.9
Credits: 3
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: DSc Havryliak Viktoriia
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
to know the modern research methods in the field of biotechnology and bioengineering for development new biotechnological objects;
- to know modern methods of studying and identification of GMOs, immuno- and DNA diagnostics;
- be able to use physicochemical methods to solve analytical problems, to combine these methods;
- be able to apply the most effective methods for the analysis of compounds, to interpret the results.
Required prior and related subjects:
Methods of fine organic synthesis
Control methods in biotechnology
Chemistry 3 (Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Methods of Analysis), Part 1
Chemistry 3 (Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Methods of Analysis), Part 2

Summary of the subject:
The concept and definition of physico-chemical methods of analysis of bioorganic compounds. Polarimetry. Refractometry. Photometric methods. Types of spectrophotometry. Chromatography basics. Electrophoresis. Nuclear magnetic resonance, its types. Mass spectrometry. X-ray structural analysis. Fluorescence analysis of the substances. Microscopy, its types. Potentiometry. Computer identification of compounds.
Recommended Books:
1. Зінчук В.К., Левицька Г.Д., Дубенська Л.О. Фізико-хімічні методи аналізу. Навч. посібник. - Львів: В-во ЛНУ ім І. Франка
2. СиЛьверстейн Р., Басслер Г., Моррил Т. Спектрометрическая идентификация органических соединений. — М.: Мир, 1977.
3. Казицына Л. А., Куплетская Н.Б., Применение УФ, ИК и ЯМР-спектроскопии в органической химии. — М.: Висшая школа, 1971.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Written-oral control - 20 points;
Final control (exam) - 80 points