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CNC Programming (курсовий проект)

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of Subject: 6.131.01.E.91
Credits: 3
Department: Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer: Volodymyr Gurey
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the structure and working principle of CNC machine tools and automatic transfer lines of various technological purpose, various configurations of robotic systems and flexible automated systems;
- be able to choose the right equipment to perform the specified work;
- be able to choose the cutting and auxiliary tools;
- be able to make control programs for turning and milling processing, processing the holes.
Required prior and related subjects:
- machines and equipment industry
- 3D simulation,
- computer simulation and automation engineering calculations
- technological bases of engineering.
Summary of the subject:
Structures of configurations of CNC machines. Choose the necessary equipment to manufacture parts. Choose the workpiece. Defining machining allowances. Axis system of the machine and parts. Cutting tools. Calculate cutting conditions. Auxiliary tools. Types of CNC of machines and development operating programs. Automatic correction of tool radius.
Recommended Books:
1. Кузнецов Ю.М. Верстати з ЧПУ та верстатні комплекси : підручник / Ю.М. Кузнецов. Підручник. – К. : Гнозіс, 2001. – 298 с.
2. Кузнецов Ю.М. Цільові механізми верстатів-автоматів і верстатів з ЧПК : підручник / Ю.М. Кузнецов. Підручник. – К. : Гнозіс, 2001. – 354 с.
3. Аніщенко М.В. Системи числового програмного керування : посібник / М.В. Аніщенко – Харків : Підручник НТУ «ХПІ», 2012. – 312 с.
4. Ловыгин А.А. Современный станок с ЧПУ и CAD/CAM-система А.А. Ловыгин, Л.В.Теверовский – М.: ДМК Пресс, 2012 – 279 с.
5. Горбацевич А.Ф., Шкред В.А. Курсовое проектирование по технологии машиностроение: Учебное пособие для вузов. – 5-е издание, стереотипное. Перепечатка с четвертого издания 1983 г. – М.: ООО ИД «Альянс», 2007. – 256 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
defense of term paper: differential test (100%)

CNC Programming (курсовий проект)

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of Subject: 6.131.02.E.117
Credits: 3
Department: Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer: Volodymyr Gurey
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the structure and working principle of CNC machine tools and automatic transfer lines of various technological purpose, various configurations of robotic systems and flexible automated systems;
- be able to choose the right equipment to perform the specified work;
- be able to choose the cutting and auxiliary tools;
- be able to make control programs for turning and milling processing, processing the holes.
Required prior and related subjects:
- machines and equipment industry
- 3D simulation,
- computer simulation and automation engineering calculations
- technological bases of engineering.
Summary of the subject:
Structures of configurations of CNC machines. Choose the necessary equipment to manufacture parts. Choose the workpiece. Defining machining allowances. Axis system of the machine and parts. Cutting tools. Calculate cutting conditions. Auxiliary tools. Types of CNC of machines and development operating programs. Automatic correction of tool radius.
Recommended Books:
1. Кузнецов Ю.М. Верстати з ЧПУ та верстатні комплекси : підручник / Ю.М. Кузнецов. Підручник. – К. : Гнозіс, 2001. – 298 с.
2. Кузнецов Ю.М. Цільові механізми верстатів-автоматів і верстатів з ЧПК : підручник / Ю.М. Кузнецов. Підручник. – К. : Гнозіс, 2001. – 354 с.
3. Аніщенко М.В. Системи числового програмного керування : посібник / М.В. Аніщенко – Харків : Підручник НТУ «ХПІ», 2012. – 312 с.
4. Ловыгин А.А. Современный станок с ЧПУ и CAD/CAM-система А.А. Ловыгин, Л.В.Теверовский – М.: ДМК Пресс, 2012 – 279 с.
5. Горбацевич А.Ф., Шкред В.А. Курсовое проектирование по технологии машиностроение: Учебное пособие для вузов. – 5-е издание, стереотипное. Перепечатка с четвертого издания 1983 г. – М.: ООО ИД «Альянс», 2007. – 256 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
defense of term paper: differential test (100%)

CNC Programming

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of Subject: 6.131.01.E.88
Credits: 6.5
Department: Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer: Volodymyr Gurey
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- know the designation of cutting tools for CNC machines according to the standard ISO;
- know the systems and methods of numerical programming CNC machines;
- know the basic codes for programming machine-tools;
- be able to choose the cutting tools and modes of cutting using electronic catalog;
- be able to program machining cycles;
- be able to input and output data to CNC systems.

