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Technological Equipping
Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of Subject: 6.131.03.E.139
Credits: 5
Department: Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Lytvyniak Yaroslav
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of study of discipline a specialist must know: theoretical bases, principles, methods of machine-tool devices planning, structure, setting, principle of work, certain types of devices, methodology of choice and application on the corresponding types of technological equipment, structure of calculation of separate structural elements of technological devices in accordance with the put technological, organizational and other tasks.
The prepared specialist must be able: To analyses influence of entry structurally-technological parameters of detail or knot on the feature of structural schematics of machine-tool devices constructions .To carry out the quality and calculation choice of charts of basing and establishment of purveyances in machine-tool, frame-clamping devices, To choose to the type to resistance and clamping elements, To carry out calculations, most the loaded details of device to use normative documents, to appoint the basic technical requirements to the device, that follow from the technological process of making of detail, carry out a choice and apply typical kinds and constructions of devices in practice, to choose methods and controls that assist the receipt of rational technic and economy indexes of the manufacturing rigging.
The prepared specialist must be able: To analyses influence of entry structurally-technological parameters of detail or knot on the feature of structural schematics of machine-tool devices constructions .To carry out the quality and calculation choice of charts of basing and establishment of purveyances in machine-tool, frame-clamping devices, To choose to the type to resistance and clamping elements, To carry out calculations, most the loaded details of device to use normative documents, to appoint the basic technical requirements to the device, that follow from the technological process of making of detail, carry out a choice and apply typical kinds and constructions of devices in practice, to choose methods and controls that assist the receipt of rational technic and economy indexes of the manufacturing rigging.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous disciplines: Production process of metals and construction materials; Interchangeability, standartization and technic measurements; Cutting theory; Planning of cutting instruments and instrumental providing.
Concomitant disciplines: Manufacturing engineering production; Planning and manufacturing of metal-cutting instruments making.
Concomitant disciplines: Manufacturing engineering production; Planning and manufacturing of metal-cutting instruments making.
Summary of the subject:
Entry. Aim and task of discipline. Basic concepts and determinations.
A concept is about a technological equipment. Classification of devices on purpose, by the degree of specialization and level of mechanization. Official setting of devices. General requirements that behave to the devices. A role and setting of devices are in the technological processes of treatment cutting.
Establishment of purveyances is in devices. Principles of establishment of purveyances are in devices. Bases, types of bases of inaccuracy of basing, establishment, fixing. Typical charts of establishment of purveyances are in devices. Establishment is on a plane.
Locating elements (supports) of devices, construction, requirement to supports, materials for their making. Establishment of purveyances is on an external cylindrical surface. Types of prisms. There are inaccuracy of v-block. Frames, their types and constructions and principle of work. Establishment of purveyances is on locating and diamond pin and plane perpendicular to them. Structural features cylindrical and cut away. Fingers. Establishment of purveyances is on toothed surfaces. Materials for making of fingers.
Fixing of purveyances (wares) in devices, clamping elements and power knots of devices. Forces that operate on a purveyance in the process of working. Calculation of forces of clamp. Setting of clamping elements and requirements is to them. Material is for making of clamps.
Elementary clamps. To the screw and wedge clamps. Cantilever and double-seat clamps, plunger clamps. There is a betweenness by forces of occasion and forces of fixing. Eccentric person clamps. Setting and principle of action. Lever and joint-lever clamps. Types of joint-lever clamps. Centring clamping elements of devices. Collets, their kinds and constructions. Hydro-plastic frames, applications and setting of collets and frames. Collets, their kinds and constructions.
Power driver (occasions of machine-tool devices). Pneumatic cylinders, hydrocylinders, Pneumatic and hydro combine cylinders, electro-agile drivers. Power calculation.
Types of occasions. Pneumatic, hydraulic vacuum, electromechanics, magnetic and those that over is brought in an action by cutting forces. Structure and principle of work.
Elements of devices are for co-ordinating, aspiration and control of instrument position.
Conductor hobs, setting, constructions and requirements, are to them. Material is for making of conductor hobs. Conductors, their types of setting of conductors.
Corps, special parts and mechanisms of devices. Types of corps, their kinds and setting. Requirements that behave to them. Materials for making and methods of receipt of purveyances of corps are for devices. Methods of basing and fixing of corps are on the tables of machine-tools (фрезувальних, aggregate, merry-go-round, lathe and others like that).
Turning and dividing mechanisms, constructions.
Frame-clamping devices. Types of frame-clamping devices, them official setting. Construction and principles of work. Devices are for the automatic and mechanized stowage of wares.
Control devices, basic concepts. Official setting and component elements of control adaptations. Control devices are for the automated production. Schematics of control devices. Requirements that behave to them in the process of making.
Standardization of technological equipment. Generals. Universal collapsible devices . Universal over adjustment devices. Structural features and setting of devices. Devices are for the batch-processing of purveyances. Devices-companions.
Devices are for establishment and fixing of working instruments. The official setting, requirements is to the construction of auxiliary instruments (frames, cartridges etc.).
Directions of development of constructions of devices are for machine-tools with numerical control and flex-fabs. Devices are for robotics machine-tool complexes.
Recommended Books:
1.Боженко Л.І. Проектування верстатного спорядження. – Львів: Світ, 2001. – 296 с.
2.Богуслаев В.А., Леховицер В.А., Смирнов А.С. Станочные приспособления: Монография. – Запорожье: ВАТ „Мотор Сич”, 2000. – 461 с. (рос.)
2.Богуслаев В.А., Леховицер В.А., Смирнов А.С. Станочные приспособления: Монография. – Запорожье: ВАТ „Мотор Сич”, 2000. – 461 с. (рос.)
Assessment methods and criteria:
Knowledge assessment comes true after such methods: Defenses of reports to laboratory works in oral by questioning after the subjects of laboratory work; Defenses of control work in oral by questioning after the subjects of control work; Realization to examination comes true in writing after tasks that consist of three-level tasks. Stream control is 30 points. An examination estimation is 70 points. A general estimation is 100 points.