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Pedagogical Workshops

Спеціальність: Educational, Pedagogical Sciences
Код дисципліни: 8.011.00.O.11
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Лектор: doctor of sciences, professor Vykhrushch Vira Olexandryvna, doctor of sciences, professor Kozlovsky Yuri
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
- know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the educational process in modern higher education, methodology of the subjects of the educational process, psychological and pedagogical training of future professionals in terms of higher education, are teaching learning models, means the optimal organization of educational activities and management, new technology training, system forms of teaching in universities, methods of collection and processing of general historical and educational material;
- be able to analyze and simulate didactic interaction on the subject - subject basis; design and implement in practice, education and technological environment in universities; it is advisable to use appropriate diagnostic methods and techniques.
- the ability to organize educational and technological environment and learning process in university based on innovative approaches to tailor the experience of previous generations and the latest technology to the specific conditions of the educational environment.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
pedagogy, history of pedagogy, professional pedagogy, basics of school management, logic, philosophy of science, methodology of teaching pedagogy.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Psycho-pedagogical foundations of the educational process in modern higher education. Methodical principles of activity of the educational process, psychological and pedagogical training of future professionals in terms of higher education. The scientific part of the professional training of students and the teacher in terms of higher education.
Рекомендована література:
1. 1. Aleksyuk A.M. Pedagogika vy`shhoyi osvity` Ukrayiny`: Istoriya. Teoriya/ A.M.Aleksyuk. - K.,1998. – 558 s.
2. Vy`xrushh V.O. Psy`xody`dakty`ka vy`shhoyi shkoly`: innovacijni metody` navchannya/ V.O.Vy`xrushh, S.V.Gumenyuk, O.A.Vy`xrushh-Oleksyuk. - Ternopil`: Krok, 2017. - 280 c.
3. Dy`dakty`chni sy`stemy` u vy`shhij osviti/[avt. - uporyadny`k V.V.Bojchenko]. - Uman`: PP Zhovty`j O.O., 2013. - 121 s.
4. Pedagogichny`j prakty`kum dlya aspirantiv vy`shhy`x navchal`ny`x zakladiv. - Xmel`ny`cz`ky`j, 2016. - 62 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
: written reports of practical work, oral examination (90%); exam, written-oral form (10%)