Required prior and related subjects:
- CNC machines and machine tools;
- Systems of 3-D simulation;
- Computer simulation and automation of engineering calculations.
Summary of the subject:
Fundamentals of the mathematical description of the geometric parameters of surface. The basing of parts. Recording the code of cutting tools according (ISO). Selection of cutting tools and modes of processing using electronic directory. Systems and methods of numerical programming. Manual numerical programming of machine tools. The structure of the control program. Programming functions of motion of processing the screw, functions related to coordinate systems programming of functions associated with the tool and its size. Parametric programming. Programming machining cycles. Input and output data in CNC systems. Simulation of processing. Equipment for CNC machines. Determination the coordinate of the workpiece. Methods for describing the size of tools. The symbols in machine control systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Anishchenko M.V. Systemy chyslovoho prohramnoho keruvannya : posibnyk / M.V. Anishchenko – Kharkiv : Pidruchnyk NTU «KHPI», 2012. – 312 s.
2. Lovyhyn A.A. Sovremennyy stanok s CHPU y CAD/CAM-systema A.A. Lovyhyn, L.V.Teverovskyy – M.: DMK Press, 2012 – 279 s.
3. Hevko B. M., Matviychyk A. B. Tekhnolohiya obrobky na verstatakh z CHPK. Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Ternopil, TDTU. 2004r. 131s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- written reports of laboratory work, practical training, oral examination, reference work (30%);
- final control (exam): written, oral form (70%).

CNC Programming

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of Subject: 6.131.02.E.115
Credits: 6.5
Department: Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer: Volodymyr Gurey
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- know the designation of cutting tools for CNC machines according to the standard ISO;
- know the systems and methods of numerical programming CNC machines;
- know the basic codes for programming machine-tools;
- be able to choose the cutting tools and modes of cutting using electronic catalog;
- be able to program machining cycles;
- be able to input and output data to CNC systems.

Required prior and related subjects:
- CNC machines and machine tools;
- Systems of 3-D simulation;
- Computer simulation and automation of engineering calculations.
Summary of the subject:
Fundamentals of the mathematical description of the geometric parameters of surface. The basing of parts. Recording the code of cutting tools according (ISO). Selection of cutting tools and modes of processing using electronic directory. Systems and methods of numerical programming. Manual numerical programming of machine tools. The structure of the control program. Programming functions of motion of processing the screw, functions related to coordinate systems programming of functions associated with the tool and its size. Parametric programming. Programming machining cycles. Input and output data in CNC systems. Simulation of processing. Equipment for CNC machines. Determination the coordinate of the workpiece. Methods for describing the size of tools. The symbols in machine control systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Anishchenko M.V. Systemy chyslovoho prohramnoho keruvannya : posibnyk / M.V. Anishchenko – Kharkiv : Pidruchnyk NTU «KHPI», 2012. – 312 s.
2. Lovyhyn A.A. Sovremennyy stanok s CHPU y CAD/CAM-systema A.A. Lovyhyn, L.V.Teverovskyy – M.: DMK Press, 2012 – 279 s.
3. Hevko B. M., Matviychyk A. B. Tekhnolohiya obrobky na verstatakh z CHPK. Navchalnyy posibnyk. – Ternopil, TDTU. 2004r. 131s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- written reports of laboratory work, practical training, oral examination, reference work (30%);
- final control (exam): written, oral form (70%).